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Sharkman Briton

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Everything posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. Really like this mod! One question though, and that is about what the purpose of the Pol cargo block and the other cargo block is. What do they do other than hold a bit of fuel and electricity? Maybe you should add some space inside to store stuff.
  2. Alright everyone, progress seems slow so I've devised a checklist for us all! (Hopefully it works.) SuperChecklistV1.0 * Make RoboKerb crew type. * Figure out how to make a habitation module that only RoboKerbs can get in. * Brainstorm ideas for new parts. * Brainstorm other stuff. / * Work on making a checklist. \/ * Have a nice cuppa tea. * Be half serious at making a checklist. * ALL HAIL CHECKLIST. * Make our first part + model! * Do some coding stuff. * Fail horribly. * Try again. * Fail horribly. * Let someone else do it. / * Run out of ideas for a checklist.\/
  3. I was wondering where this weeks SF was, thanks for the substitute!
  4. What tourists? ------------- Awesome page, Kuzz! And that ending of Kenlie's story is foreshadowing if my senses serve me right, seems we have alot more of him to see.
  5. Apparently there isn't a DV map for this mod, which makes it pretty unplayable for me, as if I don't know the DV requirement for going to, lets say Aptur, I will be so paranoid of underestimating or underengineering the ship that I'll probably go there with something fit for a Jool-5 challenge, so I'd love for someone to make a DV map for this mod so we don't have to rely on transfer window planner, thanks!
  6. I need some help with spinny things, I'm trying to make a propellor without engines (don't matter if it dont fly.) and none of my attempts have worked, all of them don't spin or the propellor falls off.
  7. Yeah, it works! I don't want no money, and donations for SkyRender seem good, but theres no point putting it up now, we haven't even started!
  8. Reading it right now, but whats the MRV? - - - Updated - - - Never mind, it's the Munar Roving Vehicle >.<
  9. Okay, thanks, I wanna try make a spinning propellor, which I have no clue how I'm going to do as all of my bearings since that centrifuge haven't worked. - - - Updated - - - EDIT: Propellor without engines.
  10. Eh, I'm trying to make one without engines, thanks anyway... Anyone got suggestions for stuff to make using bearings?
  11. You're better than me m8, if you can rendezvous at all.
  12. Azi, could you show me how to make a (fast) turboprop without engines? Thanks.
  13. Made a bearing! I will admit it's basically a tweaked version of FlipNascar's ferris wheel, though.
  14. YES! Thanks to FlipNascar, I'm on the way to making a centrifuge! I used his stripped down Ferris Wheel as a reference, and made basically a copy of his but with pods!
  15. Interesting, thats why I'm glad I'm on PART duty XD
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