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    KSP1, a worthy Sucessor to KSP2!
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    Loutra Oreas Elenis, Greece

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  1. Hello Alltogether Is there a Mod for the New Raptor3 Engine Available ? Most likely for KST 12.5 thanks in advance.
  2. I Started to Play a Nanodiamond one.... Noticed that accidentally declining a Mission kills the game :-) Wrong. Not accidentally declined it. If you apply to the same mission again (like testing a swivel again, after testing a swivel), it automatically fails. Erm.
  3. @Scarecrow71 Thanks for your comments on my Tylo Mission. That was so hard, even while not played on Hard :-), i had to take somewhat Time off from KSP. I am Thinking of something even more hard (Landing on Several Planets in one Mission) ? grb. that would be somewhat i may need Eons for to complete and maybe a Year to Plan in advance) or need Multiple launches with Ground Construction to get a Bunch of FLT-800's into Space. Hmm.... So why do we climb those Hills? ...because they exist. I Like that Challenge. Quite a good Example of HOW astonishing this Game is that you can get Fun, out of nowhere but someone saying 'Try that' PS: i havent been aware on that mission that 'dlc' is not allowed' but, while not using them anyhow, anywhere along the route, i feel no shame at all.
  4. This Post will be taken as a reference, Worldwide, if anyone ever asks 'what does grasping at straws mean'
  5. We have to accept that there will be always a percentage of those who still will hype this game and tell you 'everything is fine' 'had so much fun' etc. There is nothing wrong with beating a Dead Horse in Hope that it may get up someday again, even if its actually only a scattered pile of cracked withered bones... I had smelled that and havent bought it, but i dont feel 'good' (except the 50€ not wasted) now because i had seen it coming that way. i only feel grief for the way that game went and also for those who still cant let go. Just let go, its so easy, life has so much to give, more than having to whack that pile of Bones in hope that it makes poof and rises as a glorious arabic racehorse. That wont happen. Never.
  6. By krakened NAN, accident, intentionally or inverted orbital decay ?
  7. Why im not excited for KSP3: Hence, KSP is a game that needs not only Fundamental Knowledge in Mathematics, but EXPLICITE perfect knowledge how to adapt physics into Software, any Project in the Future is doomed unless you can attract enough coders that have also a (SCL) degree in mathematics. Typically those wont work for salarys offered in projects like this. In my Country those start here young at 125.000 €/Year, and quickly raise up... they wont work for less because they are a sparcer ressource here, than the truth out of our beloved publishers PR Management. There may be a freshed up KSP1 within the limitations of the Unity Engine. I heard People here fantasizing about a KSP with proper physics mechanik. oh well someone solved the multi Body Problem here in the Forum ? Thats a nobel price. Just publish it...
  8. I dont know if its directly related but, On the last day of KSP2 development, today, i got an surprisingly raise in my job. So both events are now welded together in my memory, i think thats positive.
  9. I once Promised to land a Kerbal on Tylo and Return him Home as Caveman. Did it :-)
  10. Well, there is a playstyle called 'Caveman' where you can only play with the parts you can get with No facilities upgraded, no use of Mechjeb, Cheats and other Tools/Mods. So, any Craft is limited to 18 tons, 20 meters in height and 30 Parts. As there is the normal Caveman Challenge (getting all Science unlocked on different hardness levels) I, for myself, took this to another level in trying to Land on Celestial Bodies around the System where its not so easy to get to with this limitations. Landing on Mun ? No issue, landing on Minmus, either. Landing on Duna ? Thats a Task. I did that once and i may have regretted my last words, saying, i was currently building a Caveman Mission to land on Tylo and safely return. Do something, maybe noone has ever done before. Luckily, there is the Clamp-o-Tron Junior Docking Port. As other already Exercised, with this device you can Assemble Big Ships in Space (and even on Ground, you will need it!) to Get to destinations where others haven't gone before while being restricted to the limits of the Available parts, size, weight and number of Parts. As the Words, once they leave the Mouth, couldnt put back there again, i uttered it, so i had to Build it. I had to Fly it. And i did it. The Setup: I will not get into Details, but it can run 4-digit number of parts Craft. At least you need a Rig that can run a 500 Part Craft. The Software: KSP 12.5, both DLC installed, Plain install, no Mods. I have a Savegame here with all Craft Files linked and a ready-to-depart-Vessel, so you can REPLAY the Mission if you want.... Here is The Save File with all Crafts I had to Plan in advance a Long Time, had to design the Crafts, had to take into account to not exceed the Software and Hardware Limits, and had to create this Mission in a way that it stays into the boundaries where tha Risk of getting Krakened is marginal. I had to redesign the Ship several Times because i ran into the 'need too much FLT-400 Tanks' at all etc. So i ended up to get the overall Number of needed FLT-400 tanks down to 100 for the main Mission (really, 100 tanks docked to the Craft, Guess how much Time i wasted on that, Launching and Docking all that stuff ? I didnt took this as a Fulltime-Job but at least, with some creativity breaks where i had to think over the Concept, it took more than a Year. In total, somewhat between 200 and 300 Rocket launches where needed to Assemble everything together, with several complete restarts of the main Project. So in Total i may have had 1000+ Rocket Launches until i Found a suitable way for This Mission. All those failed iterations, we wont Talk About here, but the one Mission that Succeeded--- As there may be others that want to Torture themself, there is also a Savegame here added, so you can Replay the Mission without going thru the slog of Assembling the Craft in Space. The Craft has 500 Parts and is currently in Orbit, ready to Fly to Tylo. Dont forget to decouple the rescue ship after getting to a Higher Orbit for the endless Jool Burn. - i had to retry the Jool Burn 1 Time, the First Transfer was not useful due to Shifted Planes. so i had to wait for a Transfer window where Start and Arrival are on the same axis. But as the difficulty is normal, revert/retry is allowed. - i had to retry the Kerbin Burn 3 Times, the Tools Online for Eyeballing the Transfer from Jool to Kerbin does not take into account that Jool has a Tilted Plane and excentic orbit. - docking ports seem to fail using as decoupler somehow, anyhow. This led to some trouble with the Lander but i evaded it, by manually decoupling it. this led to a very hard ascent on Tylo, i barely made it back to 25km orbit with nearly zero fuel left. I will, nah, maybe may Try to Comment every Picture, that needs a comment, this will take Time... But at least, everything stands on its own. Now here is the Line of 342 Screenshots. Here we start with all the Scienca gathering because the Nodes needed to be unlocked. didnt wasted too much screenshots on them. The first part of the Tylo lander In Orbit Some FLT-400 Launches The Landing Part of The Lander. Too big to Start Alone On Ground Assembling needed Ready for Start Docking to the Main Lander Docking the Fuel tanks for Tylo Descent to the Lander Now the main Structure of the Spaceship to Tylo need to get into Orbit. I created another 2-Stage Rocket that can be docked to existing Rockets on Ground.... The Main Spaceship Structure. Rolling the External Rockets to Dock. second Rocket Docking I try to start the Main Ship with 2 Rockets. Hmm. Better, i misconstructed the External Rockets so i failed to dock them all 4. I Tried... Barely made it to Orbit... Reworking that Set would have taken a few days First, Docking some additional Fuel to the end and trashing the external engines. Adding the Lander to the Top, Facing Backwards Now the adding of the remaining 48 Fuel tanks started for the Main Ship. Asparus Staging, i knew the docking Port issue now, so the decoupling is done by the small decoupler This were 2 additional missions because i need 2 3-Star Pilots. Now the assembling continues Main Ship Ready with 8 sets of 3 FLT-400 in asparagus staging. For the Starting Burn to Jool, i had to add another 2 Stages of 24 FLT-400 each. Now we have 100 FLT-400 Docked Now the Rescue Ship needs to be constructed. It has 2 Purposes: - help to push the Main Ship to Higher Orbit and then stay at kerbal Orbit in case, its needed in Jool SOI for a Rescue I notices i had the 2nd Solar Module docked to the wrong end, so i have to swap it out to the other side. Ship Is completed. Main Ship has 100 Tanks, Secondary Ship (rescue ship for first Push) has 24 tanks. 500 Parts, 293 Tons Caveman Vessel I First lifted the Vessel up to 300Km Orbit Now the Push for a High AP starts. Goal is 5M Succeeded. remaining Weight of Ship is 205 Tons, all 100 Tanks still fully Loaded Starting the Transfer Burn to Jool 36 Tanks Left, Burn Complete That was the Perfect Burn But i had to waste a Bit Fuel because i came in directly hitting Jool. i had to Burn outwards to get 67M PE Planes need to be matched Getting near to Tylo to get a Catch Argl, again a direkt hit I had to get 27KM PE Slowly burning Down to 25 KM Orbit around Tylo Success. Orbit Around Tylo reached. Jeb has to Go. This Lander is Built to work from 25KM around Tylo. Yes, i simulated this. Prior coming all the way along, but This Burn was Real and it Worked. Erm. no small Step. Even some Fuel left, but i can not reuse it for the ascent due to the un-docking issues witch the docking ports. After Ascent you see, due to the issue of having to ditch the 4 Outer tanks on Ground, there is barely fuel left for docking. So i have to come around with the main vessel to pick the lander up. That was really sharp Coming in for Docking. I have to delete alot debris.... Docking to main Vessel Transfering Jeb and Ditching the Lander Now we have to leave Tylo SOI Unfortunately i had Chosen a very High Orbit around JOOL for the transfer. It Took Eons to find a suitable Window This'll Do Many Course corrections needed. Planes and retrograde Burn wasted much Fuel. But i had sme saved from the first Transfer that went Great A Hit. Having To Burn until i have an orbit. No way of trying to Aerobrake this and not Burn off. Now i can Aerobrake a good 1000KM of in several rotations. barely... but it worked around 60KM PE Until i got the PA small enough to stop aerobreaking and getting a stable orbit with the remaining Fuel. Rescue ship is coming for help. Some Tanks for the rescue ship needed. changing planes to match both ships Docking, Transfering all Crew Aand Deorbit Burn Only 2 Meters to Got :-)- Where is the watered screenshot ? Ermon had Orbit Around Tylo. He was the Guy in the Main Ship Jeb has the Landing on Tylo. So he is the One that Went to Tylo, landed and Returned on caveman Level. Hurray Pilots Summary. Facility Summary Science summary. I didnt bothered to take any science from Tylo. Its caveman. what for i need additional science ?
  11. I guess thats called 'side business' My cynical view: The IP (kerbal space program) is not as big as GTA but with the solid Fanbase you can generate a nearly guaranteed ROI with nearly zero risk. The IP guarantees a solid Base of customers that will buy the Game instantly at any state because they are longing for the sequel. so why not cash in for some bucks if they lay abroad and the risk is nearly Zero ? Set the Price for EA to 50 Bucks because you need that first rush until the Fans notice whats going on (or not, in that case).... Its a simple calculation: evaluate the fanbase that will instantly buy the game if it comes out (i guess there are people in the offices that can do that) , evaluate the costs of hyping the game, evaluating the costs of buying the IP + recycling the codebase and the coders. Summarice that up and you will have a fixed date when the game has to be published to generate a pre calculated return of investment. If you go into an apple shop, they will sell you a charging cable for a few bucks, even if the shop can not run on that income, its a side business thats generates some minor income too. Why wasting the possibilities of a few safe bucks ?
  12. They say they are still hard at work. This sentence may have several meanings i wont express here.
  13. Now, Thats the Point where i started to hate my own predictions.
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