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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Ok. Also, it happens on Eve, doesn't happen on Gilly, happens a little bit on the Mun. Gravity-related somehow? also, there's no way you can attach an S3-14400 with KIS, it's too heavy even for the PAL forklift.
  2. Also happens with 3.75m round containers, especially if I put something heavy into them before reloading the scene.
  3. Not atm. I can make some pics tomorrow though. It's pretty consistent. I didn't stuff it into a KIS container, I used a PAL rover with forklift and crane. Then I just attached it to another module with an engineer on EVA using KAS.
  4. Sorry for quoting myself, but this glitch is really annoying. So, has anyone else experienced it?
  5. I have a fun MKS question. (Or is it a fun KAS question? I'm not really sure). Basically, if I attach a heavy module (like Tundra 3.75 Kerbitat) to another base module with KAS, everything seems normal at first. But when I reload the scene, the heavy module becomes horribly bent and shifted from its original position, but still attached to its parent. So... has anyone encountered this? Any tips? Autostruts don't help at all, sadly.
  6. I like threads where you can get 3 answers to your question literally 1 minute after you post it.
  7. There is a 3% chance that you'll get a female 5 times in a row with a 50% initial probability, so it's nothing unusual, really.
  8. @JadeOfMaar well, at 20km and 500 m/s these four karbonite engines consume less karbonite than the scoops produce, so if their ISP isn't changed, they should generate even more surplus karbonite and go even faster at that particular altitude. Also, glad you like it. I lost count of hours spent building, flying and optimizing this thing. You know what's the hardest part about Eve spaceplanes? Not the delta-v. Not even the TWR or drag. It's the heating, because you need to go really really fast in the middle atmosphere to reach suborbital speed. I spent most of the time trying to figure out the ascent profile that won't lead to explosions.
  9. Nuclear ramjet sounds fun indeed. Atomic Age has atomic thermal jets, but they're very very weak, don't use them ever.
  10. Thick atmosphere also means more resource intake and lift from the wings. You can fly at 50 m/s with medium-sized wings near the surface. And if you fly at 20 km, drag doesn't really matter, since the pressure there is about 0.2 atm (compared to 5 atm at sea level). In my experience 2 scoops per turbojet is enough to maintain indefinite flight at 20 km and 500 m/s speed. It comes with Porkjet's mod, I think it's called Atomic Engines or something like that. @RoverDude uses it in his streams. I think it also need a patch to work with KSP 1.2.2 This part is completely wrong. Adding 2 more scoops will maybe lower your top speed from 540 to 520 m/s. Just try it out.
  11. I guess I was lucky then. Played two saves, both had enough Ka in Eve's atmosphere to sustain the flight. You can always add more scoops if the concentration is too low.
  12. Biomes don't matter, it has the same concentration in every biome. It does however drop with height. I've tried it on Eve and Kerbin, and there's almost no karbonite in Kerbin's atmo, so you can't fly indefinitely there. There's a lot of this stuff on Eve though. Hmm, try setting a highly elliptic orbit, and when you're done, use Laythe or Tylo to get your periapsis back up?
  13. You can easily stay airborne with Ka scoops. In fact, my Eve SSTO uses karbonite turbojets with scoops to get to around 20 km height and 500m/s speed on Eve before firing the Lightbulb.
  14. That "fully stock" part is funny. "Fully swindle" fits better!
  15. The Jool aerobrake was fake as hell. I mean, you can do it, but not at an interplanetary speed and not with that particular craft. It was immediately obvious to me that it's just impossible to pull this off without cheats.
  16. I had a boogie base of my own! It somehow managed to do a 360' backflip once, it was awesome.
  17. I tried it back in the days of MKIII modules, OKS and Orbital Logistics Generally, with large connected bases, the physics hop would rip all KIS-attached anchors, ground pylons and struts from the ground. So I didnt even try it this time.
  18. @RoverDude I tested the new cradle250.mu. Cradles do shake still, but it's much better than it was before. Sadly, nothing seems to fix the base sliding issue. I don't think cradles have anything to do with sliding, though.
  19. Patched conics, maneuver nodes, navball and SAS ruin all the fun! Real players don't need them, KSP is all about eyeballing stuff! Right?
  20. Wilfurt Kerman wanted to take some cool pictures of himself today. So I had to lift him up. From Eve surface base. I guess he was happy
  21. Yeah, it's just weird that they attach normally in VAB and then fall off immediately upon construction.
  22. Side effect: Parts immediately fall off from inflated Bigelow-habs on GC-constructed vessels.
  23. Made a cheap Eve sea level SSTO with Karbonite and Atomic Age engines.
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