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Everything posted by Blacks

  1. sorry for offtopic blackrack rbray89 from 7.4 till his last release 1.1-3 was try to implement new thing & was work to fix many bugs => Cloud Shadows / Better City Lights / Improved Lighting / GUI Updates / Celestial Shadows / Cloud shading / Cloud Animation (thx to Waz) & for sure was a not easy task from what i remember, special some aspect was give him a lot trouble to make it work. Part with volumetrics clouds was really change in May 2016 & it was just beginning of a long road what was came with new texture system > cub maping < ... performance wise well my be was not best or perfect but heh in my view was just first step to push limit to much more & make eye explode in joy Anyway is good to see someone try to came with a alternative & i will keep a close eye to see how it will goo & hope to see rbray89 around agen yup 100% agree & my be in end that 2 version it will merge in one single one
  2. EVE with fast multi - layer clouds = negative only if is not use volumetric section 80 FPS + several layers of volumetric clounds = negative aka each LayerVolume & Layer2D turn, use it will make game bleed fps Eve it have old problem what it was not fix & i doubts it will be fix sonish in actual condition = > LayerVolume & Layer2D < but back on scatterer topic i was try to test experimental what blackrack was provide & none was not work corectly in tracking station a minor incovinient i say but glad to see it is try to be fix
  3. @Axilourous to edit / add / modifie cloud you need to learn to use Eve UI (manager) & for that is no guide or manual to explain each section is there, but with little patience you can discover by yourself, it will take a time but you will do it To open Eve Manager press ALT + 0
  4. from what i know Eve it load planet setting from 1 single file acording Eve UI & how code was made BUT if was made a change in how it working perfect is a good news & most visual pack it suppose to migrate with individual planet config file for more easy management @Galileo well is good you was not encounter till now need to load a individual or a specific config me like one who was play, test with many visual pack what was release till now i can say i was like to have that option but is fine if it can be done good if not agen no problem it was a small request nothing more One of many config file what pile up on my hdd
  5. Hello & glad to see Eve is keep update cheers 1 small request if is possible in future: i will like to see an option to load manually different config file with out restart game for example i have so many clouds.cfg file with different setting inside & it will be super helpfull if i will can load specific one directly from Eve UI, for sure i am not only one who thinkering with setting & have save many many config file just for backup same like a suggestion for future if it will be possible to implement similar way like scatterer (scatterer\config\Planets\) use for have individual setting file for each planet in stead be 1 single file what have all cheers & wave to all
  6. @kcs123 that thing what you receive are generate by Eve what is "father" / foundation of all visual pack (SVE, KRSP, AVP are visual pack), for that best is to post full logs on Eve section & address to @rbray89 for @Berlin i was play a with texture, config & it make me to say Kerbin1.dds file from version 1.0.4 release pack it have better result vs file what you was change in 1.0.6 special from volumetric cloud perspective what it fith perfect with your new rgb.dds add in 1.0.7
  7. @Berlin a sugestion try to use diferite color on each cloud layer special that who bring volume for make them less grayish for example you will find value below in spoiler, what i change to your pack Kerbin-MainClouds i think it have to big size aka 4000 it will make them to have big volumetry 2600 - 2800 i think it will fith better cheers
  8. @Berlin one small think StockVisualEnhancements.version file it need to be updated to at list version & kps version, for KSP-AVC update link you need to speak with @Nhawks17 & nice work done there
  9. well yes Eve & Scatterer work ok together, but if they will become 1 single mod it will be better from optimization perspective aka if you will dig deep you will see both they add / came with own > Shaders < unifies them & game i think it will benefit more. I know is not easy task, plus both moder are on diferite time zone with real life staff to do
  10. Shadertoy site i found when i was digging in http://forum.unity3d.com/forums/shaders.16/ searching how other do similar thing what are use in KSP, in theory yes all of that it can be implement in unity & most cod is public, some are copywright protected some are free, but it depend by rbray, blackrack or squad team if then can use or not, me i am just sharing info what can be use like a guide, reference point ... in practice for sure is not a easy task
  11. Some nice shader what can give you some idea Lens flare what influence cloud colour https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtS3DD Sunrise, sunset https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsBXDc FakeVolumetricClouds https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XlsXzN Weather, noise, volumetric cloud https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4dsXWn Procedural, noise, volumetric https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MdfGRX Fly over volumetric clouds https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Mt2XDD Combustible Clouds https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MscXRH Cheers
  12. Some nice shader what can give you some idea Lens flare what influence cloud colour https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XtS3DD Sunrise, sunset https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsBXDc Cheers
  13. You was replay in wrong treath aka this was suppose to be here It depend how you see that balance aka everything must be thought like cause & effect to be gradual, if in a simple situation with nothing special impact is huge then when you will try to do something more complicated like more layers, using high resolutions texture / textures ... you'll have an outcome that it will multiply the initial effect making everything to look very nice but it will be a slide show aka exact what you was found "This is extra bad with multiple cloud layers" for example 1 layer cloud cost around 4-8 fps depend by texture what is use, witch is fine but if you activate "LayerVolume" cost it will be like 35 fps aka is to much +adding Layer2D cost it will goo to +40, watch last movie from pm conversation & you will see . Yes i know getting perfect balance / optimization it is easy to speak about but difficult to achieve in practice, that i say in my end of previous post "it will not be a easy task to be solve". Anyway i am happy you was point to this to
  14. LayerVolume it have big impact on GPU more exactly, 1 single layer from 80 fps cap test with stock Eve drop is to ~30 fps with 1 single craft part test. Step 1. Install Eve with stock config Step 2. enter in game load 1 craft part to runway Step 3. Look up to sky, targeting sun & few cloud (make sure you will not have ocean, water in view camera) pres ESC to pause game for have a static view Step 4. Open Eve manager > CloudsManager to remove (untick) & add LayerVolume, effect it will be seen instant => volumetric cloud it cut by half fps (in my case 80 to ~30) or some were like that, Layer2D section it will bring a small impact to (it depend or is related by how complex texture is use in _MainTex) but is not so brutal like LayerVolume I pointed about this problem to rbray & other visual pack moder in a pm conversation, showing in a recorded video what effect it cause. Impact, fps loss like value yes are dependent by each person pc configuration & special what video card it use but Volume clouds yes it have a big impact on game performance & i bet it will not be a easy task to be solve
  15. In this case frame rate is affect by GPU what can't handle impact what visual mods they bring, on bottom of screen on my record you see a real time capture value of CPU, Ram global one (is OBS overlay add), on left screen you can see real time value bring by GCMonitor mod. In KSP case thing are a little much more complicate but i will keep my mouth close, short story Stronger Rig you have all will work fine, in my case my 650 GTX that's what can do & sorry for pour that low FPS, but i work with what i have C'est la vie
  16. Recorded test with: EVE Pre-release + Scatterer to see New Animated Cloud thx to @Waz how they perform AnyCPU-EVE-Release + AnyCPU-Configs-Release, config was tweak a little add 1 more cloud layer & change few value, Scatterer is default 0246 release Nothing can describe in word at what lvl of immersion it can goo game now Thx
  17. @Tekener try get this: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/AnyCPU-EVE-Release.zip See how it works Update for @Tekener: It is something bad with mixing texture during Night time, like it will appear bought texture light day + night day mix, 3 picture bellow all done during night orbit, first 2 are made brighter using Ambient light to can see better but they suppose to be dark like last one i make special on diferite altitude 80, 90, 100, Test done using SVE with out modifie anything During Daylight orbit is ok (Ambient light set to 0) see print screan bellow Eve Version
  18. a workarround solution for all who experience that press ESC > Quick Revert fly > It will be set on correct place that is happen random no mater what texture res are use or what visual pack you will add soo > Quick revert fly Enjoy it
  19. A suggestion for all who want to report how Grumpy affect game functionality: 1. Step 1. Find KSP.log 2. Step 2. Open KSP log, then select first part of log were is report PC configuration Copy & Paste on beginning of your post it suppose to be most important information with all need to start Example: Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4) RAM: 8153 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (1989MB) SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dumx.dll]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8 3. Step 3. When you will make test changing value of > grumpy < do it in various condition not only in VAB or SPH, what i did was just a example or just a small part of experiment to show how game it react when mod it use (i say already result can variate depend by each PC hardware configuration, system operation, number of mods use, error & exception what my be run behind ....) 4. Step 4. When you say "is worse" or "is better" bring more info to like "is worse if i set to 0.250" or "is better if i set to 10"... flying, loading a stock craft, or 100 custom craft or doing nothing ... is important to let to know in what condition you experience that 5. Step 5. I am tent to say posting log it will be good to, but at list if report it will have PC Configuration add, more details describe it will be fine, but it depend by experiment it self how deep it want to goo Cheers
  20. Actual Eve is desing to work for 1.1.2 not for 1.0.5 with is not anymore compatible soo if you try to use last eve + 1.0.5 bad luck & like secondary question way do you play in 1.0.5 when 1.1.2 is fully functional & way much better ?
  21. is spechless shhh, @quarrion just look at your picture & enjoy it second one if you refer to far away cloud what they are more gray''sh & not have volume is because fade glitch & fact cloud was not fully design base on new Rbray system but it is a good update coz it make SVE be compatible with other visual pack using same sintax, same dev version about minmus if you refer to CityLight it Eve it have same small issue what rbray it will fix soon as he can daaang it looking at that picture i make me curse my video card Cheers
  22. Cloud in Game Menu is very old problem what Eve it have & it happen random, sometime you can have full functional cloud, sometime you will see nothing or sometime bottom left it will have a glitch, but is a minor one coz all we want to jump in game & play so rbray know about but it try to focus on fix other major issue inside the game or bring new feature for make immersion better for all
  23. Some pretty amazing photography done by Matt Molloy, surprising how beautiful is our dear planet. It will be good inspiration source for @Proot @pingopete @Poodmund @Avera9eJoe @blackrack https://500px.com/mattmolloy https://500px.com/photo/144939037/zig-zag-zoom-by-matt-molloy Cheers
  24. If you download 0.6.5 version YOU NOT NEED anything just unpack SVE & that it .... soo delete all & how i say just umpack what SVE zip have for future if you install SVE yout NOT NEED to have in same time BOULDERCO directory because it will get in conflict with SVE CONFIG file = NOOO CLOUD GL & Have fun.
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