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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Before Kerbin Released!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JadeOfMaar


      This sounds like a meme. Lol. Just put a ______ (fill the blank) before or after.

    3. TheWanderer05
    4. Clonos


      yaay will try it out as soon as im back



  2. Eve was the home of Kerbals, but then they colonised kerbin. Eve's moon, Serpent, eventually smashed into Eve and killed all the life. Eve's atmosphere thickened and became polluted - the planet also became heavier
  3. This mod doesn't alter Kerbals or the KSC apart from the KSC's location
  4. Released my second planet mod! LINK: Here are some screenshots i'm proud of:
  5. TR is just a minimalist skybox you can remove it
  6. Thank you very much, really appreciate it man! I've been ninja's by Galileo, but yeah... I wish there's a simple "mainSunBody = Olu'um" which I can just change for the respective planets. Or "influence SOI" for 'range that stuff tracks Olu'um'
  7. You got sneaky early access, your opinion is biased! Once my hibernation (sleep) is complete, I'll add more stuff to the thread Nope, gilly didn't exist back then. Serpent, Eden's moon, hit the planet. Hence the purple shades and metallic appearance, it was heavy and poisonous. It kills the life on Eden and makes it heavier and toxic.
  8. Sorry man - but most PCs nowadays have 8GB of ram. It's extremely difficult to release a full sized planet mod that uses less than 4 gigs. I mean, you can try lowering the texture quality in the main menu before installing the pack - that way you will probably run it on 4 gigs. Yep, happens with a lot of planet mods. 32 bit KSP is hardly used anymore
  9. Because the game won't run if you don't have at least 5GB of ram and the mod installed
  10. Welcome to the Official Release thread for Before Kerbin. Before Kerbin is based on the Stock solar system, but 2 billion years ago in the past. This mod will replace your solar system, I advise beginning a new save. Overview: This mod aims to add a completely new adventure as you begin on Eve (which has Kerbin's properties for ease) and explore and uncover the secrets of the old stock planets. There is lore for you to uncover on the detailed planetary surfaces. This mod adds highly detailed, 4k planets, each come with their own EVE and Scatterer configurations. Every single planet and moon has been adjusted and changed, meaning yes - you can visit "Dres"! All planets have been tested and I have made sure both rockets and spaceplanes can function on them all. System Requirements: 5GB of RAM KSP 64 bit Donations are never asked for, but always appreciated! Help buy me a pizza if you enjoy the mod FAQ: Will this planet mod add any new stars? No. This is the Kerbol system 2 billion years ago. Adding a new star means you will need modded parts to get there, which I generally disagree with. It also means separating planets and sentencing them to "will not be visited". I want to make sure all planets are easily reachable but also require a challenge once there. Is this planet mod compatible with present day mods like OPM? Yep! Even the visual mods will work together, meaning you can install nearly any planet mod except those that also replace the home planet. How much RAM do I need for this mod? 5GB at maximum texture quality. This mod follows the CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Thank you for downloading!
  11. Hey all! Spread the news, Before Kerbin is slated to release within the next few days. Beta testers ( @TheWanderer05, @kjack1111, @AlliedForth, @Aeoncypher , @ModerndayLink, RealTortle and @Tutur ) have been hard at work and they're testing the final release of the mod. I'm yet to make a trailer (since I can't find any music for it whatsoever) so that will come later after final tweaks have been made. I leave you with a picture of Eden and its full planetary aurorae and i'll update the thread nearer to the release
  12. if you used the set orbit cheat or decided to use 'Hyper Edit' to edit your craft's orbit around Olei, this bug will happen since the planet doesn't properly load
  13. Nope i aint replying any time soon oops
  14. Still, a 10G planet within such a dense solar system would be insane considering all other bodies are under 2Gs Here's a small list of difficulties: Sonus - 1.3G, Kerbin Atmosphere Fume - Very thick atmosphere, high gravity Telos - Air too thin for jets, but too thick for drag Vulcan - Getting a good landing spot which won't burn you up
  15. Loading Screen Manager by @linuxgurugamer!
  16. Auroras all around the planet! (Just because it looks nice ). I might make these optional
  17. It's not likely to reach past 0.4 Gs out there. It's mainly moons, moonlets and small asteroids. You're lucky that Thelai has a large gravity. Now if you want a challenge - go land on Fume and return safely. The reason I don't add high gravity or 'extreme' planets is to cater for newer players who just want to explore. There's an entire planet pack dedicated to challenges.
  18. Careful, @Galileo nearly had to repeat himself for the 125,000th time
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