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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. Most likely cause is a mod that was compiled for a different version of KSP than you are running. Depending on which KSP features it accesses a mod compiled for 1.2 or 1.3.1 will crash in 1.30 and vice versa. The output_log.txt file is much more useful for figuring out exactly where the problem is. But upload it to a file sharing site (like Dropbox) and post a link here - don't paste it directly into the forum.
  2. @Voodoo8648 Add your own MM patch like this one which unlocks all MJ functions on all command parts from start of career:
  3. Yes. I wasn't completely sure myself, so rather than dig through the code I did a quick test. Sent a rover to Minmus and set science rewards to 100%. Quicksaved - drove around until I found a "normal" science spot and analysed it - 28.0 science gained. Loaded quicksave, went into settings and set science rewards to 1000% (easier to see the effect if it's extreme!) Drove around until I found another "normal" science spot and analysed it - 394.1 science gained.
  4. @Gabhunter123 It was a deliberate design decision to restrict the USI Sounding Rocket experiments to the home world only: If you want to change this for your own game, it can be done by editing the relevant section of the GameData/[x] Science/science.cfg file.
  5. Minor update - version 1.3.2 for KSP 1.3.1 (download from SpaceDock or GitHub) Fix inconsistent capitalization of TRAITS and TRAITDEFINITIONS Documentation updates on GitHub Update version file to include correct URL.
  6. @wile1411 Good catch. They were not in the GitHub repository I cloned. I've downloaded the v 2.1 zip and will include (reduced and compressed) copies of the textures in the next release.
  7. @Alayan Look in the payload section for "K&K Modular 2x Storage" (and the 4x and 6x):
  8. I downloaded a fresh copy of decal stickers from SpaceDock to check but I'm only seeing one FStextureSwitch2 module in each part. (The FSmeshSwitch module has a different name so it doesn't matter for indexing purposes.)
  9. 1. The wildcard is * not ~ 2. You don't need to use an index on the module (and if you did it would go at the end not in the middle 3. To add to the end of a key the syntax is keyname ^= :$:new value: - you're missing the ^ 4. Your texture names should not start with a \ Putting it all together: @PART[sticker*]:HAS[FStextureSwitch2]:NEEDS[blackheart] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2] { @textureNames ^= :$:; CommunityRealAgencyPack\Agencies\ISRO_logo; CommunityRealAgencyPack\Agencies\ISRO_logo2: // etc. @textureDisplayNames = :$:;ISRO;ISRO2: } }
  10. @Space Kadet The word you were groping for about half way through - "Equatorial"
  11. You can use KIS to replace helmets e.g. ProProps or KerbalHack's Wearable KIS Props
  12. It's planet pack neutral and will even detect anomalies (if defined) on non-stock bodies. I haven't specifically tested with GPP but I have tested OPM and see no reason that GPP should cause problems.
  13. @LastStarDust Have you tried Part Wizard ? If you can load a craft in VAB it will tell you what parts are unresearched.
  14. I believe you're thinking of perchlorates: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perchlorate#On_Mars
  15. Not currently. (At least in career - science and sandbox of course don't have funds) Yes, I just recently printed one of those myself and noticed the extreme cost. (It's even worse with NFE installed!) Part of the problem with the reactors is a bug where parts that are prefilled with resources in the VAB/SPH are not having the cost of those resources taken into account during printing in the workshop (since the resources aren't included in the final product you shouldn't be charged for them). As I understand it the original mod author used cost in career as a way to balance printing for parts that are much more expensive than the materials needed to print them. Otherwise you could just stick a manufacturing plant on the grass next to the runway and give it occasional shipments of cheap material kits while recovering expensive produced parts (some time warping would be required but a fairly painless way of making unlimited funds). This could perhaps be offset by having the funds cost only be triggered if you're on the homeworld (Kerbin) or adding "distance" as a multiplier on the cost somehow. Although from a "realism" point of view should it be cheaper to make things in a distant colony than at home? Obviously some balancing is required and maybe there also needs to be something for parts that "should" be more complex to produce - lot's of little parts to print and assemble or parts that need to be produced to very fine manufacturing tolerances. One thought I've had is introducing a time factor based on some assessment of the "complexity" of a part - although how that would be calculated is unclear. Another possibility is adding wastage so that you need more than an equal mass of material kits to produce a part. I'd be happy to hear other users thoughts on this subject.
  16. You've got an install problem. 000_KerbetrotterTools and FelineUtilityRover should be inside a KerbetrotterLtd folder not directly inside GameData.
  17. New Version 1.3.1 for KSP 1.3.1 (SpaceDock, GitHub) Recompiled for KSP 1.3.1 Add text tags: <Mass> - total mass of active vessel in kg <Cost> - total cost of active vessel <PartCount> - number of parts in active vessel Includes changes from unreleased dev build v.1.3 Localisation support where stock game provides localised values these will be displayed by TEXT tags. e.g. planet names, biomes, vessel types etc. the file GameData/Historian/Localisation.cfg contains all the non-stock text strings used by Historian. This can be used to localise these values also (I don't know any of the other languages well enough to attempt this myself) Date and Time formatting is delegated to the ingame default dateTimeFormatter allowing standard localised Kerbin and Earth calendar dates (as well as UT and MET) to be displayed Parsing of TEXT (and associated) blocks occurs only once when the layout is loaded rather than on every draw event as in previous versions. A parsed expression tree is cached and executed on each draw instead. This should improve both memory usage and performance in all but trivial layouts. Improvements to tag parser and evaluator to allow tags to accept parameters <Date(format)> override the default dateTimeFormatter using a standard .NET date/time formatting string e.g. <Date(dd/MM/yyyy)>. See documentation for more details. <Crew(isList, isShort, showSuffix, traits)> replaces the existing <Crew>, <CrewShort>, <CrewList>, <Pilots>, <PilotsShort> etc. with a single configurable tag (previous tags are retained for backwards compatibility but are now deprecated and support may be dropped in a future version). isList - if true displays crew names in a verticle bulleted list. If false names are displayed inline separated by commas isShort - if true the surname (Kerman or localised equivalent) is displayed only once at end of list. This setting is ignored if isList=true. showSuffix - if true then a trait abbreviation will be shown after each name e.g. *Jebediah Kerman (P), Bill Kerman (E). The abbreviations can be defined in the new TRAIT block orTRAITDEFINITIONS file. traits - a comma separated list of which types of crew should be listed or ALL to list everyone Example: <Crew(false, true, true, Pilots, Scouts)> will be a comma separated list of the first names of all piots or scouts on the current vessel. See the documentation for full details and more examples. The TEXT element property DateFormat is now deprecated in favour of the parameterised <Date>tag described above The TEXT element properties PilotColor, ScientistColor, EngineerColor and TouristColor are now deprecated in favour of using TRAIT or TRAITDEFINITIONS. See documentation for details. Fix: -ve values were always displayed in base units instead of most appropriate unit (i.e. -99999m instead of -99.999km) Revised and reformatted documentation BREAKING CHANGE Move Historian install folder from GameData/KSEA/Historian to GameData/Historian. If upgrading from Historian version 1.2.8 or earlier then any custom layouts must be copied to the new location and the old folder deleted.
  18. I think that's one of the experiments from the MOLE mod. The materials bay is useless for this.
  19. Version 2.3.3 for KSP 1.3.1 (2017-10-10) - SpaceDock, GitHub Recompile for KSP 1.3.1 (not compatible with earlier versions) German translation by @Three_Pounds Minor changes to logging. Fewer messages unless "verbose logging" is enabled in system settings. Minor code refactoring and code style updates.
  20. @Space Kadet I've just finished watching Karborundum Quest and got caught up on Explosive Kolonisation as well. I'm a bit surprised you've got so few subscribers or views as while not quite as polished as some your videos are entertaining and contain some impressive designs for vessels. Keep up the good work. PS: you might want to look at MechJeb's Translatron. It's a great helper for hovering landers into precise positions relative to bases. I generally use it in conjunction with Smart ASS set to UP.
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