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Sharkman Briton

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Everything posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. Really like the mod, but my question is: What do the boats use to move around? All I see is those steam powered spinny-things but is there anything else? I had this mod before the spinny steam things came around, and I don't think I ever found out.
  2. I think that guys trolling a bit, the 'second moon of Duna' is the magic boulder orbiting Ike, but it's been gone since around .21, love the video!
  3. Hey, could you make a launch site in the U.K. For KSC switcher? I'd love to see that happen, even if there isn't one in real life that I know of.
  4. I heard somewhere, that under 10km the atmosphere is thickest, and at that point you have lower throttle to be more efficient.
  5. Hmmm, so since we just got into the "order zero" part, then technically everything before this was prologue, and we're just getting into the true beginning of this story now the DOB crew is back, so we must have alot more to go! Woohoo!
  6. Anyone know how to build working rockets in this mod? XD I'm failing miserably at this, at least I got Jeb into space. (P.S. That graphical glitch turned out to be because I'd clipped and put 2 command pods in the same place, so the Kerbals were kind of clipping into eachother in IVA or something, when one Kerbal got out it was fine.)
  7. Aerodynamics have no effect on the Mun, but you're definately better than me at this, I haven't landed on any celestial body other than Kerbin, in the situation of landing on your side, if you have the fuel try and take off like a plane.
  8. Okay then, will have to make insane 10km/s rockets that I can't comprehend, is it even possible with 2.5m or 1.25m parts?
  9. Hey does anyone have a DV map for RSS? I don't believe the first one I found on the RSS subreddit, orbit around Earth CANNOT be 9.1km/s, I don't believe that one.
  10. Nathan, does the texture pack do anything including completely F-ing up the Kerbal portraits on launches? Did my first launch and their textures were smashed up, all crazy, had white suit and orange suit overlapped, some weird clipping thing made it look like they had big bushy british empire-esque moustaches, I aborted the launch because I was so horrified about the portraits. Is this a bug with the texture pack? If it's not it must be another mod I have, but I don't have any other mods that change textures... Hmm... On another note: Lovin' the mod so far, you're doing good, I wonder if anyone has ever actually done a manned mission in RSS beyond Mars?
  11. I'd suggest less amounts of reading, that got a bit boring after a while, loving the story so far though.
  12. Yes, I am British, and East Hexania as all too alike the U.K.... They get my support!
  13. Yeah, this mod is inspired alot by that mod, but I intend to have it be more 'practical' in terms of use, in many ways including scieence stuff, and I have an unobtanium-fuelled warp drive planned, the current engine is designed for stuff like large probes and interplanetary vessels. Could you help me, actually? I know you're better than me with mods, so what I'm asking is rescaling parts, the Unobtanium Propulsor Unit uses Ion Engine textures, and the Unobtanium Tank uses 1.25m Xenon Tank textures, I edited their scale in the .cfg file from 1 to 2, and their rescalefactor from 1 to 2, but this messes up their attatchment nodes, making the nodes a bit off of the parts. Heres a pic. (ignore the white xenon tank, I've fixed that problem.) - - - Updated - - - Nevermind, I fixed it.
  14. Thanks, I wanted to ask here because if you ask there answers come in very slowly. EDIT: Is #KSPModders an IRC chatroom? I don't have twitter and I can't find a KSPModders on Mibbit.
  15. Rover, may I ask you a modding question? I wanna know how to have the parts I've made in a seperate GameData file, not the Squad one's part file, same with the resource I made Oh, okay then.
  16. Hi, I'm developing the Unobtanium Mod and in order to put the mod in a good position to start further work I need to give the mod it's own GameData file, instead of piggybacking off of the files in the Squad folder as I'm doing now, so if I'm correct, I make a new folder in the GameData file, but how do I make it so the part information I have in there shows up in-game? Same with Flags, Agencies, Contracts and Resources, and generally anything, as I don't think it's simple as "make the file, make a file called parts, put the part files in there, bingo" and same with resources, agencies, contracts, flags and all that. Any help is very appreciated, as I'm having alot of fun developing this mod.
  17. I've always wanted to see the camera on Duna and the pyramids of Jeb-Ahn-Kah-Mun.
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