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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. NEW: Silne, the 'missing' planet in the Kirb System. -> orbits between Vael and Ilve
  2. no idea tbh :s I only know how to start a thread for new mods :p Maybe have a look here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/39-ksp-fan-works/
  3. Just go to BoulderCo/Clouds and delete everything except for the lightning.cfg. PM me plz about this overheating issue.
  4. thx and I dont even like it too (I removed it from the visual-download) haha :p go to: BoulderCo\Clouds -> Surface_glow -> delete this entire part.
  5. That's normal. It is the interaction between Moho's magnetosphere and the solarwind. But I thought I removed it from the visuals haha :p
  6. Cool! I teached myself photoshop because they wont teach it at school ( although graphic design is important for architecture). And just found the filter on photoshop! Thx
  7. @Galileo did not know photoshop could even do that But i think its Gimp you're talking about.
  8. In photoshop i copy around 1/5th of the top and bottom of the texture and try to compress it a little. It can take a few times to check if it looks good ingame. Also if you make textures with kittopiah it renders your textures without stretched poles. (But it wont convert 'bad' textures) I got some stretched textures but it really depends how I made them.
  9. I just checked it and the default files are not missing. It is indeed the Calm Nebula and credits are for now given at page 1. Since the mod is still not at a V1 (and it is the first time I released visuals) I did not yet include any files giving credits to other moddevs due to the fact that the list will get longer. But thx for noticing.
  10. @Voodoo8648 I'm used to get some criticism in daily life so it's all okay. The problem is that written words dont carry emotion so some comments can sound harsh without being intended to be harsh. Lets launch some rockets, enjoy ksp and all its good mods.
  11. It just sounded like I'am abusing the forum which is something I not want/intend to do. I know those who like career will have to wait longer but I'm not 24/24 working on KSS. I'm also a full time student at university and KSS is my freetime project (I already risked too much during my exams by working on 0.5). With the option of choosing your systems in 0.5 I intended to make the mod smaller. So this means a stable smaller career version is not far away with the upcoming developement and releases. I hope you understand now that the size of the mod won't matter from now on.
  12. No I'm sorry I've worked too hard on those textures to give them away. So I'm sorry, no permission. This mod is also licensed. You add the terrain textures into the PQS section of the planet's cfg. maybe you can have a look at this: https://github.com/Kopernicus/KopernicusExamples/
  13. Edit: forget what you just red here about deleting stuff. I think i made (what you're asking) it a little complicated with 0.5. But I am not at home atm and i need my pc to check everything because what you ask needs certain files to be edited and certain files to be deleted.
  14. Euhm what are you asking? KSS is at the moment not compatible with OPM. Ilve how are you going to launch a rocket with such a high surface gravity and atmospheric pressure?
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