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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. It should work fine (do check the installationclips on page 1) in order to get other stock visuals to work, just remove the stock folder in the GU_Clouds folder. i have yet to investigate te KIP mod, but you can always install gu and kip and check the results.
  2. that's Leethe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSR_B1257%2B12) For Gu, I added an accretion disk (irl it has none)
  3. It's for one of the other systems indeed. KSS was terminated because i didn't handle things as professionally as i do now. GU is sort of a reincarnation of KSS (lots of celestials came back from the dead for GU).
  4. Looks good but i really advice to check the clips :p you can't got wrong if you follow them.
  5. Hi, Did you check the installationclips on page 1? Most problems should be tackled by watching those. If problems persist, don't be affraid to contact me. can you share your logs or a screen of your GameData?
  6. The information's (about axial tilts) there because there were once mods that could provide tilt and i was starting to work on patches. However they all have been terminated or no longer provide the tools i need for GU. As for those clouds, if you check the installation clips and i think there was one for a homeswitch. It stated you have to compress the stock clouds because those of Epsilon Eridani take over once a homeswitch's there. Sadly EVE isn't keen on any MM nodes so it's very tricky to get them to work. With the easiest solution, being the compressing of the stock folder and let the simple edits to EE-system adjust to a new home. If you want an easier set up, you might want to ask the dev of EVE to provide.
  7. Do you got suggestions for other parameters? I'm interested in what's happening up there
  8. @ProtoJeb21 I've been working on the Tau Ceti system, parameters have been changed in order for a more realistic system. But keep in mind GU doesn't aim for 100% accuracy. More a 70 ish. Next update will feature 5 Tau Ceti planets.
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