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Everything posted by Starseeker

  1. Aero was asking what would happen when uninstalling, not installing They'll return to the stock models & textures, yes. Might get some weirdness with parts that ReStock adds new variants to that you've selected, but other than that, you should be fine. (Unless you're also using ReStock+, in which case any craft using the parts that mod adds won't be usable.)
  2. There's a 2.5m->1.875m conical fairing, a 1.875m->1.5m conical fairing, and a 1.875m->1.25m conical fairing, but not yet any 1.875m cylindrical fairing. It's a planned feature, though! This might help:
  3. Yeah, it sounded to me like a generic "you", in the sense of "what would you do to solve this if you had this problem"
  4. IIRC, Principia states it's explicitly incompatible with this mod.
  5. Having the same text-showing-up-as-solid-box error; here's my player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUY6GuUGQKadKiWnoMDHWll-lv1dOSsQ/view?usp=sharing Game version: 1.10.1 MM version: 4.1.4 Mods: B9 Partswitch Community Resource Pack Conformal Decals CryoEngines CryoTanks DeployableEngines Hyperedit ReStock ReStock+ Shabby Waterfall (+ ReStock configs) Custom Waterfall-related patches ("WaterfallCustom" folder)
  6. Well, taking a look, it seems the ones I made/was planning to make are basically inferior versions of the ones Zorg made (hydrolox sustainer, ablative-nozzle hydrolox sustainer, hydrolox vacuum), with the only extra thing mine have being the low-throttle miniflame effect and a small difference on the sustainer plume (which are both pretty minor details, overall). Ah well! I can still help out by making CryoEngine configs to apply the templates (Also sorry for the late response! First week of term started and it's been A Time, with everything being online-only ^^; ) Oh congrats!!
  7. So, with the new effect templates, would the plumes I did be duplicate work? I'm assuming you'd rather use the plumes you or Zorg made rather than the ones made by some random person ^^;
  8. Do you have "StationPartsExpansionRedux" and "StationPartsExpansionMetal" as folders under your GameData folder, and do you have B9PartSwitch installed? It's working fine for me, so it might be an installation error.
  9. So, after poking around in the localization & part-config files, I found the root causes of issue #56 on the issue tracker (https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2/issues/56/bug-broken-localization-on-some-parts). The affected shrouds all have "adapter" in the localization tags in the part config, but "adaptor" in the localization file. The other parts all have the # missing from the beginning of the tag in the localization file.
  10. Alrighty, can confirm that the update fixed the issue on the Tharsis! (It's on the very right, behind the Pavonis) Now I have configs for everything from CryoEngines except for the Etna, which I can now go ahead with making!
  11. Using the latest beta ( B2) on 1.10.1 and it seems several of the localization strings are broken, at least for the English-language configs; the name & description of several parts read #autoLoc_US_<stuff> rather than their proper contents. The parts I've found are: 0.625m conical shroud 1.5m to 1.25m conical shroud 1.875m to 1.5m conical shroud Single and double-height probe cores All non-DMagic Orbital Science science wedges The Breaking Ground-related cargo wedge There may be more that don't show up without other mods installed that I'm not seeing.
  12. Thanks! Ah, yeah, I getcha! However, in my experience, the smaller tank lengths do come in handy quite often, when you need a touch more dV on your upper stage but don't want to have to wildly redesign your lower stage. Also, with smaller tanks, you can make sure your launcher isn't overspecced for a payload, and therefore excessively costly. Also, with regards to engines & tanks: I actually have it planned out so that the first liquid-fuel tech node gives you the 0.625m fuel tanks (ReStock+ adds a bunch of lengths) and the Spark engine (which, with 0.625m tanks, is surprisingly powerful), and after that, tanks are one node branch and engines are another (though you need to unlock tanks of a diameter before you can unlock engines of that diameter). Well, engines are actually a series of branches; you have one line for increasing the diameter of engines, and a branch off of each diameter for getting more advanced engines in that diameter. Ah, I guess I wasn't really all that clear on this: only the Remote Guidance Unit parts (which are available in every diameter up to 3.75m using ReStock+) get the part upgrades. The probe cores themselves don't, and get unlocked later than their corresponding RGU capabilities; however, they're much cheaper (the Stayputnik is ~18% the cost of the 0.625m RGU from ReStock+) and generally lighter than an RGU, so they're good for cheap probes and the like.
  13. That definitely seems interesting, though it follows some different paths than I am. For example, all the lengths of a given diameter are going to be available in one node, the logic being it's much easier to make a longer tank than a wider one.
  14. Well, my main use for the part upgrade system is making it so that, instead of starting with the large, awkward Stayputnik, you start with the ReStock+ 0.625m Remote Guidance Unit, but it has the capabilities of the Stayputnik, and you unlock more capabilities (primarily SAS modes) as you go through the tech tree (which also apply to the other RGU diameters). The cost and mass would remain the same, simulating the advancements simplifying & lowering the cost of the existing hardware (such as a move from electomechanical to purely electronic) and making space for new hardware. This way, there's a reason to use the dedicated space probe cores: for their capabilities, they're much cheaper and lighter. Thanks for the other info though! I'm probably not going to add much "generic" mod support (since that would be quite hard to do, given I'm switching around what type of parts go in which node, so saying "oh any part that would go in X node goes in Y instead" could lead to really weird results), but I'll definitely be trying to make it so that mods have a logical place in the tree without requiring new nodes for that mod specifically. Also, I'm gonna be adding mod support in phases; first I want to get it working with the base I've set out, then add in support for other mods a few at a time.
  15. I'm wanting to make a custom tech tree to address several of the idiosyncrasies I see in the stock tech tree (as well as the others I've tried using), and I'm currently in the process of planning out the core (stock & DLC + ReStock+, with the latter being a requirement for use) node contents (with more mod support to follow). What would be the best route to go about actually implementing it? It's reworking the nodes themselves, not just the parts unlocked by them, and it'll depend on the use of part upgrades for various progression-related things.
  16. Oh wow, it's really that simple of a patch? That'll make things so much easier! Of course, I still need to finish planning out the tree, then figure out how to actually make it (and use the part upgrade system)
  17. Downloaded the latest version of NF Solar for my modded 1.10.1 install, and I guess I was quite a few versions behind last I used it, because I just came across the new (well, "new") cell-type switching ability, and I just want to say: really good work! I'm especially impressed that you put in the work to make separate textures for each cell type for each panel, it must have taken quite a while! Also, a question about said cell-type-switching: would it be feasable for another mod to make it so that, by default, only the regular cells option is available, and the others are unlocked through part upgrades from the tech tree? I'm planning out a custom tech tree, and I want to be able to have that be the case.
  18. Oh, didn't realize that was an album! It just looks like a single image to me.
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