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Sharkman Briton

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Everything posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. Really like the boat, Wheesleys are the best for boats IMO, and you can still get good speed with them, and to save on part count a bit use Structural Fuselages instead of radial intakes.
  2. Okay, I had a feeling it was cancelled since my book is from 2009 or early 2010.
  3. So I will admit I'm more excited about a possible return to the Moon rather than a crewed Mars Mission, as the Mars one will be alot further in the future, with the Moon I'm excited as it's very achievable and the Altair Lunar Lander is awesome, especially the fact that it and the Orion go to the Moon semi-Apollo style, with the orbiter and the lander. What are you people's thoughts on the Altair?
  4. Cool beans! Kind of painful to watch though, as it's completely silent.
  5. Kenlie's growing on me... For the next comic in this series, the one where you most likely go to Jool, could Kenlie be in the crew?
  6. Holy cow, I just read chapter 2 again, because of your Hummblebee download post, and I realised something... Enzin was there way back then! I thought he was a new employee.
  7. Achieved orbit in RSS! Wrote a little story about it. Here.
  8. Achieved orbit in RSS, posted a screenshot story of it based upon what happened on the 4 attempts in-game. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134408-Henry-I-Shepmund-s-promise?p=2198745#post2198745 Thats the thread, more of a writing thing than a mission report, any criticism?
  9. I did it! I made orbit without cheating! It cost the life of Tedbree on the first three attempts, but his brother, Shepmund fulfilled his promise to succeed where his brother failed, and not only got the rocket more than a few meters into the sky but also got it all the way into orbit without it shattering into a million pieces! The reason it was breaking apart was because I didn't strut it, and thought it was the launch pad's fault because it might've been spawned slightly above or slightly below the ground. Posted a story of the mission to the Fanworks sub-forum.
  10. Wasn't sure if this was a Mission Report, Screenshot, or Writing, so I eventually settled for writing, RIP Tedbree, he bailed the heck out of two failing, unstrutted rockets, and lived to tell the tale, the third fail was a different story. Shepmund Kerman now mourns silently.
  11. Why don't you have it be liquid oxygen or liquid hydrogen? I think that may go will with LF/OX.
  12. wat. da. heck. just. happened. i. dont. get. it. - - - Updated - - - And how did you get that internal view on the iffy?
  13. What about a new resource? I'm thinking of something like oil or lubricant, so it doesn't go clunky and stiff on those long missions! Or a condensed electriccharge, that the robot kerbal holds, and powers the thing? Maybe he robots could be built modular, with different types of robot core, a robot SAS unit, a robot Engineering unit, and a robot Science unit: The SAS unit allows the robot SAS, in three tiers, starting from Stability assist and Prograde & Retrograde hold with the MK3 SAS giving full SAS, MK2 would be inbetween. Engineering Unit comes in two tiers, first being KAS functionality as an engineer, and the second being full Engineer functionality. Science unit would allow the Robot some scientist properties, such as being able to function in a lab and being able to store experiments. (will get back to that later.) There would also be Condensed Electiccharge batteries, holding anything from 5 to 100 Condensed Electriccharge. The robot may hold experiments, but can only use them if it has a Science Unit, these experiments could be for example an EVA report, a sample collector and a dust collector. The robot would have a base, and mounts for multiple types of robotic parts, as listed below: Backpack mount. (For the RCS backpack, Dust collector backpack and extended range backpack.) Small Battery Mounts. (2 of them, holds Condensed Electricity batteries, which are about the size of the small radial battery in stock.) Large Battery Mount. (Only 1, holds a large radial Condensed Electricity battery, which is a bit bigger than the Large Radial Battery in stock.) Utility Mount. (Holds the SAS, Engineering or Science units, but can only hold one, to balance it out, or instead can hold a stack Condensed Electricity battery.) Avionics Hub/Brain. (Holds the robots command core.) Body Antennae Mount. (Located on the main body, can mount a small or medium Robotic Reciever for control.) Backpack Antennar Mount. (Located on all backpacks, can hold a Robotic Reciever dish, which can recieve signals from a longer range.) So lets say we have a Robot, with an extended range backpack (has an extendable dish on it, which when extended gives 2km of range.) with a small reciever dish on it (mounted on the extended range backpack, gives a further 1.5km of range.) and on it's body has a medium Reciever. (Gives a further 1km of range.) Added to the standard 2.25km range of the standard robot core this robot has a range of 6.75km from the nearest Robot Signal Transmitter. And emphasis on that 'Robot Signal Transmitter' well, this is a part located on ships that allow control to a robot kerbal thats close enough to the part for their avionics to pick the signal up, theres also signal beam transmitters that can be configured like RemoteTech, so if you set up a comsat network around a planet, you can have a robot with increased range, as signal beam transmitters give robots signals depending on the signal beam transmitters own range, and not the robots range. Thats my input so far, hope you like it.
  14. I know this feel, I'm trying to get help with that thing too, whats the new resource? I'm doing an engine + parts pack, maybe we could work together.
  15. Thanks, but changing that name to the texture I've made does nothing. - - - Updated - - - Great, now I've forgotten how to UV unwrap the right way.
  16. Thank you, The launcher is going to be a whole other thing, it's the orbiter I'm figuring out.
  17. Thanks, Nathan, but may you explain what LOI means? I know the Trans-Lunar Injection and Trans-Earth Injection, since this is a Lunar Orbiter mission, then thats about 5.1km/s, thanks for that, I must've made a mistake by counting Geostationary Transfer.
  18. So this is the fourth nooby question I've posted here, and since the third I've been messing around in Blender, watching the same tutorial over and over again, observing every detail every time, and I've made progress! I've managed to UV Unwrap a long cylinder, imported it to Paint.NET (thank you to whoever that was who recommended paint.net!) and messed around with it, added colour here and there, added a logo, all is jolly good. But heres when the bit I'm stuck on comes up... Applying the texture to the Blender model...! The tutorial says to add a material, couldn't figure that out, looked it up on the Blender wiki and that manual is obviously outdated because pressing F5 in editor mode as it says does not bring up a little thing on the program with a shading bit in it that had an add material thing on it, so I'm stuck here, which is really annoying me now as I worked quite hard (for my standards.) on that texture and I can't apply the texture. May somebody help me? Thank you.
  19. Could anyone here give me tips on making a Manned Lunar Orbiter? I've managed to get into orbit (albeit with F12 menu as I somehow underengineered the rocket.) I messed around with a procedural fuel tank with 2.5m diameter and a Poodle engine, and when I made the tank even 41m in length it wasn't enough DV to go and get back from Munar orbit. Though I might be being an idiot with the DV map, as I'm counting the Geostationary transfer, which may be my problem. Anyone have tips for making rockets?
  20. It did the pop-up saying things didn't load because they had invalid parts. My craft files are fine now that I check, it's just that I thought they were deleted because it said they didn't load.
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