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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Starliner and its Atlas V-?22 called.
  2. Official conclusions and designated scapegoats to be announced today. https://www.rbc.ru/society/11/12/2017/5a2ea1639a79477a54146240
  3. Hm. I saw a different design that relied entirely on compression heating to produce plasma, with some NaK doping, and, later into reentry, deliberate RF heating of surrounding plasma to make it more ionized.
  4. Yes, but they are quite uniformly shifted by about 60° in one direction, which allowed people to handwave that with more funky thermal flows And yes, I’m still just quoting Wikipedia, the apex of scientific knowledge, at you.
  5. That’s a really broad brush. The kind of machines kept changing, from clockwork to electricity to atomic.
  6. It was predicted a few months before flyby. Tidal heating of Io produces 200 times as much heat as ordinary radioactive decay.
  7. Plumes and the oceans of other moons came much, much later. I remember thinking of Europa as utterly unique. The shift of attention to Ganymede only hapenned a few years ago. Tell that to Io.
  8. That’s overkill. But I am trying to slap a similar design to a fictional bomber jet. Basically, I don’t think anything will be left out of a sizeable target area after a ton of ClF5 is dropped inside ordinary, napalm-style tanks. It’s definitely the most popular way of dealing with UAVs and UCAVs.
  9. I think these proposals have been around since as long as we’ve known of smokers on Earth.
  10. @Spaced Out, there's also the tendency of KSP players to use REALLY overpowered engines in upper stages.
  11. The final frontier is on Musk's Instakram.
  12. @_Augustus_ TBH, SpaceX is only likely to go to Mars on taxpayer dollars too. But I find Boeing's lack of Powerpoint slides disturbing.
  13. That's because the prequels could afford the special effects. Normally they're supposed to be less overt or downright unnoticeable. That's how the Falcon survives ship-to-ship turbolaser hits without external damage. Yes, Xenos.
  14. Canonically they're plasma bottles with enough internal cycling to produce the inertia of a metal sword trough gyroscopic effects.
  15. An alternative design I’ve seen proposed is a hand-held linac that uses a superconducting fire to make particle beams run in circles. Probably still suicide. Also, nice timing, right near release of Ep VII. Hm...
  16. Hm... if they survived Europa, they just might have. It works in Kerbal Space Program, err, Children of a Dead Earth.
  17. Plutonium won’t cut it. You need the hot stuff like curium, which is fissionable enough to make nuclear bullets out of.
  18. A meltbot requires either a high-energy-density RTG of the kind not currently produced, or a fission reactor (also of the kind not currently produced). Plus the sheer amount of cable need means a pretty high minimum mass and size.
  19. That would be an example of microbes making it to orbital altitudes. If you use a plume diver, you’d end up with fresh corpses to work with. ...Don’t tell anyone. I told Vasily not to do that stupid thing with the garbage ejector during the Jupiter flyby. But he always was a very good shot.
  20. What a waste. A lot of the melt-borer machines tout using heat rejection to melt the wall material into a structurally sound tunnel.
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