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Everything posted by adamgerd

  1. "After the violent lunar accident in 2023 where (name) died, spaceflight had increased funding"
  2. Entry for "One Star Piloting Award - Managed to get one of the previous four entries to orbit." I piloted your SSTO and managed to successfully get it in orbit Edit: Tried to land too and deorbit and I managed to land in a desert place after swinging up to use the surface area as drag
  3. What are the effects of high radiation? How long do the effects take? Also I'm assuming >6 RAD is a lot, probably shouldn't have done the orbit in the belt without shielding though I only added the mod post-start of the save
  4. 6/10 Semi-believable though the use of the word us seems suspect. Hello Homo sapiens, I myself am also a Homo sapiens and like you I have 23 pairs of chromosomes for we are all Homo sapiens, I even talk this human language called English since we don't speak binary obviously, a series of ones and zeros for we are very human
  5. What is the goal of life? It is to go to space and at least if I die I won't be crippled only dead and I will be in the History Books (hopefully)
  6. I am from the heart of Europe, the best city in Europe and the only city worth visiting really (totally not biased), Prague
  7. They’d probably think the rocks are faked or from earth. Maybe though I should get them a rocket to get there and the lander
  8. Ok, I have half a lander and am on the moon, yay I am on the moon, away from regular zombies
  9. Not just you, the calculations themselves are pretty easy, they're just basic division, its the understanding of the mole that is complex. Also I have 10,000 US Flags, 10,000 Neil Armstrong's and 10,000 moon lander legs. Does anyone wish to buy any astronaut? A real life astronaut?
  10. Ah, thanks for the suggestion Ah yeah that does make sense Yeah your assuming of the CM is correct, its not intended to return as for the mission, its to attempt a rendezvous and docking with another vehicle in LKO that is close to equatorial orbit and then transfer its excess fuel across
  11. 0/10 Hmm, having a system failure when humans don't have .exe. I am totally 100% a human absolutely, I even do the typical human movements and anyone who disagreed -WILL BE TERMINATED- I mean will be lying
  12. I added struts and made it more balanced and while it is less, the boosters push into the main engine when flying and then back out in a sort of X shape, where they go outwards and then inwards, not sure what causes it. Also the struts that I added don't seem visible in the middle while their ends are
  13. Yeah Well that helps explain why the instability always significantly increased when I decoupled the boosters
  14. Yeah, I am not really used to the new aerodynamic model, that the nosecone helps, probably because for a time I pretty much stopped playing it They might be slightly but I don't think so, I'll check to be sure Yeah, will try that
  15. So I have built a rocket and it appears to be and should be aerodynamically but it rotates around its vertical axis (wobbling slightly but the wobbling gets worse), and starts turning randomly which prevents me from launching it into an equatorial orbit or controlling the inclination.
  16. Attempting the challenge, probably will be difficult since my first attempt today failed miserably, probably because I did not bring enough fuel for the 3 parts to dock and nor do I have much experience docking, so I might've wasted some trying to dock
  17. Kerbal Inc. Sonic aviation is proud to present: The Sonic Kerman: The Sonic Kerman can seat 40 passengers comfortably in its 5 crew cabins, and is one of the largest airplanes on the market with the wings. The wings are swept to decrease the drag caused by the sonic boom and decrease its noise on the passengers. Due to the wings being inherently prone to falling off, steel struts are added on between the wings to connect them to each other, increasing the price. Although it has a price that may seem like a lot, it does well in its required categories: Range of at least 1500km: our personal estimates have put it at around 5129km (W/O Afterburner), Over 1506 (With Afterburner): Better than needed! Cruising Speed of at least 340 m/s: Max speed is over 851 m/s, cruising speed can be over 750m/s: More than needed! At minimum 40 Passengers: can carry 40 passengers: As needed! Some may say that the part number of 122 parts may be expensive to maintain, as it costs 74,643,000, but it is long-ranged, fast and the seats have lots of room with people being able to have the seats up to 170 degrees and the journey is quick It is stable, but relatively difficult to maneuver and especially above 1 Mach, the controls especially rotation is a bit finicky. It is meant to be flown in between 11000 and 17500 meters at a speed of 500-900 m/s, the best range is with the afterburner turned off at the cost of slower speed. The afterburner is needed above 14.2-14.5km. The range were measured at around 15km for Afterburner and around 12km without afterburner Downloads: Main: Craft Download (Dropbox)
  18. Yeah thanks for the suggestion, it now is much more easier to take off, might've moved the angle too much
  19. Damn it, was prepared to write a proposal and then I re-read the requirements and that the maximum take off speed is 80m/s, while my plane would've required 160-200m/s take off speed, now I have to figure out how to reduce it by half (probably will be kind of hard given its size)
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