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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by XB-70A
O Great Diamond Star, you are missing to me... I really like what is happening to you at 12:59, as it happened to me as well. I was too optimist on my first flight with her and went full forward too fast. This bad girl had way more torque than any other flying tin cans I ever flew before and she went left immediately at the time I released the brakes! Fat and impulsive, but joyful once in cruise. She also was pretty particular for the fact that she had a precise max landing mass, about 1090 kg if I'm remembering well, while her max take-off mass was about 60 kg more. Funny in case of an emergency return right after departure. Alas, I don't know anything about the use of the G1000, our whole fleet was still configured with a majority of analogical instruments (excepted the engine's ones) Have you tried an add-on to fly on the NG variant? To me her 170 hp turbo-diesel was much better to fly with than the 180 hp O-360. Edit: About your speed questions on the Steam page, the rotation was somewhat universal, at 59 kt, and V2 at 60 kt (under 1000 kg) or 66 kt (at MTOW). Alas, there is no universal V1 speed as you have to determine it yourself, based on the runway length available at the field, local weather, take-off mass, performances and configuration of your aircraft. Landing speed also was depending of the mass, and flaps configuration, but here are some data available in my flight manual: - 71 kt at the MLW - 67 kt (1092 kg, theoretically the max mass the gears will support during a landing, but it was still more than possible to land at a higher mass, simply by making a good flare and soft touching) - 63 kt (1000 kg) - 58 kt (850 kg) In any case, it was still better to consider your approach around 65 kt if under 1000 kg, just for a bit more safety in case of high wind bursts. Also, she was a bit heavy and not such a good glider despite her high wingspan, so to touch smoothly the best was to keep the throttle at 15% at the time of the flare, then to lover it once you touched the runway. Edit 2: If your are interested I could send you the official flight manual of the DA40NG. It's a 2010 version, but you will find all the data you are looking for easily. I also have the one for the DA40-180 with the gas-oil engine, but it's a French edited version (still, all the abbreviations and "codes" are universal)
Double-Meow Seven.
Hard braking would be even funnier ! Honestly, I still have a hard time understanding how someone can: 1. Load all these bricks on a such a trailer. 2. Spread the load as badly and on such a small surface. 3. Not make sure your cargo does not fly away... However, this person actually has working lights and the ID plate on it; good job. I got another nice one yesterday: a man left a Best Buy's parking with his cargo area loaded with two new, and large LCD screens... but with the tailgate open and without even a simple rope to hold them. Anyway...
Out-of-topic, but I just read your profile's location for the first time. Pretty fun that it's happening while you posted a link to the wiki of BT. Terra, you were so beautiful. If only these filthy Blakers were eliminated sooner...
Really interesting to read as I nearly got the same experience. The sole difference being the number of breakups... 15 to be precise (this without counting the "super short stories") Every time it was the same story, I was not giving enough care to the ones asking for, and too much care to the ones who were independents... Still, the irony being that I never made the first step in all these cases, except on a single occasion and I got rejected O Irony, you are terrible. Now, I haven't been with anybody (not even for a single day/night) since 2014. I don't really know why, but I'm simply not feeling like being "in the need" of any adventures with someone else since then. Even if my relatives and friends are always telling me their annoying "did you see how she was looking at you?!" every time I'm walking with them... desperate moves and stories when you simply don't care about. Also, Aviation with ever stay my sole and only true love.
Because the safety (of my car) is the priority.
Possible, but I wonder what the vultures health insurances will think of it.
Here, please accept this humble 4001th point to celebrate.
Maybe a way to save the pad from some effort (?) About the ratio, I'm wondering if it is not a way to ensure less "stress" to the future occupants. I don't really know anything about Blue Origin, but I guess that if they want as much clients as possible it also means they should operate a system pretty open to anybody. Still, I would bet that you will have to pass at least some health tests before being cleared to ride with them. Indeed, in case of a longer "fuselage" it also leads to a reduced need in large control surfaces (hopefully). The long body is more subject to variations in the flow, but also is more naturally stable. If I'm remembering well, Falcon 9 with her 70 m tall for 3.7 m diameter is currently owning the worst X-wind limitation of all active launchers.
Dang... these guys are the specialists of holding. Approximately one hold every 20 seconds of counting. Definitely want to succeed.
About 10 years ago I "discovered" an extremely risky strategy: being with someone else. Potentially leading to some jealousy at the highest level... the best being that a bit earlier, my "ex" was at the time with another guy, but she latter told me that she went with him to make me jealous, how ironic as it didn't work on me You could try to be as natural as possible and go to meet her. I know, it's so easy to tape it on a keyboard instead of doing it, but trust me, at least it will give you a stronger base to rely on. Never ignore that you, and anybody else around on this pale blue dot, are not able to read the minds, and that what you are sensing, and "processing" is, in most of the cases, not the absolute "truth". Honestly, I can't remember how many adults told me as a kid that the high-school years were the best of all, and how we should enjoy them as much as possible... and for now they were the worst of my whole life xD Stupid years where some of us were always trying to make it complicated while it could have been simple. --- More personally and about the topic, I recently (and for the first time in almost four years) felt something for someone at the university I'm going to (a super hard situation to be honest). Can you guess what I did? Nothing. Awful, but it's the end of the semester here, and I will be unavailable for the summer...
Just a bit slower and traumatic. I can't describe how surprised I was when I saw a model of it at the American Police Hall of Fame!
You gave me some terrible ideas... Oldfinger: a perverse criminal haunts the streets of a city. All the evidence leads to an old narcissistic businessman, but is he really the culprit? or Never Say Ever Again: an ignorant and optimistic character discovers the harsh reality of life and plunges into alcoholism. For Your Eye Only: a group of retarded teenagers are lost like many others on a deserted road and end up in a lost hole, inhabited by a strange one-eyed person. License to ill: documentary on the pharmaceutical industries and the growing dependence of the modern societies on their products. The Word Is Not Enough: a young naive discovers the corrupt world of politics, where only words count and not the actions.
If we can count Cessna and Piper (also a loyal representative of the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace) in the "etc" options, their F1 would be archaic, consuming more, but with more numerical displays and information available to the drivers pilots. However, P&W should not be considered for motorization... Lycoming being the best (a bit archaic, but the best).
The question is all but simple to treat and answer. Being from what (some of us) are calling the Doomed Generation (from the the last 80's-early 90's), I must admit that I saw these changes in some of the Western countries' subjects. Like a large part of the world's population, I cannot put forward any hypothesis that could concern the human species itself. Simply because I can not know what people think, and also because each society has its own culture and its way to evolve. However, I must admit that in the few places where I was able to live, I found a form of communication between subjects somewhat "different" (I don't have any other word passing through my minds...) from those I knew as a child. Such as a "transfer" of interest to communicate "indirectly" with others, rather than directly. To be clearer, it seems to me that in the case of certain Western populations (once again, I can only rely on those that I have met), it seems to me that if long-distance relations have become simpler they have never been, this has also led to the degradation of some of the closest relationships. Strangely, two or three years ago I ask the question to the (few) friends I had if they remembered the stronger form of direct relationships we had as children, when we communicated more frequently with each other in schools, and especially that everything was organized in advance rather than in real time. Their answers were obviously positive. Now, I must say that if I discovered the social media/networks very early (the time of imbeciles putting a reggae "lol" every three words on Messenger), I simply hate them now, have not published anything on my Facebook account for 6 or 7 years, and just refuse to follow the activity of those around me in an "indirect" way... but I admit (almost) without shame that I sometimes re-play 1st & 2nd Gen' Pokémon games on a ROM platform...
I bought a new (and much more stable) tripod for the camera some days ago, so I went back to Playalinda to test it a bit. The pictures are still really affected by thermal radiations and the distance from the installations, but it's the closet spot open to everybody. The Falcons Nest, approximately at 5.6 km SSE. With a pelican, but still. The SLC-37, dedicated to Delta IV M & H is just behind. From left to right: SLC-41 (with the four lightning masts), the Atlas V's assembly building (at the right of the elevated tank), SLC-39A (the high structure behind the LH2 tank), SLC-40 (with only three masts in sight), and the still desert SLC-39B. Another view to show how "close" we are. Some pictures of the same installations, but zoomed in: I was expecting to catch the next F9 static burn from here on the 30th, but as it has been delayed to the 1st I'm not really sure if I will able to do it now.
Ouch... it hurts! Another part of the world, but still. (By the way, being from the same area than Martinique, your last upload made me realize that I never saw any monument accorded to La Motte-Piquet on the island...)
This, is challenging enough.
Kansas, in Delaware, Oklahoma
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I tended to be crazy about bizjets, but I'm not totally sure if these projects can be interesting here... Here is the OT-5A Iris: Flight crew: 1 Passengers: 16 Cruising speed: 270 m/s Cruising Alt. (at MTOW): 09-10 km Price: 40 387 000 Range: more than 1 184.95 (thanks to @TheTripleAce3 for its help!) Able to go to a Pole and to come back. Cruising Alt: between 9-11 km, depending on the mass at take-off. Alas, for aesthetic reasons the main fuel tank is covering the back Mk1 cabin's windows. It was built as a light scientific researches aircraft, which is why it's having the (ugly) small cargo bay. Available here. Then, here is the OT-0A Exocet: Pilot: 1 Passengers: 16 Cruising speed: more than 270 m/s Cruising Alt. (at MTOW): 10-11 km Range: more than 1 184.95 Price: 40 396 000 Same capacity than the first file, but a bit more potent in climb rate and cruising altitude. Built from one of my oldest kid's dream and dedicated to MEDEVAC flights to/from short and unprepared fields (the original idea was for serving locations struck by natural disasters). For less debris ingestion by the engines, they were placed over the wings and, consequently, the windows are covered by them. Available here. Finally, the OT-0C Makaira, the sole and only passenger aircraft I published online: Crew: 1 Passengers: 48 Cruising speed: more than 275 m/s (can cruise to M 1.4 at full trust if light enough) Cruising Alt. (at MTOW): 10-11 km Range: more than 1 184.95 Price: 64 706 000 (that's a lot...) Not really economic, but made for comfortable flights at high-subsonic cruise speed and between 11-12 km. Can fly at a low supersonic speed and higher depending on the fuel amount. Like the two others, it is optimized for S.T.O.L. performances, a small tail wheel being available to de-stress the nose gear as fast as possible and without damaging the tail. Available here. Edit: big mistakes corrected thanks to @MaverickSawyer and @Box of Stardust for their notes. Note: not being able to play KSP for more than a month I cannot confirm the range of these aircraft with more precision.
Took from the manual: When Arianespace is promoting flatardness unconsciously.