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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. That's the point of the thread. @Frybert?
  2. Banned for Lego. wait a minute oops
  3. Banned for Foxhound. This is a better one.
  4. They were just added into 1.2 and let you upgrade the stats of a part.
  5. Or we could install Bukkit and use an existing economy plugin.
  6. We were talking about 9gag. Have some JPEG.
  7. It's good. First anime I've watched besides scattered Pokemon episodes when I was around 6.
  8. fx (no vowels, best i can do) kdfnbpkjsdfbpkdab pijdan bp
  9. Looks good, but make sure to get the 6GB version of the 1060. And for a keyboard I'd get a Ducky or a Pok3r, those are great (Duckys are a little more expensive, though). For a mouse I really like my Logitech G602, but I've heard the Corsairs are good. For a monitor I've heard Asus is good, but I personally have a Panasonic 1920x1080 and like it, but don't know how it stacks up. Processor is great, RAM is great, but I'd get a 2TB HDD instead.
  10. Playing my KSP install. Haha, your mods aren't updated yet! Although I did start watching Planetes today. 12 episodes in... weeb.exe has initiated
  11. Granted. All of your posts on the forums are deleted.
  12. Floor 864: You realize you are playing the wrong game and continue to the next floor.
  13. This is Major Tom to ground control.
  14. Now it's time to leave the capsule, if you da-a-a-are.
  15. Oops, off-topic post. Please delete.
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