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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. That's OK. It is still the latest value and will work if you tell CKAN to install it anyway.
  2. @Rakete Sorry, the point I was trying to make was that there seems to be an error introduced in the latest update to that patch that is triggering for your particular combination of mods that might not have been picked up in testing with a different combination of mods. The patches refer to B9PartSwitch, Wild Blue Tools and Far Future Technologies. If all three mods are installed; or only B9PartSwitch; or B9PartSwitch and WildBlueTools; then no errors should be thrown but because you have B9PartSwitch and FFT but don't have Wild Blue Tools you are getting the error. One possible solution might be to simply install Wild Blue Tools or you could try editing the file to fix the spelling.
  3. @Rakete First, not the problem but upgrade your B9PartSwitch: B9PartSwitch v2.19.0.0 / vv2.19.0 For KSP 1.12.3 it should be v.2.20.0 The problem seem to be here: [ModuleManager] Exception while calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading tank type bsLqDeuterium ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resources on type B9PartSwitch.TankType ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resourceDefinition on type B9PartSwitch.TankResource ---> B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser+PartResourceNotFoundException: No resource definition named 'LqDeuterium' could be found I think this might be a typo in the patch since the CRP resource is "LqdDeuterium" not "LqDeuterium". Looking at GameData/WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Patches/FarFutureTechnologies.cfg this resource is defined on lines 211 and 223. Changing those should fix this. @Angel-125 On a related note, there seems to be a mismatch between the patch signatures in that file relating to this. The tank type "bsLqDeuterium" is defined in line 204 with B9_TANK_TYPE:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,!WildBlueTools,FarFutureTechnologies] but then the two patches that use it on lines 233 and 269 are: @PART[wbiS2Endcap,wbiMk2PropellantTank]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,!WildBlueTools,!FarFutureTechnologies] @PART[wbiS1Endcap]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch,!WildBlueTools,!FarFutureTechnologies] Note the switch from NEEDS[...,FarFutureTechnologies] to !FarFutureTechnologies
  4. There was a "lab" concept for Mercury created by McDonnell Aircraft with two variants - an inflatable tunnel connection to the lab or a hinge to swing the capsule around to dock to the side of the lab: Images from: https://www.spaceflighthistories.com/post/mercury-laboratory-the-one-man-space-station-of-1960
  5. Puttering about with early aeroplanes in RP-0 Breaking the sound barrier and climbing to 20km: Remembering just how poor a pilot I am - especially with keyboard On the plus side, I resolved some of my graphics quality issues for screenshots by playing around with reflection settings and the ambient light intensity in PlanetShine: Of course Zorg's TUFX profile added that little bit extra as well.
  6. Resize the buttons by going into the pause -> settings menu and adjusting "App scale:" I don't know of any mod that let's you change the button order but you can disable buttons you don't need using Janitor's closet or Adjustable Mod Panel (use one or the other - trying to change buttons using both will cause errors): and this mod can be used to control some mods behaviour and decide whether they appear on the stock toolbar or the "blizzy" toolbar (if installed). Not all mods support the alternative toolbar. EDIT: About ordering icons on Stock toolbar. KAMP has a pin icon feature that lets you choose some icons to have "priority" on the toolbar. This means they will appear above unpinned icons on vertical toolbars or to the right of unpinned icons on horizontal toolbars. The ordering of the pinned icons is not user configurable however.
  7. Open the settings window. Click on the Tooltips tab and then clear the radio button Beside "Enable all tooltips". The tooltip window should go away after you move your mouse about a bit over different parts of the window (can sometimes take a few seconds and moving it over different buttons and such). Once the tooltip window is cleared you can reenable the option or leave it off to prevent a recurrence. In extreme cases you may need to restart the game to get rid of the stuck tooltip.
  8. Agreed. The only reason a mod should use FINAL (in my opinion) is if it's trying to override another mod that is already using FINAL. A combination of patches with FOR[zModName], AFTER[zModName] or even LAST[zModName] usually suffices in all other situations. Although that does lead to an arms race among patches to see how many z's they can throw into the prefix to guarantee they're last! e.g. from my RP-1 MMpatch.log: and that's a very mod light install!
  9. Well, :FINAL patches are applied in alphabetic order by filename (and path) so if you want to override another mods FINAL patch just make sure that it's in a folder that comes after it alphabetically (which is why all my personal patches are in ZZZ_Custom)
  10. Body cantered reference frames can make orbits look crazy can't they? I'm sure that would look a lot more sane if we could view it from the vessel reference frame.
  11. There's basic documentation on the MM wiki, and the MM thread has a lot of useful information and helpful people who will answer questions. Another useful thread:
  12. Since I was feeling a bit nostalgic for 1.3.1 - I created a new save to build this rocket for you. Craft file for 1.3.1 Actions defined: 1. Toggle SLA Open 2. Toggle SM antennae 3. Jettison SM side panel shroud 4. Toggle sub-satellite cap 5. Decouple sub-satellite 6. LM Antenna 7. Decouple LM from SLA 8. Decouple SM from CM 9. Cut drogue chutes 0. Abort pitch motor Abort: decouple SM from CM and start LES Gear: Toggle LEM legs A basic build guide: https://imgur.com/a/go9UMy2
  13. Yes, the config file has the following comment at the top: // NOTE: Soft-deprecated as of KSP 1.8 update Several other parts were also soft-deprecated at the time and they don't appear in the list of parts on the OP.
  14. OK so the patch I gave you only updated tanks of type "Cryogenic" but CryoTank tanks use "BalloonCryo". You can patch all types of "cryo" tanks by changing both instances of: @TANK_DEFINITION[Cryogenic] to @TANK_DEFINITION[*Cryo*] in my patch. The NFLV tanks are not currently enabled as cryogenic tanks at all. They use type "Default". To make ALL tanks that use "Default" also able to handle Cryo fuels you would need an additional patch: NOTE: again this is an UNTESTED patch. Other tanks may be specifically defined as ServiceModule (life support and RCS fuels) or Fuselage (plane/spaceplane) tanks and will not be affected by the above patch.
  15. That sounds right. Looking at what I posted there was an error on the first line (should be two ] after LqHe3 ). It should be: @TANK_DEFINITION[Cryogenic]:HAS[!TANK[LqdHe3]]:NEEDS[RealFuels,FarFutureTechnologies]:FINAL If that doesn't work I'd need to see copies of your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and Logs/ModuleManager/MMPatch.log files to see what might be going wrong (post them to a file sharing service like Dropbox then copy the links here)
  16. To add LqdHe3 to Real Fuels cryo tanks try this UNTESTED MM patch
  17. I decided to try one last test and installed ARP version 2.10 instead. The resource ordering works but... duplicate entries and crashed during test when I accidentally double clicked on a resource name while trying to drag.
  18. Huh! I was going to dispute this because I definitely remember being able to move and remove separators but I tested it first to be sure. Yes it's currently broken. The separator lines which are clearly shown in the resource settings editor in the video on the OP are not there. The drag and drop ordering of resources is also broken (possibly because they're miscounting rows because of the missing separators?). Just to be 100% certain, I created a completely clean install of KSP 1.12.3 and only added ARP. Then started a new sandbox save. Placed a Kerbal-X on the launchpad and immediately went to the config window. No joy.
  19. The mission patches aren't flags. Assuming you have Conformal Decals installed, there should be several parts in your structural category with names starting "CDL-". Or you could try searching for "mission decal"
  20. That moment of satisfaction, basking in the glory of a perfect pitch program... Just before everything goes horribly wrong! The lower half of the fairing overheated and exploded, just at stage separation, then the unbalanced aero pressures sent the rocket tumbling end-over-end. Well at least it was only a simulated launch.
  21. Yes. They'll show up as flags and contract agencies. I don't know if Blackheart's DecalStickers still works (it might, since it's based on FireSpitter which has been updated) but they definitely work with Conformal Decals (use the flag decal to apply them):
  22. Easiest way is to set the built in name to "off" then use Conformal Decals text decals to place a name of your choice.
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