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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Ah, that makes sense. Perhaps it's possible to render the atmosphere after the terrain? Then again if it was possible, there would be other visual concerns. I guess the moral of the story is to make less bumpy planets! (Or in emergencies use the spherical mesh)
  2. This has bugged me for a while. I hope it's fixed in the future - I imagine it's a known issue because it's very common
  3. Looks like a Kopernicus problemo, unless there's a way to adjust the solar power intensity in the config of the star. I wish Kopernicus limited sunlight to the star's SOI... (Sorry but it looks like I can't deal with this bug. Just be lucky you're getting the same amount of solar power, I guess!)
  4. I didn't go that far into the career but after landing on Mun Minmus and Olei (the 3 moons of Gaia) I had no problems. I think KerbolExplorer didn't overwrite files or updated correctly, hence why he had problems and we didn't. I believe it is fixed
  5. @JadeOfMaar It isn't like I have anything better to do with my life at the moment
  6. Welp I did my orbit, landed on all Gaia's moons and still didn't get it. Are you using 2.4 and did you update correctly (remove EVERY mod folder from this mod then reinstall?) Shall do, I thought I included it. Perhaps not! Cheers
  7. No no no, I don't think you understand (language barrier) I can fix the ambient light to make it darker, but I truly depends on your GAMMA KSP setting. Cheers @TheRagingIrishman
  8. Short answer: no Longer answer: nnoo Proper explanation: I want Olu'um to look like a proper dwarf/failed/[...] star and this means having it emit light and heat and solar power, all of these affect gameplay. The only other bug is with the accretion disk plugin, but i noticed it had errors before Olu'um was a star.
  9. Because I want it that way? There is a total of 1 issue and that's the lighting with other planets which is completely out of my control and why I tagged KillAshley, suggesting an improvement to how KSP/Kopernicus chooses star lighting.
  10. Can't reduce the range the star 'lights up' other bodies. Bodies outside of Jool that orbit beyond Olu'um will unfortunately use Olu'um as the primary light source. Kopernicus limitation. @KillAshley could it be possible to add a 'mainSolarBody' to change which light source the planets use manually?
  11. Disk: Instantiator. Delete that folder from GameData. I can lower the ambient light (which explains pink on the back of spacecraft). For 'shadows' you mean like God rays? Not possible for spacecraft, not a KSP feature I'll dim the star a tad like @JadeOfMaar but just remember I'm trying to make the planet colours stand out and not look fully tinted pink or dull.
  12. I don't understand, sorry. It is supposed to glow that bright since you're extremely close in its system. What 'drop shadow' are you meaning? Sometimes I'm limited to Kopernicus and I can't do much, so I need more detail. --->>Also you didn't update the mod properly. You need to delete ALL components of it before updating, which you is why you have an accretion disk. You will experience performance problems and huge output logs. I recommend updating properly and removing instantiator.<<---
  13. I'll do my best! I'll probably send the edited configs over and if stuff goes wrong you can send the log over. Should be capitalisation issues. EVE might have had similar issues but I think I was more careful with the eve config capitalisation, as I edit the clouds in game.
  14. I'm in America at the moment Back in a week!
  15. Probably that. And this is why I hate Mac/Linux. But yes @Jetski I'll sort out case sensitivity like I did last time. I probably got careless again! I'm in america at the moment, so I'll start working on this in 7 days.
  16. I'll mess with compatibility when my pack is used with yours so the visuals are kept
  17. agree (The mini-body idea didn't work anyway ) Unfortunately it may. I removed all entries for GFI values to fix contract progression (seems to have worked as the Olu'um contract pops up a lot later), which will cause this. Definitely not happening again because I hate doing it.
  18. I thought about this. I could maybe have a moon on the same orbit as Olu'um (meaning hyper editing Olu'um would wreck it) But your suggestion having a tiny sma around Olu'um.... --->>That's a great idea! <<---
  19. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures you could create a 'barycentre' for the nebula, and apply a type "sphere" around it to make it look 3d. @GenesisPlayz it works on 1.3 but DO NOT apply it to stars. There's a bug where it causes lag and output log bloating. I've wittered on about this for a while now so I'll stop
  20. I doubt they will integrate more planets into the game. As ModernDayLink said, it would mean many mods would need to be altered to fit the change. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle (delete the certain planet files and create a MM config to move the stock version of it) but it would be unnecessary work. Mods already do this, so what's the point of integrating them? It's just more work. (I'm looking at you, asteroid day.)
  21. Hey all! GPO has updated to 2.4. Before the changelog, I MUST stress that GFI was completely removed from the planets to fix contract progression, however be ready for some crafts to switch around their orbits and whatnot. IMPORTANT - ALL GFI VALUES HAVE BEEN REMOVED. CRAFTS MAY JUMP AROUND - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Olu'um now emits light Olu'um classed as a T-Dwarf "star" Olu'um radius adjusted to match KSP scale, but proportionally reflects real world dwarf stars Olu'um ACCRETION DISK REMOVED - I didn't want to do this but there are many bugs with Instantiator. Sorry guys Olu'um temperature curve improved. You will overheat at Verdina's periapsis, making it a more dangerous rocky world. Olu'um scatterer configs removed Olu'um sunflare and coronas added Telos colourmap changes, and it is now tidally locked to Olu'um Updated Kopernicus by two versions Added Veronica's Flight Recorder to GameData > Olei. It's an easter egg so get looking! "Removed the Krake--[-]"
  22. As I said - no more atmospheric planets. There are already 8!
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