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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. At the moment it is more up-to-date because the new beta is being tested but sometimes individual mods will get an update without a corresponding update to Constellation. All the USI mods can be found on the catalog web site which is linked from roverdudes signature. Freight Transport Technologies contains the Orca and Honeybadger heavy command pods. The Exploration Pack and Survival Pack have several tiny command pods.
  2. Constellation is the combination pack of all USI mods in one download - available from GitHub. Pre-release betas are sometimes distributed this way as well.
  3. Enabling hab incentivises designing proper sized vessels with a mix of modules rather than just sending a Kerbal off to Jool in a command chair like you can do in stock. Personally I like having a reason to put extra living space on interplanetary vessels/stations/bases other then just because they look cool. So far I don't think I'll need to adjust supply consumption rates. It's fairly easy to get a mix of recyclers and agroponics modules (MKS) which can extend life support for a small crew a long time with a reasonable amount of fertilizer - and a mining rig or two on each colonised world converting gypsum or minerals to fertilizer can keep them supplied indefinitely for very little effort. Setting up a supplies/fertilizer surplus to resupply interplanetary vessels is only a little more effort (especially with orbital logistics making a come back in the latest Constellation beta).
  4. I'm currently playing a 6.4x career and the only things I changed were the "Homeworld altitude" (to account for thicker atmosphere) and "Hab months" (increased from 0.25 to 0.6 to compensate for longer journey times to Kerbin's moons in early career) All USI times are shown correctly in 10.5 hr days and 616 day years. At the moment I'm just using map mode and plotting a manoeuvre of the appropriate transfer orbit and checking the time to apoapsis to get transfer times. I plan to "hack" a copy of Transfer Window Planner to work with Kronometer before I go interplanetary (I'll submit a pull request of my changes to TriggerAu when I'm done - I've already sent a PR for modified Kerbal Alarm Clock) I play all sorts from near pure stock to full scale Realism Overhall with Stock System, GPP, RSS, and I'm thinking about starting a KSS play-through as well. My current 6.4x game is my first foray into upscaled USI-LS and MKS. Setting up long duration exploration vessels or off-world bases doesn't look like it will be much more difficult than using OPM at stock scale - other than needing larger launchers (for which I'm using SMURFF to improve mass fractions of tanks and thrust of engines).
  5. You need to make sure the folder names and texture names are correct. Take a look at Diverse Kerbal Heads for an example pack.
  6. Unfortunately AFAIK there is no way to do OR inside HAS. You could however use wildcards for this scenario since I don't think there are any DM* modules that are not science parts and if there were any that you wanted to exclude you could use a separate patch to remove the module after it was inserted by the generic patch. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[DM*]] { ... }
  7. OUTPUT_RESOURCE doesn't use a name key. @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleEngines*],@MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]:HAS[@OUTPUT_RESOURCE:HAS[#ResourceName[ElectricCharge]]]] { MODULE { name = AYA_FuelCell } }
  8. That should work then. Can you post a link to your log files please and I'll have a look at them and see if I can spot what's going on.
  9. Yes. The plugin works with any planet pack or rescale. It reads all the orbit information from the in-game database. The web app is completely separate. For a rough guide to delta-V try a delta-V map instead - e.g. this one
  10. Minor update: Version 1.2.3 for KSP 1.3.1 (SpaceDock, GitHub) FIX: misconfigured animations FIX: blacklist config FIX: Remove unused search icon references ADD: show info in editor part menu for Workshop and Recycler modules
  11. Those errors are all caused by the latest version of MM no longer ignoring certain errors. To fix go into each of the three files and remove all instances of :FOR[GPOSpeedFuelPump]
  12. @Mandella You can achieve a TCA-for-all type option using a personal ModuleManager patch. Copy the below into a blank text file and save it as GameData/TCAforAll.cfg. It will put all the TCA module upgrades into the start node of the tech tree. If you are playing with unlock costs enabled then you will still have to pay for them.
  13. To get Field Research to ignore certain experiment types you can add a Module Manager patch file to your GameData folder. Copy the below code into a blank text file and save it with a .cfg extension in order to get FR to ignore all WBI experiments: PS: to fix the blank agent names that appear in some contracts you can use the following MM patch:
  14. What do you mean? Every part in the game is available for printing in OSE unless it's explicitly included on the blacklist. Edit: although you won't see it in the part lists in the workshop unless you have at least one container large enough to store it once it's finished.
  15. All the chatterer sound clips are in the GameData/Chatterer/Sounds/chatter folder in OGG format.
  16. RE: KIS @Daveroski @Nergal8617 @voicey99 @DStaal The maxDistance setting does control both pickups and inventory access but there is a quirk in the most recent versions of KIS about how it is applied. The first time a Kerbal exits a vessel on EVA then only the default maxDistance is applied. If the Kerbal then reboards the vessel and EVAs a second time then the extended range from the config will be applied. If you switch to another vessel outside physics range (or the KSC) and then back to the Kerbal then the EVA-board-EVA dance will need to be repeated to extend the range again.
  17. @sarbian I think there may be an error in the _MMCfgOutput export for files that contain more than one top level node (e.g. Squad.Resources.ScienceDefs.EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION.cfg). It only seems to be exporting the last node defined to the file (or the previous ones are being overwritten by each successive one).
  18. That would be very useful thank you. I'd forgotten that option was there.
  19. Still trying to find a good answer to that myself. Best I've come up with so far is to do a diff comparison on the two ModuleManager.ConfigCache files to find which nodes are being patched differently then search the logs for those nodes to see which patches were being applied to them in each version and then try to figure out what needs to be changed. It's a bit of a slow and tedious manual process though (you also need to filter out the UrlConfig => url lines which are no longer written to the cache in 3.0.0).
  20. @LameLefty Check the Wiki for lots of info: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki/Resources#resource-conversion-flowcharts
  21. It's the [*] that seems to be causing this to fail in 3.0.0. If you remove that then it applies the expected 12 patches to an otherwise stock KSP. Quick testing suggests that only nodes with a name key are selected by @NODE[*] while nodes that use another primary key (like id in EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION or ResourceName in GLOBAL_RESOURCE) will not be matched and no error will be written to the log either.
  22. Stock KSP has some basic ambient lighting sliders in the settings menu but it can't adjust surface/atmosphere and vacuum separately:
  23. If you have a custom date time formatter mod installed (e.g. Kronometer, RSS DateTime Formatter) then USI-LS should use the length of day/year defined by that formatter.
  24. @wile1411 Where did you get that version of the file (KPBStoMKS/Part_Mods/Inflation_changes)? All the versions I can find on GitHub use :AFTER[PlanetarySurfaceStructures]:NEEDS[KolonyTools] However to answer the question in general. If a patch should run after modA, modB, ..., modN then use :NEEDS[modA,modB, ... ,modN]:AFTER[modN] where modN is the last mod in alphabetic order.
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