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The White Guardian

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Everything posted by The White Guardian

  1. I just released version 2.1 which fixes the moons. In fact, it remakes them. Vin is now grey-golden and Kras is now a large crystal with a rocky outer layer. ScaledSpace fix and E.V.E will return later.
  2. @Fireheart318 Seeing as Thomas is getting tired of this, I'll try to explain what you're doing. First off, you're using a Kittopia export and those things don't work. Next, in the first line, you have '[!Kopernicus]' which means that your config automatically disables itself if Kopernicus is installed, ergo, it won't work whatever you do. Also, I don't think that you have any idea of what you're actually trying to do here. You're actually trying to create a NEW Mun rather than editing the stock one, and since there can be only one body named 'Mun', stuff will inevitably crash. Try this config instead: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Mun] { @Template { removePQSMods = PQSMod_VertexHeightMap } @PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = [FILEPATH] offset = 0 deformity = 7500 scaleDeformityByRadius = False order = 10 enabled = True } } } } } Now, what am I doing in this config? With the first line, '@Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus]' I adress ModuleManager and tell it to load this config after the Kopernicus plugin itself, which means that when this config is loaded Kopernicus is awake and can tell KSP what to do with the config. Next, I write '@body[Mun]'. With this line I'm actually saying 'Edit body named 'Mun''. Easy, right? With '@Template' I can edit Mun's PQSMods as if I'm creating a new planet with the Mun template. Next I tell Kopernicus to remove the PQSMod VertexHeightMap. I then adress the PQS applied to Mun ('@PQS'), then adress the Mods (there are PQSMaterials, PQSMods, etc), and then I add a new mod: I re-add VertexHeightMap. The VertexHeightMap I added is identical to the one applied to Mun by default save for the fact that I can tell it to load a different heightmap. But adding a heightmap is very, very easy, I actually don't see what problem you could possibly be having with it. All it takes is writing PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { [MOD STUFF HERE] } } } in your planet's config. A quick note though: unless your heightmap is extremely large your planet WILL end up blocky if you use a heightmap only, so therefore also use the mods VertexHeightNoise and VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute, as well as color mods because otherwise your planet will be completely black. And lastly I totally agree with @Thomas P.: You really should do some research first because you seem to be diving in head first with no idea of what you're doing at all. I'm not saying that that's wrong, I'm saying that it'll likely lead to a lot of frustration. @KillAshley has written various example configs you can use as study, and aside from that I've written a few guides that should help you get started and explain the basics of config writing, what does the planet need and what does what mean. Don't let all these confusing looking codes discourage you, it's actually really easy since Kopernicus and PQSMods are like a game with predetermined rules, once you know the rules, you'll find yourself making configs by the truckload with no effort at all. If you need any more help, feel free to ask here or shoot me a PM.
  3. I'm not offended in any way, I'm actually trying to fix everything ASAP. I'll also try to fix Arkas being too bright in ScaledSpace.
  4. @drtedastro @FungusForge I'm aware of issues with the moons as well as the EVE issues, I'm remaking the moons and fixing EVE right now. The thing is that I was tired of making you all wait so I released version 2.0 so you all could at least enjoy Arkas and Vin (the 'magic crater' is new to me), the thing that was most holding me back was EVE so I just kicked it out for now. I'll release a patch today that both fixes the moons (and remakes them too!) and brings back EVE. So, a note to everyone: get off Kras and Vin. I'm changing Kras' atmosphere and Vin's radius, so things might go boom. Get to an orbit greater than 50km on Kras and as for Vin, it's becoming nearly twice it's size, so get out of there for safety.
  5. Wait, LandControl is the problem? Huh, I just downgraded my planet to 1.0.5 for a moment. Also, there's another issue with Kittopia: if I edit a heightcolormap class or landcontrol simplex wrapper, Kittopia immediately copies in the settings I applied to the last class or wrapper I edited, making editing those very, very hard.
  6. I see an incorrect CacheFile filepath, try tixing that, it should end with [PLANETNAME].bin Also, could you post a logfile found in logs/Kopernicus/[PLANETNAME].body? It'll tell me exactly where the problem is.
  7. Should I take a quick look at the configs of Kerbol Plus Remade? I'm pretty sure I can get them to work for 1.1.2. While I'm certain you'll do better at updating the pack, I can at least make it playable in 1.1.2 for now. Also, which are the two planets you're having trouble with? Because I can give it a try if you'd like, anything I can do to help.
  8. After some testing, I've got the following results: - Texture exporter works fine, tried exporting Kerbin and it worked, even on 64bit. - Texture exporter just stops when it tries to export my planet. I'm clearly doing something wrong with my planet, but I personally have absolutely no idea how to fix it, heck, I don't even know what the issue actually is! could anyone please help me? I've posted logfiles and configs in my previous post (the post above this one)
  9. Sorry, had an exam on my hands. Add to that, converting all those star systems takes some time.
  10. @Thomas P. I'm starting to have a rising suspicion that Kittopia either hates literally everything I type or there's a problem with exporting textures. No matter what I try, Kittopia won't export textures when I ask it to, it'll always 'stop' somewhere in between 0% or 0.48% The planet I tried to export did work, I've landed on it in order to test it and everything worked fine. The problem is that everytime I clicked 'export Textures' Kittopia would freeze somewhere between 0% and 0.48%. Out of ideas and out of curiosity I spammed the 'export Textures' button, the result being random numbers at which Kittopia would stop exporting all of a sudden until my game, unsurprisingly, crashed. Here are all the logfiles I could find: KSP.txt log: .body file of the planet I attempted to export: And last but not least, the config file: The mods I have installed there are - Arkas (for dev reasons) - 5 in-dev planet packs, all of which are working as intended - Kerbanon (for dev reasons) - A simple folder called 'MyFlags' in which I store the flags I use in-game. - Texture Replacer - Kopernicus - KittopiaTech - Hyperedit - E.V.E
  11. Shoot, I was planning on adding blue trees for a change.
  12. @Poodmund has made an amazing pack with Scatterer and E.V.E. I was working on a pack myself, but I haven't touched it for a while now.
  13. You misread my comment. You can tag me, just don't ask for updates every day. I'm almost finished with Mysterio, currently I've made the following file structure: AstroPlanets/MysterioSystem AstroPlanets/SharedTextures The folder MysterioSystem contains three folders, Cache, Configs, and PluginData, while the SharedTextures folder contains stuff like rings or surface textures.
  14. Woln? Where did you share it? I'll take a look.
  15. Then mess with the altitudes of the heightcolormap mod. I highly advise installing Hyperedit and getting to a low orbit around your planet so you can see the actual surface, then mess with the PQSMods applied to your planet in-game with Kittopia so you can see the effects immediately.
  16. I'd be happy to fix these configs, but if I keep getting tagged every few hours then I'm out. I'm not constantly working on Kopernicus stuff you know, and even when I am coding, I still have my own mods to take care of. So please stop asking for updates every ten seconds and let me work.
  17. @Astrofox you do know you can make planets that look hundreds of times more stockalike by coding a planet that has no heightmap? Basically use the following construction: specify a template, but don't add the ScaledVersion{} wrapper. This will result in Kopernius using the textures of the templated planet for the scaledspace, and the scaledspace only, the actual surface will look different and will change upon arrival at the planet to the proper look. In the config, begin adding PQSMods. All you need is one heightmod and one colormod. An example that would result in a Mun-like planet is the following construction: - VertexSimplexHeight - VertexHeightNoise - VoronoiCraters - VoronoiCraters - VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute - HeightColorMap - VertexSimplexNoiseColor - LandControl Now, if you've coded a planet that shows up in-game, do the following: install HyperEdit and Kittopia. HyperEdit any probe to a low orbit around your planet. Open Kittopia with CTRL + P, select your planet and, if necessary, start editing it. When you're happy with how it looks, press the 'save' button, this will generate a file in the KittopiaTech/Configs folder that, although it won't work when loaded, does contain the edited PQSMods, simply copy-n-paste those into your planet's 'actual' config. Next, you can ask Kopernicus to export the textures of your planet, which you can then find in KittopiaTech/Textures. Move the color and normal map over to your planet's mod folder and use those to update the scaledspace. You don't need the heightmap because the surface is already working properly. And that is how you make beautiful, stockalike, HD planets using only KSP. Which is why I wrote these guides: They'll teach you the basics of Kopernicus modding as well as the basics of procedural planet making.
  18. SpaceEngine is a good and reliable source for textures, the problem is the lack of unique looking textures in S.E. Also, @Astrofox I've taken a look at your 'axial tilt planet', here are my notes: - F.G.I - Template - AltitudeThresholds - Textures in textures, not PluginData - Bloody bad curves - Separate configs for rings First off, F.G.I or FlightGlobalsIndex. Please, please leave that one out entirely! Leave it out and Kopernicus will give it a number itself, while Kopernicus takes other planet packs into account. Regarding compatibility, leave it out. Next, Template. When making a gas giant, set Jool as a template for safety reasons. Furtermore, just set Jool as a template, don't remove stuff from the template, Jool has no PQSMods applied to it. Then AltitudeThresholds. I'm not sure if you know what flyingAltitudeThreshold and spaceAltitudeThreshold in the ScienceValues mean. Basically they act as an altitude limiter: they act as a border. Take the flyingAltitudeThreshold for example: below the given altitude, any experiments will use the 'flyingLow' multiplier, while above it they use the 'flyingHigh' multiplier. It helps if you create a basic 3D image of what you're doing in your head. For gas giants, for instance, the spaceAltitudeThreshold should be set quite high, remember those planets have a large radius. Then the fact that you save your textures in a folder named 'textures'. If you'd save your planet textures in a folder named 'PluginData' and specify the filetype in the filepaths, for example, "Tiltworld/Textures/Tiltworld1.jpeg", you activate a feature of Kopernicus called 'OnDemandLoading'. OnDemandLoading only loads the textures of planets in sight, which saves a lot of RAM, and all you have to do is save textures in PluginData and specify the filetype to make your planets use this feature. Then my note 'bloody bad curves'. You see, your curves lack the first and second derivs, which results in the following atmosphere pressure: first low, then a sudden drop, then it gradually gets thicker before it suddenly gets a huge amount denser, then gets thinner again to the point you wanted it to be. @KillAshley has a handy calculator that'll do all of the hard work for you, all you have to do is copy-n-paste everything, inluding the derivs, the derivs make sure the curve follows the intended path. And lastly, why do you add rings in a separate config? That's absolutely not necessary! Simply add the Rings{} wrapper into the planet's main config and you're good to go.
  19. It's no problem, I understand you're eager to test the planets. Judging by the textures, I'd say SpaceEngine. It's a shame really, planets look much more stockalike when they are made with textures exported from the PQS. Add to that, they require less memory.
  20. One does not simply update a crap load of planets. Add to that, I've got a personal life too, I'm not going to spend my entire Saturday behind the computer.
  21. Sure, as soon as I've finished updating Mysterio I'll send you a download link along with instructions.
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