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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Maybe they think it's ok to smoke weed at workplace in SpaceX or something stupid like that. "OMG he had a joint at a show, rocket safety is compromised!!" Or there are people who just hate Musk and use this case to generate some headache for him and his company. He never said that later version would be chemically powered. Also he didn't say there would be humans in it.
  2. They have, but so far they've only built a composite tank (partially), so radical changes are still on the table
  3. Well, Soyuz-FG launched successfully after the accident, so it's considered to have requalified itself for human spaceflight. Assembly process was changed to prevent this kind of failures in the future. As for the Soyus-MS09, that's a proper mystery. Nobody seems to have a good idea about when it was done and by whom. Nevertheless, new Soyuz spacecraft are subjected to pressurization testing before launch now.
  4. Technology breakthroughs don’t happen spontaneously and on their own. People have to work on ambitious projects that require new technology, like sending humans to another planets. And if you dismiss this work, call it a pipedream and generally discourage people from believing that it’s possible, then the breakthrough won’t be very likely to happen.
  5. Space civilization is bad, Mars colony is worse... Is there anything about space that you do like?
  6. Also, turns out, "Soyuz-5" and "Federation" are temporary names and will be changed in the future.
  7. The very fact that he has to publicly disprove such claims tells a lot about SLS.
  8. They all have functioning brains. It’s just that some politicians don’t want to be responsible for thousands of people losing their jobs
  9. And Shuttle contractors will lose a LOT of jobs... Something tells me the Congress will not allow this.
  10. BTW, couple of months ago I made a similar thing in stock KSP, but with 2 big boosters around a central winged spaceship (like Shuttle, but with props). Boosters had 7 Vector engines each, spaceship had 3, crossfeed enabled. Worked really well.
  11. I don’t get it. It’s supposed to replace F9 in satellite launches, and F9 flies rather frequently these days. BFR doesn’t need to fill its entire cargo capacity for one launch to be profitable, a single 7t GEO commsat is good enough already.
  12. If it works, and it’s fully reusable, then it can be scaled up to be more capable. If it can be scaled up, why waste time on a smaller version?
  13. Radical plan change: going to Tatooine instead of Mars. Spaceship fully reusable, as long as there’s a wookiee on board.
  14. Noticed this as well. I thought it was a chunk of ice, but I’m really not sure. Too slow for a meteorite.
  15. So, they have a name now, Energia-5? That's very original. They don't even have Energia cores. Fake Energias.
  16. So strange to see people here demanding proof of commercial viability of reuse. As if it wasn’t self-evident. Why would Bezos, the richest person on the planet, design his orbital rocket with reusability in mind? I mean, he knows a thing or two about running business, no?
  17. The signal isn’t there anymore. Whatever it was, didn’t last long.
  18. Almost nonexistent, lol It’s high in space, then blackout, then it’s landed.
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