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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. Scotland and the worst of it is if I could afford to move just 1 km north I could get really fast fibre and nearly a third cheaper.
  2. Because Microsoft have set quite a few folders to hidden on the belief that most users will never need to touch anything inside them so it's better to not show them at all. (They have a point - some of the files in some of those folders can break parts of Windows if tampered with carelessly but it's also where quite a few programs hide their settings, log and debug files - like Unity/KSP) https://www.techjunkie.com/show-hidden-files-windows-10/ 500+ MB ! Ouch that's going to take me a while to download (curse my crappy ASDL). For future reference plain text files like this zip really well often ending up as little as 5% of their original size.
  3. @DarkNounours I'd suggest using %type and %defaultScale to prevent any risk of them getting duplicated if there's another patch somewhere trying to set TweakScale config for the same part(s). Or if somebody accidentally copies the patch file into their directory in two separate locations.
  4. That's odd. Try this instead. It's a different shortcut to the same folder: %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program Copy that line of text. Press the windows key on your keyboard. Press Ctrl-V to paste and then hit Enter to accept the offered best match.
  5. Looks like it's: 0 <= lon < 360; 0 <= lat < 180 Cribbed from SCANsat/scanutil.cs line#404 and lines#474-481
  6. ksp.log is in the KSP directory. All the other log files are in the Windows Appdata folder which can be reached by just copying the link I gave (%AppData%\..\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program) into Windows Explorer address bar
  7. KSP hasn't written output_log.txt into the KSP folder for a while now. The detailed logs and crash dumps now go to %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program When you ran your new install to generate the module manager cache it should have written an output_log.txt there (or player.log). Although the ksp.log file can also be useful sometimes as it has timing information that can help tell how frequently messages are being written. Your MM cache looks fine, with the correct definition for the SCANsat modules in dmmagBoom. (The older MM cache you posted also had no errors in the dmmagBoom record)
  8. Nothing conclusive from those logs but there are a lot of lines like: [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Controller] [Scansat Duna (unloaded)]: Regenerating electrical data [Dynamic Battery Storage]: [Controller] [Scansat Duna (unloaded)]: Could not find an electrical storage part Plus other errors and exceptions coming from DynamicBatteryStorage. Checking the version hash, it's different from the one I have in my current 1.7.3 game, so it might be worth checking that you've got the latest compatible version installed.
  9. Personally, I'm delighted if one of my large deep space vessels has a TWR over 0.2 when leaving Kerbin orbit - most of them are much lower.
  10. I don't normally use the mag boom for resource scanning because it's got a very narrow range of operating altitudes (30 to 60 km). However, I threw a quick over-engineered probe into a low polar Minmus orbit in a new sandbox 1.7.3 save (DMOS 1.4.2) and it worked fine. If you're trying to scan at the right altitude then there's probably something wrong in your install or a clash with another mod and we'll need logs to try and figure that out.
  11. Yes, but you'll have to do quite a bit of editing to remove all the science results. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!! Open the persistent.sfs file in a text editor. Search for: name = ResearchAndDevelopment You should find something like this: Carefully delete all those Science {...} nodes Optional: edit the sci = XXXXX line to be sci = 0 to reset your total science points That will have removed all the standard stock and modded science results (but not the breaking ground deployed science or some of the more specialised modded science) Search for name = ProgressTracking You should find something like: Carefully remove everything inside the Progress { } brackets while leaving the brackets That will reset all the progress tracking so that you can get the "returned from orbit", "returned from minmus surface" etc. science again. If you have breaking ground and want to reset the deployed science then that's a bit more complicated. Easiest way is to create a fresh new save and copy the SCENARIO { name = DeployedScience ... } section from that and use it to replace the corresponding section of the save you are editing. If you have DMagic Orbital Science and want to redo an asteroid science mission then you need to search for name = DMScienceScenario replace the found section with the starting values: I think that covers the main points. Part mods with extra experiments will generally have been reset by editing the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario. Mods with "complex" or highly modified science systems (e.g. Kerbalism) may require special handling.
  12. @Havan_IronOak56 Do you have Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux installed? It has a "Visual Observation" experiment on some of its cupola parts.
  13. @CaptainPyke You should be able to transfer ore just fine using an RTS <==> JS 1 connection. I just tested by adding radial holding tanks to a couple of stock crater crawlers and driving them just off the runway before linking them up and doing a transfer. It worked just fine. NOTE: make sure that the link mode on the pipe is set to Docked. Also if you have the obey transfer rules option enabled in difficulty settings then make sure there are no blocking parts (like heat shields or decouplers) between the tanks and the RTS/JS connection points.
  14. PS: you can also find lights in the editor by looking for the "Light" module in the expanded RHS of the part description window: NOTE there may be some parts (although I don't know of any off-hand) that have a "Light" section but are actually using a different module that just displays the same name so this is less reliable than checking the ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  15. @serjames The stock lights would be the two spotlights ("Illuminator Mk1" and "Illuminator Mk2") from the utility category. The way the contract is written it is looking for any part with a Module containing the "ModuleLight" module. Which parts those are will depend on the mods you have installed. You can find which parts in your copy have the module by searching for "name = ModuleLight" (without the quote marks) inside your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file. It will generally be spotlights or headlights that are meant to shine light onto other parts. Cabin lights generally are not included (although some mods like MKS have glowing parts that light up their surroundings). For example in my own game I found that it was also present on: Bluedog Design Bureau: Apollo EVA Floodlight; Apollo Docking Floodlight Contares: LCD CUBE LeTech: LL-7M Lithobraker Landing Leg; LL-4M Lithobraker Landing Leg Near Future Spacecraft: Mk3B 'Pandora' Advanced Command Pod Squad: Illuminator Mk1; Illuminator Mk2; LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear; LY-60 Large Landing Gear; LY-35 Medium Landing Gear; LY-10 Small Landing Gear USI: Akita Core; AES Pod; HERP Pod; PackRat Rover - Front Section; Safety Light; Karibou Crew Cab; Karibou Passenger Cabin; Karibou Expedition Rover; Deployable Emergency Shelter; 'Sunflower' Portable Light Kit; UKS Orbital Shipyard; MKS Kerbitrail(tm) FlexOTube; MKS 'Ranger' Anchor Hub; MKS 'Ranger' Habitation Module; MKS 'Ranger' Inflatable Storage Module; MKS 'Ranger' Mini-Habitation Module; MKS 'Ranger' Inflatable Workshop; MKS 'Tundra' Mobile Workshop; 'Otter' Submersible Pod
  16. @serjames Do you have Surface Mounted Lights installed? "Recent" versions of that mod change the module used by stock illuminators and its own lights which can make completing the casino contract as it stands much harder since few other parts match the ModuleLight requirement. Since you've already accepted the contract patching it likely wouldn't work as I think its terms are cached inside the save file after acceptance. Probably your simplest fix is just to attach the required number of lights to your casino and then use the debug menu (ALT-F12) to force the contract to complete. Alternatively you could try this untested patch to temporarily revert the lights to using the stock module until you've finished the contract then remove it to get their full behaviour back:
  17. The total number of contracts offered by this pack is defined in the GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/BasesandStations.cfg (here) You can patch it with: @CONTRACT_GROUP[BasesandStations] { @maxSimultaneous = 5 // or however many you want } The number of "launch a space station..." contracts are defined in GameData/ContractPacks/KerbinSpaceStation/StationMissions/StationCore.cfg (here). Patch: @CONTRACT_TYPE[StationCore] { %maxSimultaneous = 1 // or whatever }
  18. Not with the download but the install step is not quite correct. After you extract the zip file look inside the AVP.v.3.83 (1) folder. You should find a GameData sub folder and then inside that an AstronomersVisualPack folder. Only the latter folder should be copied into you KSP gamedata folder. Looking at the picture of your gamedata folder it looks like scatterer may also have the same problem (nested gamedata).
  19. @Gordon Dry Three tools for examining parts in VAB to find node/transform/animation names/locations etc. Uptodate version by LGG: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NodeHelper
  20. Ah cross browser compatibility. Not as big an issue as it used to be but sometimes...
  21. @Vectorv12 The problem lines in the log can be found by opening it in a text editor and searching for [Tweakscale] error: **fatal** For example the first result (there are 6 in total) is: [LOG 01:51:18.809] [TweakScale] WARNING: **FATAL** Found a showstopper problem on SXTInlineAirIntake (XM-600 1.25m Air Intake). [LOG 01:51:18.809] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part SXTInlineAirIntake (XM-600 1.25m Air Intake) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). It tells you which part had the problem and which type of problem it was. You then want to go to the Logs/ModuleManager folder and open the ModuleManager.log. Searching that file for the part names (SXTInlineAirIntake in the first case) will let you identify all the patches that were applied to those parts and looking through those files will help find where the issues are coming from.
  22. @Dzarin Yeah, Hangar would be another option. I've used it in the past mainly for late game Grand Tour type missions where I wanted to keep the giant mothership part count down but still carry several different specialised landers, commsats, scansats etc.
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