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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. @Grislibar Fixed the problems and uploaded it to the 1.0.2-2 download. You'll have to re-download the GU_A-Stellar-Odyssey.1.0.2-2.zip. But i can confirm it should 100% work now.
  2. IF problems persist send me your logs again + screen of GameData and GU general settings.cfg
  3. Had a look, Your KSP logs tell me there are no exceptions or errors that could relate to GU not loading. Your Kopernicus however indicates no planets other than Stock are being loaded. I can't really tell what you did wrong. But i can only ask to install GU correctly and the mods required to load it. Don't use CKAN or anything that does the work for you. The rule is simple, drag a folder 'GU' to GameData, install most recent kopernicus and it should run. If you have problems with installing planetmods, it's better to start with only kopernicus and gu and add other mods later.
  4. Did you follow the installation instructions or clip? If yes, please post a link to your zipped logs.
  5. Hi, plz remove BoulderCo to start with - breaks clouds. - Gu uses its own stock clouds. (just decompress them in GU_Clouds.) I also see no mods that enable scatterer for OPM, right now the GU patch tries to apply shaders that haven't been installed. You need something like this:
  6. Update 1.0.2-2https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey/releases Fixes Scattererproblems from 1.0.2-1
  7. Update 1.0.2-1 https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey/releases https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-HomeSwitch/releases
  8. There seems to be a kopernicus issue related to parts / kerbals clipping into terrain. I cannot fix this but i do believe kop devs are looking to fix this.
  9. Not a GU corona. You're probably using a mod that changes sun. Might be interesting to post a screen of your GameData. Not yet - also kopernicus will not like bigger distances. I've noticed the current radius of the mod's already triggering bugs. Most people won't make it past Mun so I'll be considering it once i notice GU's getting too small for people.
  10. I need logs / proof / screens Mod works perfectly so it should be something on your end. Might be interesting to see your GameData folder.
  11. KSP wasn't build for interstellar gameplay. Unless someone can tell me to overcome career giving you those contracts. I have no idea how to fix that.
  12. Mini Update Scroll down. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey/releases/tag/1.0.1
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