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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. Counting patches is a very poor way of judging game memory usage impact. The only thing it really tells you is how much MM is modifying your game database during loading. Some patches are even deleting stuff. A slightly better metric would be to look at the size of the GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache file after the game has loaded since this records the actual final information stored in the game database but even on a very heavily modded KSP instance this is unlikely to be more than about 100MB or so (and the space it takes up in game memory may be much less than that). A few large textures will have much more impact. The main cause of increased memory usage in KSP is models and textures. Some mods that add a lot of parts might use shared textures to reduce their memory footprint (BDB for example) or even reuse the stock textures. If you have memory concerns concentrate on pruning any parts you don't need/want and making sure to delete any deprecated parts (provided you're not using them in in-flight vessels). The perma-prune feature in The Janitors Closet by linuxgurugamer can be helpful for this but proceed with care, shared textures and models can cause issues if you delete a part that provided a texture/model that another part you didn't delete relies on. Don't worry if adding a QOL mod suddenly makes your patch count jump up considerably. In general QOL mods have very little impact on memory usage compared to parts mods. One exception is Action Groups Extended which adds some large chunks of data to every part which can bloat the size of your save file considerably if you have a lot of vessels in flight - personally I find the trade-off acceptable for the added functionality.
  2. None for LVD that I'm aware of but if you check the tutorial folder from the download, there's a 4yr old mission architect tutorial of an OPM multiple planet mission - "2) Solar System Edge". I used it a while ago as the basis for planning a couple of RSS double fly-by missions (Earth->Jupiter->Saturn) and (Earth -> Jupiter -> Uranus). Although I haven't worked up to a Voyager 2 style grand tour yet, I did also plan out but didn't fly a New Horizon style mission. You can also view it on GitHub: https://github.com/Arrowstar/ksptot/tree/master/tutorials/Mission Architect/2) Solar System Edge
  3. There should already be a menu option on each SRB labelled "Disable auto-drop" But if you want it to default to off then the following MM patch will probably do it (untested): @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[USI_DropTank]]:LAST[UmbraSpaceIndustries] { @MODULE[USI_DropTank] { %dropEnabled = false } }
  4. Oh, right, sorry. I only looked at the Kopernicus Earth cfg file. Forgot to take the sigma dimensions rescale into account.
  5. If anything it should be easier to launch to orbit with KSRSS than JNSQ. KSRSS's atmospheric threshold is lower (69km vs 80km) and pressure drops off quicker so there should be less total drag. One though that sprung to mind - do you have FAR installed? Only in one of the cases? Not in either? FAR changes the aerodynamics quite drastically and can make a big difference to how much dV is needed to reach orbit for any given launch vehicle.
  6. A full list of MH parts can be found here: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Making_History_parts The most convenient way I can think to find a list of Restock+ parts is looking at the localisation file: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Localization/en-us.cfg for part title lines. Comparing the two should give you your answer.
  7. There's a lot of variables involved, but since you have OPM and DMOS there's going to be a huge amount of potential science from outer planet probe missions. The more distant planets and moons have large multipliers compared to nearer planets and moons. Usually if I have a large number of added science experiments available I greatly nerf the labs. I would still include a lab on all long range manned science missions even if only for role play purposes.
  8. Depends which fuels and how realistic you're looking for. LH2/LOX and CH4/LOX are fairly well represented by several cryo mods but most of the hypergolics don't have conversion formulas added by any mod I'm aware of. The most well developed realistic system is:
  9. @Gameslinx I was digging through my log file for an unrelated matter when I came across this: [LOG 17:59:53.244] [Parallax] DidntReadInstallationInstructionsException: Parallax is not supported on this version of KSP. I know this doesn't really matter and is just a warning, but maybe it's time to update the list of supported versions in _ParallaxInstallationChecker.cs to include 1.12?
  10. Don't know if this is the black terrain bug you're referring to but still present on RSS/RO/RP-1 + HangarExtender (I also have Kerbal Konstructs and RSS-Canaveral HD installed if they're relevant.
  11. A bug introduced in Kopernicus release 118 affecting JNSQ, fixed in 119 and then the fix patched in 120. Get the latest and you should be fine and if not I'm sure R-T-B will have another patch (or ten) very soon.
  12. You should be able to view it directly on GitHub: https://github.com/gthaatar/Ad_Astra
  13. I did a very quick test installing ReasearchBodies and starting a new career save and it immediately starts throwing exception spam. This seems to be an because of the inclusion of the observatory building at KSC messing with the way RP-1 facility maintenance works: Until the devs choose to address this (if they do) RB is not compatible and should not be installed in an RP-1 build.
  14. The "blueprint" on the OP shows it fitting into a 5m fairing so that's quite a bit too large for SOCK (at least at default scale). Edit: and the real telescope used a 5.4m fairing for launch (tight squeeze) - the shuttle's cargo bay was only 4.6m across.
  15. Just thought I'd share a runway config I've created for RSS. Has the default KSC Cape Canaveral runway if CanaveralHD is not installed or the three CanaveralHD runways: These were surveyed using Vessel Mover to place a pod at the centre of either end of the runway.
  16. There are several tech trees that take the probes first approach. There are others but any of these (presented in no particular order) would be a decent place to start : For sounding rockets - there is a contract pack available for use with the USI rockets: For less "cartoony" sounding rockets:
  17. Can you give some examples? I loaded up my RP-1 install in sandbox and as far as I can see all the pods/probe cores and antennae that are included in the express install have Real Antenna configurations (and the relevant PAW options).
  18. Technically the license is a contract where the original content author expresses how they wish their work to be distributed. Not obeying the license is at the very least morally dubious and depending on what country you live in may be illegal. Some countries are much stricter about copyright/licensing violations than others. Failing to follow the licensing terms could also be a breach of the rules of conduct on many KSP community web sites. The modding community is built largely on a web of trust that author's work and rights will be respected.
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