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    Curious George

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  1. Landing is easy. Just barely dip into that thick atmosphere and it slows you down pretty well. Returning, however.... I've never once managed to get anything from Eve's surface to orbit. Even unkerballed, and even by "cheating" a vehicle to Eve's surface for the purpose of experimenting with what it would take. I've read of some people doing it with the breaking ground DLC, but I don't have that. I've also seen things implying it might have been easier long ago - maybe even pre KSP version 1.0.
  2. Ah, then I misunderstood your "at start of launch" in addition to my misunderstanding your "wobble". Sounds like you are hoping for it to engage at scene load instead of at the launch.
  3. I'm confused as to why you think enabling parking brake would help this. I don't see what parking brake has to do with wobble at all. And having parking brake enabled when you try to take off doesn't solve problems; it causes them. See comments earlier in the thread about why the current version of parking brake automatically turns off when it thinks you are launching. I personally use an older version of parking brake because this auto-enable feature causes me no end of problems as mentioned above - certainly far more problems than the vague possibility that I might forget to turn off the brake when intentionally launching. There was mention of possibly making that feature a configurable option, but since that hasn't happened, I just go with using the old version (and then I have to be careful to turn down CKAN's suggestion that am update is available).
  4. My interest in the forum these days is KSP1 mods. The forum is really where most information about them can be found. A readonly archive would help a little, but not with keeping up to date on mod updates, which are still happenng.
  5. Just now checked and both show up fine for me using CKAN v1.34.4 (not sure what the 2.1.0 number you mention is). Granted I didn't try actually installing them (I've used KEI in the past, but not right now), but they show up in CKAN's mod list. At first I thought perhaps you were looking only at mods explicitly listed as compatible, but these pass that test, so presumably that's not it. Just in case, do look in CKAN's list of all mods. Perhaps force CKAN to refresh?
  6. Should work, though you don't need quite that heavy a hammer. Enabling just 1.12 should be enough. Looks like the hangup is B9PartSwitch, which is listed in CKAN as up to 1.12.3. I did a fresh install just a few days ago and all worked fine with allowing 1.12 as compatible. Go all the way back to 1.8 and I'd be concerned about allowing things with actual compatibility problems instead of just having out-of-date CKAN listings.
  7. Issue 1841 on the MJ github page (well, the 2nd half of that issue; I unwisely put 2 unrelated things in one issue). The node executor was taking "forever" (well, minutes) to turn off after it was done. I was pretty much never putting RCS on my vehicles, but tried doing so after reading about some MJ issues related to RCS. That worked around it and was my extra data. WHen I reported that extra data, it got fixed. Yes, it is now fixed; all this for the dev version, I might note.
  8. October 1951. And I recall listening to the Apollo 11 landing on the radio by a local poolside with some other high-school friends. Even inspired me to apply for an astronaut job some years later (1978 I think it was). I made it down to Houston for the interviews, but didn't make the final cut.
  9. Well, I had a long break from it, partly because MJ had a bug that I found incredibly annoying. I reported the bug, but that didn't get much action and I know better than to pester unpaid mod authors. Well, maybe that bug was just my excuse. Anyway, a while back I decided to try the game again and got what seemed like very useful additional data on the bug. Added that to my bug report; bug got fixed. I've been playing the game more like every day since then. Have it paused on my other computer while I'm typing this now. :-)
  10. Agree with @Hotel26. And note that, as he mentioned, the demise of the game has not yet even been actually announced. All we have is speculation. One could argue (but I won't) about how strong the basis for the speculation is, but it is still speculation. An awful lot of the w word going on here. (The only forum warning I've ever gotten was for chiding someone for doing that thing that starts with w and ends with hine, so I've avoided using it since then. :-). I've got @Hotel26 beat on the age thing (73 here); dunno if that's related.
  11. Puzzled as to what you are saying about MJ. I've no interest in arguing about it or about why I would care who might be angry at me for using it. I'm just trying to figure out what you mean when you say not to "main" it, but only to use it as an assist tool. An assist tool is what it is, so yes, that's what it tends to be used for. But I have no idea what you mean by "maining" it. (After the first thousand or so launches, I know perfectly well how to do things like boost up to a particular orbit; it has just become tedious instead of fun). Speaking of by passing tedium, Gravity Turn Continued is another mod I use (I find its automated launch handier than MJ's). And Default Action Groups takes care of a trivial bit that I otherwise need to do on almost every vehicle build. And Precise Maneuver for many reasons (again MJ has something similar, but I personally prefer Precise Maneuver). Missing History is a parts mod that really ought to have been part of the Making History DLC as it fills such clear holes. I don't get the impression that Progressive Colonization System is widely used, but I personally use it a lot. Gives some objectives for the late game. Extraplanetary Launchpads definitely. And Lithobrake Exploration Technologies, mostly just for decent length ladders in my case. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (either variant - I use the "next" one) because without it planetary bases are annoyingly prone to self destruct on scene changes. Strategia. Module manager is required for a bunch of the other mods, but as long as you use CKAN, it will be pulled in for you; and it doesn't do anything useful that I know of just on its own, so might make sense that you don't bother to cite it. Likewise for Click Through Blocker. I don't think Toolbar Controller is technically required for Toolbar, so CKAN might not pull that one in automatically, but it's useful.
  12. Um. Seems like a max speed would be a bit problematic for launching to orbit. Max dynamic pressure would make a lot more sense.
  13. Oh, thanks! Desperately wanted something like this. I sort of assume the base game will get it eventually, it is such an obvious need.
  14. I'm going to make a wild guess that this was intended to be posted somewhere else. Flight Plan seems to be aiming at being a bit more focused than McJeb was; somehow that doesn't seem very consistent with dealing with trees. :-)
  15. I'd generally agree. Huge progress. For me it has jumped to being playable, which I did not consider it before. But no, it's not yet something I'll spend a lot of time with. Have gone to Mun and Minimus, but that might be about where I stop bothering for now.
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