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The White Guardian

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Everything posted by The White Guardian

  1. In addition, installing Kopernicus manually is rather easy. KSP's rocket science is harder to understand.
  2. At last, I've started the highly-requested video series on Kopernicus that will cover everything I know. Here's the first video. Here's the thread I've made where I'll list the videos.
  3. I've started a series of videos that will be covering the creation of planets with the Kopernicus plugin. Here, you can find all those videos. Episode 1: the basics Episode 2: gas planets Episode 3: Stars There's more to come.
  4. Great! I'm looking forward to seeing what you can come up with. If you need help (or would like to collaborate, I don't have time next week but after that I'm happy to help in any way I can), just shoot me a PM.
  5. Make an object with a sun template and change the description as usual, then give it an orbit. And done! If you want to alter the light colors: ScaledVersion { Light { sunlightColor = 1,0,1,1 scaledSunlightColor = 1,0,1,1 IVASunColor = 1,0,1,1 ambientLightColor = 0.06,0.02,0.06,1 sunLensFlareColor = 1,0,1,1 } Material { emitColor0 = 0.500,0.250,0.500,1.0 emitColor1 = 0.7,0.5,0.7,1.0 sunspotColor = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 rimColor = 0.5,0.1,0.5,1.0 } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 0 speed = -1 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.007 Material { texture = SPE/Textures/GNCorona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } Corona { rotation = 0 speed = 1 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.009 Material { texture = SPE/Textures/GNCorona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } } Just give the color entires any color you wish.
  6. Ah, no worries. I actually figured Derso was some sort of smart way to add a new body without using textures, ergo, I hadn't even noticed it. Take your time, KA, there's already plenty of stuff to explore in NH 2.0, I doubt anyone will mind one little asteroid moon that isn't finished yet.
  7. And that's why I don't use CKAN. Installing Kopernicus manually is very simple though, just download it from one of the provided links and drop the 'Kopernicus' folder in the downloaded archive in the 'GameData' folder in your KSP directory, and that should work fine.
  8. Huh. Anyhow, I've taken a look at SigmaBinary, and oh my goodness, are you some kind of wizard? Anyhow, what happens when I add moons to a planetary system that becomes a binary system when SigmaBinary is installed? Are they automatically moved to orbit the barycenter or do I need to make a separate config that states :NEEDS[SigmaBinary]? Also, I've been thinking of installing RSS, but I'd like to keep the system 'Kerbal scaled', could Sigma Dimensions downscale the entire system?
  9. Bascially: Koperncius suddenly hates the concept of galaxy mods. Welp, at least there are a few things necessary in order to make the bug appear in the first place, which means that it doesn't occur that often. What does the solar panel bug do anyway? Disable them entirely?
  10. Seriously? While I've worked so hard to add GN compatibility to everything I coded? Ahaha! Aww, what a poor timing for me to add GN compatibility. Welp, at least it's only a SpaceCenter view issue. What is the issue actually, is it still possible to access the buildings somehow or is the game broken?
  11. @Thomas P. Thanks for the quick update! Also, I'm certain you'll find the thing bugging the space center view in time. About Kopernicus bugs, wasn't there a solar panel bug when moving/reparenting Kerbin? Well, I've been playing New Horizons + Uncharted Lands for quite a while now, and solar panels seems to work fine. Note that NH moves and reparents Kerbin while UL retextures it. So is either the bug not showing up in my save, or am I mistaken? In that case, what exactly is the issue? I'd like to know so I can avoid making mods that cause the bug to appear. Something else that bothers me, I've released my own planet pack a while ago, Planet Cyran, and for some weird reason there's a lagspike when focusing on Cyran. I don't know what's causing it. Cyran uses two 1024x512 maps and one 1024x1024 texture, as well as a ring texture that is 1x1024 pixels. The config file: (I put it inside a spoiler for the people that follow this thread, it means they won't get a super-long E-mail)
  12. Apparently people have overseen the question I've added at the end of my previous comment, I was already afraid that that would happen. I'll just repeat myself here: It's been a while, but I've got an issue that I don't know how to fix. So, Kopernicus experts, if you've got a sec: I've encountered this issue on three planets I've made so far: whenever a craft drops below a certain altitude, the PQS-surface disappears (and by that I mean that atmospheres and stuff are still there, as well as gravity, the surface just vanishes, although the collission mesh is still there) for no apparent reason. So, has anyone heard of that problem before, and more importantly, does anyone know how to fix it?
  13. No, places on maps will still be in the same position relative to the edge of the texture, so no trouble will pop up as long as you export the textures properly, and even if you export them inproperly the only bug will be a lighting issue in scaledspace. You'll be fine if you stick to DXT5 DDS.
  14. I've altered my comment, a contract for ore recovery from Sonnah showing up made me jump to the conclusion that NH 2.0 didn't have a resources fix, but it has. The problem is that it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
  15. No. Summoning @KillAshley, there seems to be a problem with the file 'NH_Resources.cfg' Also, said file does not have a patch that disables the generation of ore in the oceans of Tidus. You can disable ore generation in specific biomes: BIOME_RESOURCE { PlanetName = Tidus BiomeName = TidalOcean ResourceName = Ore ResourceType = 0 Distribution { PresenceChance = 0 MinAbundance = 0 MaxAbundance = 0 Variance = 0 Dispersal = 0 } } It should prevent ore from being generated in Tidus' oceans.
  16. @daniel l. I've made particles fly right at a planet, I've used that for Infernas in my planet pack Planet Cyran, here's a snippet of the config file Particles { Particle { target = Cyran texture = PlanetCyran/Textures/particle minEmission = 50 maxEmission = 150 lifespanMin = 1 lifespanMax = 2 sizeMin = 2 sizeMax = 5 speedScale = 0.05 rate = -0.5 randVelocity = 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 Colors { color1 = 1.0, 0.16862745098039215686274509803922, 0.0, 1.0 color2 = 0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0 color3 = 0.6, 0.25, 0.2, 1.0 color4 = 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0 color5 = 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0 } } } I recall using the speedScale to make them fly at Cyran (but I could be wrong, in that case it's the 'rate'), perhaps filling in a negative number will make them fly the opposite way. The 'Colors' wrapper is simply a color gradient, it gradually changes the color of the particles, the first entry being the color they have as they are created. Hope this helps. @Kepler68 I believe you could add 'sphereOfInfluence = X' to the Properties of a planet. Also, I have a question myself. It's been a while, but I've got an issue that I don't know how to fix. So, Kopernicus experts, if you've got a sec: I've encountered this issue on three planets I've made so far: whenever a craft drops below a certain altitude, the PQS-surface disappears (and by that I mean that atmospheres and stuff are still there, as well as gravity, the surface just vanishes, although the collission mesh is still there) So, has anyone heard of that problem before, and more importantly, does anyone know how to fix it?
  17. Easy peasy. Add clouds like you usually do, just place them at surface altitude and give them the surface color, then completely delete Layer2D to prevent them from appearing in ScaledSpace.
  18. Then use no heightmaps but instead use Kittopia + PQSMods. It's guaranteed to give a stockalike feel because it's made with KSP's engine.
  19. Well, I actually want to thank you for this, Sigma. You have no idea how helpful those exports are when editing planets, especially the stock ones. So Kittopia exports are quite handy but unpractical if you want to load them up. Kittopia adds '!Kopernicus' for a reason...
  20. Everyone, how about compatibility with Uncharted Lands? For those that want to play the two mods together, I've already edited the configs of UL to be compatible with NH, turning UL into a mod for NH. This does mean that some configs from New Horizons (Eve and Minmus relocations) have to be deleted because UL deletes those planets then remakes them. In the end, the two do work together nicely! I'll post some screenshots when I get home. However, I won't upload the edited configs without permission of @KillAshley since it's work, so... K.A. would you like me to send you the edited configs? I only made minor chages (removing UL's relocations and making it load after NH). Another thing that I wanted to discuss, should I make a trailer for New Horizons 2.0?
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