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Everything posted by Pronoes

  1. Try the RVE thread. Firstly, RVE is still highly WIP so expect bugs. Secondly, afaik, there's no compatibility with 1.05 at all. Thirdly, did you follow all the instructions? You say you installed scatterer, rve and eve. You can't just install EVE. You need specific versions of it to work with RVE. You don't say which versions of what you have installed so without knowing more information there's little anyone can do.
  2. 1323: Masses of people are typing on laptops. You investigate to discover they are adding their part to the 3 Word Story! (Cheeky plug :P)
  3. the mystery of (please keep to the rules / guidelines or it just confuses everyone! - thanks)
  4. Tbh, I think any thread like this is improved with a "Links To Other Useful Guides/Information/Tools" section in the OP.
  5. Copy your save file and rename it "simulator"
  6. I don't see the need myself. As you said, nothing can prepare you for the real thing so why not just do the real thing? Hyperedit is available for users who want to use it, as is "save" and "load". I suspect for a lot of people, the entire game is based on trial and error. Try getting up there only to not have enough dv, back to the drawing board. Argh.. I released my moon lander while still in earth orbit. Back to drawing board. Omg, my ship is perfect right until not having enough RCS to manoeuvre adjust to get caught in saturns orbit, leaving me flying out to the nether at ungodly speed. Drawing board. whether it's a simulator or "real" ksp, it makes no difference. You will still have to go through the motions of doing it.
  7. Surely genetic / DNA modification IS an evolution in its own right. Things we do everyday affect our future generations evolution. Tampering with DNA is just another step.
  8. Firs there will be clones. Then comes them wanting to sit on the bus. Then the clone revolution fighting for clone rights. Then the clones will be against cloning but want to treated as equals. Then will come rejoicing as a clone reproduces. Then someone will make a bad film about it. Then an asteroid will impact earth killing us all. you heard it here first folks
  9. I think he is asking if there is a code/guid for "Earth Conal" rather than "A Specific Station".
  10. Both of these mods are on my "Always Install" list and have been for some time. sot his is what I like to see. More mod makers working together and popular / useful mods being merged. Especially similar mods! Installing 54 mods and finding half a dozen variations of exactly the same engine is a bit frustrating.
  11. 1314: You find what appears to be a large hallway with an elevator at the end. Inside the elevator is Scarlet Johansen wondering where 1313 is. Do you Continue to the next floor: Turn to page 1315 Stay with Scarlet: Put book down and get busy with the fizzy.
  12. Short answer - no. From what you describe, it sounds as if you docked your "tow ship" into the side of the "mothership". I don't understand if the tow ship swung into the mothership? That shouldn't happen. The only way I can imagine something similar is if the mothership was long, the docking port wasn't in centre of mass, and/or your tow ship had too much thrust at full acceleration. That would be like firing a missile into a piece of string. Generally, any item is stronger across it's length than it's breadth.
  13. Kerbal voices! (It's actually RL radio chatter played in reverse and messed around)
  14. I'm not American or know much about politics so forgive me if I'm off base. Just going off what snippets I read and hear, here and there. It's sad really. There's a vicious circle of NASA saying "We're going to do X". The US government saying, "Oh wow that's amazing, but we need you to do it with Y less $." NASA comes back a few months later and says, "We spent 1/2 of our budget on X, but with the cuts, it's all scrapped." Joe Public are waaah waah, waste of money in space exploration, too many scrubbed missions and wasted development. Government wants votes and cuts more. Things like this quote from Robert Zubrin are frustrating to read. (Courtesty of wikipedia :S) "Obama called for sending a crew to a near Earth asteroid by 2025. ... Had Obama not canceled the Ares 5, we could have used it to perform an asteroid mission by 2016. But the President, while calling for such a flight, actually is terminating the programs that would make it possible."
  15. Depends on numerous things. Mostly whether you're using RSS/RO or not. In general stock KSP, IIRC, you can have get away with decouple 'last' stage and fire engine for 'next stage' all in one stage. I haven't played stock for a while so can't be 100% With RO, the general issue of just firing straight away is ullage. You may need ullage rockets. Also, big chunky engines firing on the previous stages remains is not the best idea.
  16. I'd simply tell them that 1 second is 1/480 of the time it takes me to load KSP when it's modded to the teeth.
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