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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. added in 0.5 ... 0.45 was just a testversion for the planets (so you only got planets)
  2. I just looked up the density and capability of Helium as a plasma and it seems a descent fuel :p I also added a lot of resources to CRP so you can mine Helium and a lot of other elements :)
  3. well I got an edited version of the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor called the SRX-Flux Plasma Engine, using Helium (also added some Helium tanks) to make plasma, it's capable of descent atmo flights and fast interstellar travel. Its very expensive but also more efficient than any engine.
  4. Announcement! Kopernicus got fixed, dev of 0.5 still continues and expect the release by the end of the week :) thx @Thomas P.
  5. Announcement! KSS is temporary broken due to the new solar luminosity/flux calculations of kopernicus (release 3). Moving Kerbin around a new sun (KSS moves Kerbin to a new sun Kerbol) makes your craft overheat & explode in daylight ... Seems like moving the new sun (Kerbol) closer to the galactic centre (The All) solves the issue but makes KSS (multiple solarsystems) impossible at the moment. Due to this problem and me not being able to fix this, the release of 0.5 will be pushed forward until further notice. Developement & help with other issues will be still continuing but with the previous version of kopernicus. Everybody with 0.45, use kopernicus release 2. This announcement also means I'm not going to respond to people saying the mod is broken after updating Kopernicus. People who want to help looking for a solution. Send a PM. @Thomas P. is also aware of this and some people are already looking for a solution, so there is no need to post on the kopernicus thread about this. thx!
  6. seems I've been following the Rayleigh Molecular Scattering in Planetary Atmospheres from the first source :p sorry my bad haha
  7. I got my info here: http://www.xenology.info/Xeno/5.4.2.htm & http://www.solstation.com/life/a-plants.htm
  8. Note on that, They would not be yellow, but pale blue/black due to the star emitting less blue, a red dwarf would look orange/white with a green aura around it and stars would be visible during daytime.
  9. Thx but for 0.5, all the biomes are ready/working ... previous versions will be deleted when 0.5 gets released so i'm no longer going to support them. But thx!
  10. Normaly by this weekend but it depends on how fast i can fix kopernicus I'll make a screenshot of the 'no longer purple planet'
  11. Eve, the planet? or clouds? -> yeah it has something to do with reparenting Kerbin I think
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