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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Unfortunately I won't be including GPO in the timeline mainly because less and less people will be able to run it. I'm trying to base this off stock
  2. Updated to 1.1a Important Notice - Atlas has been flipped. Crafts landed may switch places. Updated Kopernicus Fixed runway hanging off KSC Fixed Atlas's reversed textures (Hm, Nm and Cm)
  3. Let's not argue about who's calling shots and what's happening. This thread is for GEA and the mod, not discussing licence issues on the main post. I'm no moderator but i wouldn't like it if someone did the same on my forum posts, I'd use a PM.
  4. If I wasn't caught up in a project already I'd offer some planets once I got a feel of what the others looked like. However my advice would be to not include EVE / Scatterer configs, instead waiting until all the planets have been submitted. Simply because you will have an ordeal trying to add each planet individually - just do it all in one go without breaking anything in its own nice neat folder within the CPP folder. Good luck
  5. Three planets around Olu'um have scatterer configs: Telos, Volux and Fume. They all try loading as they are within a set range to do so, increasing your ram usage. You can go to Scatterer > config > planetlist.cfg and adjust the load / unload distances manually until it works. Whoever wrote the google spreadsheet didn't include all planets / moons. I'll do those manually. It has been in development for many months - just past 7. My most recent mod, Before Kerbin, only took 2 weeks to publish. Mainly because GPO (this mod) was made as I was learning how to create planets and so I had to update them all as I went along (which took a lot of work!)
  6. The mod comes with its own visuals. Don't override them with others, they're useless in BK. Kspedia requires unity which doesn't run well on my PC (in fact, it doesn't run at all) so I'm unable to add it to KSPEDIA. Sorry Will fix, people have noticed. I adjusted terrain near KSC before publishing and only checked if I fixed this at the back! Couple of days and I'm back from holiday, shall fix for then
  7. GPO* you mean? Compatability with GPO might happen, but not yet. GPO and the Before/After kerbin planet packs are unrelated I'll see what I can do but I'll need to update GPO first
  8. You're 4 billion years too early on After Kerbin
  9. Eve's moon - serpent, has a heavy magnetic alignment. The entire moon is either iron or lead (iron being magnetized) and plays with Eden's field. So compasses won't work on Eden
  10. This is planned. Kerbol will be a red giant, nearly dead completely. I have to beat the 'competition', since I know someone is trying to create a planet mod following this series (kerbin over time) whilst I'm on holiday... Either way, it's happening
  11. Increase your texture quality on the main menu to solve this.
  12. Hey guys - expect some changes coming to how the light system is handled with Olu'um. Kopernicus got an update where multiple light sources appear to be properly supported.
  13. It's a bit lighter on memory but in the end you really need to get more. 8GB available ram is recommended for any KSP mod - you're redlining with 4 and I can't do anything about it!
  14. Look down and click 'before kerbin' for a mod which replaces the stock system. As for a memory light version, I won't be doing this - I'm sorry. 4GB of ram is quite low for nowadays standard. I'd love to cater for them, but... I can't really do much.
  15. This is planned Unless Gregox has decided he'd do that since I'm doing stock in the past! For the first 500 million years everything is just on fire
  16. Oh nice! Was it just capitalisation, or was there other stuff at play? I'm halfway through sorting this out myself and I hope I completely eliminate the problems. I was working on releasing Before Kerbin, which is why I've been slooooow NEEDS[GPO] Olei isn't a module!
  17. click on the screenshots image on the main thread
  18. Can't and won't happen - sorry! I can't compress textures past their current size.
  19. Less than 5 GB? Ouch! Have you tried lowering the texture quality in the main menu (without the mod installed first)? You can save around 2 gigs. To be honest, though, this pack adds 16 things. Most planet packs add more or less that number, so it must be difficult to install - I understand though
  20. no no, it's called GameData because you're supposed to open that folder too and drag and drop the contents into KSP > Gamedata. If it was called "Before Kerbin" people would just drop that into GameData and it wouldn't work.
  21. It was Thomas P who asked for a coffee, I just really really like pizza right now
  22. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oa2ue20e07qjd0w/Before Kerbin Official 1.0a.zip?dl=0 You can use this link for now
  23. No, sorry. Gonna have to wait for Space dock to come online again!
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