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The White Guardian

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Everything posted by The White Guardian

  1. I've got a question for all the EVE experts out there: I've noticed that, when zooming in or out on a planet in the tracking station/map view, clouds seem to raise and lower, sometimes going lower than mountains in scaledspace while appearing over mountains from afar. Does anyone know if it's possible to disable this behavior and, if so, how?
  2. @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { @Properties { %geeASL = 1.3 } } } Try this.
  3. Issue number 1: incorrect normal map format, save it as a .dds file, DXT5_nm to be precise. Issue number 2: move the KSC to a proper location, seeing as you retextured Kerbin it spawns above the ocean. Install Hyperedit, fly to a nice area, let Hyperedit grab the coordinates, grab the example move KSC code from the examples by @KillAshley, and input the coordinates. As for deleting oceans, I'm not sure, but I think this could work: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { @Template { removeOcean = true } } }
  4. Snap! I forgot to add a new sentence! Let's see... 'The most ____ thing ____ is, unsurprisingly ____' There we go.
  5. Erm, I'm afraid I'll have to hand over that prize to my good friend @Agent-Daniel_46 who has a knack for breaking literally every game he comes across, but thanks anyway Anyhow, 'I have in my map view the most ridiculously looking thing in the entire universe targeted, and unsurprisingly it's a piece of 'art' made by one 'Jeb Kerman'.'
  6. I second this, .dds can have many filetypes, and just as not all of them can be opened by image viewing software, not all of them can be loaded by KSP either.
  7. Thanks Don't think SQUAD will invite me though. But hey, coding planets is enough for me.
  8. 'removePQSMods = true' doesn't work, it's 'removeAllPQSMods = true' Furthermore, you specify no texture for the terrain, add VertexColorMap VertexColorMap { map = Zeoul/PluginData/Zeoul_color.tga enabled = true order = 9999999 } Also, for the best results, use the .dds filetype. I also wonder, is the lighting in the correct position in the map view? (AKA is your normal map formatted properly?)
  9. It's not 'cachefile' but 'cacheFile' You close the Gradient incorrectly, meaning that the rest of your config is loaded inside the ScaledVersion.
  10. Sorry for being late to reply. Anyhow, good luck! If you need any help, just let me know!
  11. I could try to do the calculations, but it'd take a while. Anyhow, everyone, sneak preview time! Here's what I've been working on: Aside from clouds ALL Kerbol Origins planets & moons will feature surface dust. (Except Sarvin...)
  12. Select the text you want to make clickable with the cursor, then click the link icon (the chains, next to the quotation mark). You will then be asked to enter a link. Paste in the link and presto, you've turned a word or sentence into a clickable link.
  13. I've updated the OP with a little preview of the next update. Here's the full list: - Fixed the terrain scatter on Sennim - Added basic E.V.E support (will be improved later) - Removed Zerto, as it was too glitchy - More mod compatibility, such as New Horizons - Remade Dres (again) since I wasn't happy with how it looked (totally not because the actual surface looked strange in the previous version) - Tweaked Kivlan a little for better scaledspace transition
  14. In addition to my previous message, I've (finally) given Arkas a proper SpaceDock page as well as a page on the Kopernicus Planets wiki.
  15. Alright, everyone, big news! Arkas version 3.0 is being uploaded to SpaceDock as we speak, which features: Version 3.0 - Updated to 1.1.3 - Fixed terrain-vanishing issue with the moons - Fixed shininess on Arkas I haven't had time to check that last one in-game, but it should be fixed. If it's still there, I have no idea what's causing it.
  16. For your first question, you can either use KopernicusExpansion, or you could try a particle system focused on the Sun with a negative speed, AKA they're moving away from the sun. As for your second question, I don't think it's possible ATM. Thank goodness I still have a backup of 1.0.5 for planet making.
  17. This made me laugh SO hard @amarius1 Once I get the clouds to work on Sarvin, perhaps it'll provide an alternative solution, perhaps the Kerbals won't cast a shadow on the cloud layers.
  18. I think Kerbal Konstructs already made that possible, but with PQS... maybe, but it'll require a model and a texture for a 'town' and apply it to the terrain as scatter with a very low density, but still, even in theory the chances of it working properly are small.
  19. Nice idea! I personally wondered if I could use VertexHeightMap to add elevated bands and storms but I've never tried to use it yet.
  20. Thanks for informing me of this. I've found the problem, it seems that VertexVoronoi and VoronoiCraters lower the terrain to below sea level which causes strange things to appear. All I have to do is simply elevate the terrain with VertexHeightOffset, which I will do right away.
  21. This website should help. It has maps of the stock planets, along with indications of the highest or lowest points. On Kerbin, this is -1391m, and Duna is 124.512m. Strangely, the lowest point on Mun seems to be -248...
  22. @rbray89 In the next update, would it be possible to make clouds render below atmosphere rims in scaledspace?
  23. Then perhaps you should skip a few versions and jump to 2.0 or something like that to avoid confusion like this, because, to quote Engie from TF2 here: "Son, this here is just gonna keep happening, and happening, and happening." Everytime Squad releases an update it'll be the same flood of questions all over again. While it doens't bother me, I don't know if you'd get tired of it eventually. Plus, I've even seen some people panic a bit because they can't find the version they're looking for and thus can't use all those amazing planet mods out there.
  24. The moment I finish my last test (ergo Friday next week) I'm getting back to work on E.V.E and career support for K.O. so to answer your question, will the planets be getting atmosphere support? Scatterer, I don't think so because the scatterer tool keeps crashing spectacularly on my computer for no reason at all, but E.V.E clouds, yes, in the next update, I supose.
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