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Everything posted by Evanitis

  1. So Duna is a Dune reference? Dang. The river Danube is called 'Duna' where I'm coming from. I did a lot of canoeing there. I always thought the two are somehow related.
  2. I worked in television for like a decade. I mostly did video-editing, some animations, broadcasting and other technical stuff. I ended as news editor, but politics and such made me hate the position, so I left after a year. I decided to become a graphics-designer. These days I'm doing a quick course for that, so I'll have some paper to show, while widening my portfolio. Though I'm still doing post-production and smaller animations for projects on the side. Before KSP, I didn't know why rockets have to go sideways and such things.
  3. I almost never use action groups. I usually forget it while designing, and work around it by creative staging or extensive right clicking. And if that works, I never remember to fix it afterwards.
  4. I learned a lot from MechJeb. But today I'd use KER+Transfer Window Planner+Better Burn Time+Trajectories for enhancing my space-exploration experience. For visuals, I love EVE+Scatterer+Planetshine (my potato can't really handle more. These three feels lightweight). And Dynamic Texture Loader of course - that was pure performance gain for me. Kerbal Krash System is -so- -much- -fun-. It bumps the difficulty a tiny bit - but only when I do something really stupid. It also justifies me having KIS - I have it for ages, but I think I never used for anything else than repairing damage caused by KKS. That's the first two that I installed to every KSP instance I have. Kerbal Construction Time gave much joy for my career game - especially it's simulator-mode: it made me play without saves or reverts, and it makes routine missions thrilling.
  5. I wanted to try this wing-configuration. Some parts of the craft got as far as the ocean. I believe NASA cheats.
  6. You know what I meant... without turning. For fun. That sounds like cheating. Though ironically, indeed the gears feel to be the most complicated part of the mental design I have.
  7. Mehh. Makes me want to build an SSTO that can get to orbit in two directions. I wonder if more than two is possible..
  8. I'm lazy to spam RCS, so I went the easy way with the two SRBs. That was fun. (1.0.5 stock, standard heating)
  9. I didn't read this thread. I just checked your rep-count while scrolling down here. Now I post to find out my own. EDIT: Yay, almost there.
  10. Damn, that weak spot! Marvelous launches, and glorious designs. I haven't the slightest idea how could that be topped. And as I said, I prepared a badge embrodied with golden colored thread for this occasion:
  11. I totally love the 30 part limit in a starting career. It's so challenging to see how much you can accomplish that way on different tech levels. I like to delay my VAB upgrade until I can. I only came to express this, and totally not for gloating about taking 8 tourists to orbit with 29 parts. Besides, I bet the awesome guys in the Caveman challenge can do a lot better than that.
  12. But... the main appeal of 64 bit is that then KSP can use more than 4g ram. The op already said he has 4. Thus I don't think it would help him much.
  13. Lovely thread. And hey, I know a few too. But don't ask me what are these or how to get one for yourself.
  14. Whiplash, if you need a pure jet engine. The Panther is tricky. As others said, Rapiers are the easiest to get to orbit with, as it merges the properties of both engine types you need. That saves weight, but more importantly also the drag of the additional fuselages of the jet engines. But you consider nukes. That suggests me that you want to use the SSTO for... travelling in space. That's not a too efficient way of exploration, as all your wings and gears and whatnot are dead-weight. Bringing up a conventional spacecraft as payload works better. But hell it's so cool to take a lovely spaceplane to other planets, so who cares. If that's your plan, I suggest doing it with one nuke. Your burns will be longer, but the overall dV on orbit is higher. And you won't need any oxidizer - that's a great help. Though it's low trust alone can only lift a pretty small mk1 plane with two Whiplashes (roughly). An mk2 would probably need two nukes. Though for that size, I'd rather pick one nuke (for vacuum efficiency) and two Rapiers with just enough ox for the circularization burn.
  15. I'm intrigued. I removed the version-reference from the OP - it didn't make much sense now that I think of it. I even doubt that many relevant changes happened since buildings are destructible.
  16. I remember I was pretty fast - maybe 2-3 days into the game and I landed a kerbal on the Mun. It took another 4-5 more days to land a living kerbal there. I didn't know there's a savegame feature (if there was at that point), so I think at least 8 deaths were involved (for the landings. I bet it was a lot more in total by that time). The first survivor never left the Mun. Designing a mission with a return trip involved was obviously the next step for me, but doing a precision landing for a rescue looked unthinkably complicated back than.
  17. Every limitation is served to provide more challenge, it's a different matter how many players find a certain one annoying. But figuring out how to trim various aspects of the limitations to fit our expectation is indeed a daunting task. The 'funding penalties' slider (or something like that) controls building costs if you want to unlock them faster. Or just give yourself enough cast to upgrade everything.
  18. Took my beauty for a spin. It exploded on the way to orbit. Well, it normally does that if I'm slightly careless, but now it happened on like 50km... that's a new record, I always though the air is too thin there. Science, eh? So I decoupled everything that wasn't needed for an emergency landing, ditched the payload... and -bang- atmo gave another slap on the way back. Lost engines, most control surfaces, and got into a flat spin. But no worries, managed to stabilize it facing retrograde, and did a perfect backwards landing (upside down for a more gentle splashdown). No (further) harm done. I have the impression that the Husstle is very safe. Well, it does more RUDs than orbits, but somehow it never claimed a life. How nice.
  19. But-but-but... I wanna' ninja-claw onto your station when you aren't looking so I can deorbit it to my KSC. Space piracy for the win!
  20. If Anakin Skywalker was a girl... we'd have the cutest Disney Princess!
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