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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. @Thrandir Only thing you can do is install ONLY KSS_BASIC on a clean install of KSP 1.3.1. Make sure you're using the most recent versions of kopernicus and ModuleManager. Run the game and send me the logs. I just can't understand why a clean install doesn't work.
  2. @Thrandir I'm sorry but you're using way to much mods to start spitting through your logs. Try a clean install of KSP + KSS and then start adding your other mods. Are you using KSS clouds? Because those are taken out. There are a lot of other contracts though ? Don't see the problem.
  3. @Sigma88 & @Galileo Thx, I've already found cfg's with problems. But spitting through 100+ cfg's takes time. And people need to realize that.
  4. @WakabaGyaru http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Standard_Units_of_Measurement Under ‘Other’ -> helpfull, you can find this page that explains the units in KSS. In the infoboxes of the celestials all orbital information is mentioned. There is nothing more to explain than what’s already been mentioned here on the forum. distances between planets: 1:11 distances between moons: 1:10 - some are scaled differently (a little closer or further) to keep them playable. distances between stars: scaled as explained on a previous page. radius: 1:10 density: 10:1 gravity: 1:1
  5. @WakabaGyaru Same gravity in a body 10 times smaller means it needs to be 10 times as dense to achieve the same gravity of the IRL celestial. Otherwise all the bodies in KSP would have very low surface gravities. So density/10 is what you need to do for you simulation. The opening screen of Universe Sandbox 2 is the solar system, that’s your simulation. Just increase Voon’s (Saturn) mass and density and scale the orbits of its moons to the new radii.
  6. There is a fix on the KSS forum. Kerbalism doesn’t support star system mods at the moment so i can’t tell when it’s going to be compatible.
  7. @WakabaGyaru Kerbin should be simulated as earth. The kerbol system is just a scaled version of the solar system, and looks like a mix between stock and the real solar system. @Forloren thx for the report/fix!!
  8. The configs are always already provided. It's just working on 1 celestial (just writing the sentences) with the information provided and moving to the next one after finishing.
  10. For KSS it’s very easy (you can find some info on the wiki) In System Orbits 1:11. -> 1/11th AU is called a KAU. (Kerbal Astronomical Unit) Radius 1:10. Stellar distances are too close to eachother to be realistic but scaled like this (warning: not logical math) For Nova Kirbani, Kirb: ~ Alpha Centauri A distance: 4.37 ly -> 43.7 / 2 = 21.85 / 1.5 = 14.56 Tm away from Kerbin The distance to Kirb is called 1 KIU. (Kerbal Interstellar Unit)
  11. @WakabaGyaru Systems in KSS are always tested in universe sandbox on real scale. I remember someone even tested the Nova Kirbani System and there was a stability up to 2 million years (as far as this person tested it). Habitable zones are taken into account. The influence of gas giants. Realistic temperatures and atmospheres. BUT this is still a game and I need to keep it playable and interesting for everybody. So scales got adjusted and small changed were made. Like the SOI of Bop which schould be +|- 70m but i scaled it up to make Bop interceptions possible. (Thought Phobos it’s SOI is 7 km?) The new orbits of the Kerolon System and Kelar System are based on analogue systems i found in space engine.
  12. It's suppose to do that. You can't shut down such a powerfull engine immediately. These are huge amounts of energy we're talking about. This is an engine designed for interstellar travel. So after reaching max. speed you need to break half way and turn your vessel around to start slowing down. So it's not really a problem that the engine needs time to shut down. You just have to plan everything carefully.
  13. I can't spit through data from all these mods ... That's nearly impossible :s I need logs from KSS with the mods that should cause issues.
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