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  1. Did you begin with a clean install when you switched to CKAN?
  2. As per my comment in tonight's Twitch session, I've updated to v0.0.3 and restarted the game. Still no WDIN icon on the VAB stock toolbar. However, I am getting several WDIN errors in the KSP.log: Error 2, experiment is null Error 3, experiment is null SCANsatCoverage scanType: 2 not a number SCANsatCoverage scanType: 256 not a number KSP.log and .sfs file are in this Dropbox folder.
  3. Updated to v0.0.2 and the WDIN icon no longer appears on the VAB or SPH toolbar. Removed and reinstalled via CKAN and I can confirm that the GameData\WDIN folder exists with contents. Only WDIN error in the KSP/player.log is : [ERR 23:08:51.956] WhatDoINeed: Error 2, experiment is null [EXC 23:08:51.959] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) WhatDoINeed.WhatDoINeed.SetUpExperimentParts () (at <6873a91d132a47a2aa11b0196a932b62>:0) WhatDoINeed.WhatDoINeed.Start () (at <6873a91d132a47a2aa11b0196a932b62>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
  4. Just curious, does it need one? I'm using RB and SCANSat in a career save and not encountering this problem.
  5. Correct, at least according to CKAN. FYI, I have the same 3 mods but don't see this warning in either player.log or KSP.log.
  6. @DeadJohnFYI, I'm in stock system so I don't believe it's a planet pack problem. During his last stream, LGG mentioned that DMagic parts and/or ScanSat itself had been giving him problems during the initial coding. I'm sure he's on it.
  7. To follow up on tonight's stream, I have the following suggestions/observations: The Contract Selection window displays the contract titles centre-justified. This is inconvenient since that particular window currently cannot be resized and if you have contracts with long names, the ones with short names can be hidden unnecessarily. See screenshot below in 2. There seems to be vertical misalignment in Contract Selection window between the selection button and the contract title. This results in guess work when selecting a contract, especially in the middle of a long list. Edit: The workaround, as pointed out by LGG, is the titles themselves can be clicked instead of the button. I have a magnetic survey contract that requires Magnetometer Boom and RPWS Antenna on the craft. They don't show up in the mod for some reason. Another contract in which there are no experiment parts listed, just the required outcome. Shouldn't there be parts listed in the Active Contracts window?
  8. What do you see on the Versions tab when you select Parallax? A possible solution is to completely remove Parallax and associated mods, such as Parallax - Stock xxx stuff, in CKAN. Then go into GameData and manually delete the Parallax and Parallax_Stock Textures folders. Restart CKAN and reinstall the latest versions.
  9. Thanks @linuxgurugamer. Using this will be added to my pre-launch checklist to confirm I don't leave a part behind.
  10. Have you checked that you don't have another mod that's incompatible with Parallax? Check the Relationships (Relacionamento) tab. I'm pretty sure that you need to update Parallax - Stock Planet Textures to v2.0.8.
  11. I thought TAC and USI were mutually exclusive. Could be mistaken though.
  12. That's precisely why I would encourage you to reconsider and post your log. The diagnosis of its contents may reveal the cause of the problems you're having. It's more information for those capable of figuring out what's going wrong. Without the log, many hands are tied and people will offer guesses without any data to back them up.
  13. No, the mod is not obsolete and does scanning that stock just doesn't do.
  14. On Windows, the log is stored at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log. KSP always produces a log file unless there's some catastrophic failure on start.
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