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Everything posted by pap1723

  1. Hello, It looks like you have Interstellar installed. There is a new Interstellar update that provides full HP Tech Tree Support and those issues will go away.
  2. The Gemini mission I haven't had any issues with, and I cannot recreate your issue. For the missions with the animals as the "astronauts" I always include a probe core attached to my Command Pod to be able to have control.
  3. Thanks @nightingale, I will get those to you hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Also, sortKey is not working still. It is no longer spitting out a warning, but the sorttKey numbers are not being used, not for the order of the contract groups, nor for the contracts inside of the contract groups. It is still sorted alphabetically.
  4. I've been doing some digging (I don't have a great saved file to share with you yet) and here is what I think is happening: I have a contract called Mir that is to put up a space station core. Then I have a 2nd contract that is to attach a module to that core. This one completes fine. The next contract is to bring a crew to Mir, but this (and all subsequent contracts) no longer recognize Mir as a valid docking target. So after the docking happens, it would seem that the station is losing its Define attribute of Mir. Is there a way I can set the Define value of the new contract even after it has other modules dock to it?
  5. @Kerbas_ad_astra, Thanks for the great mod!! I am using it for my RSS playthrough, but it has 5 errors on loading. I looked at them and it has to do with this relevant code pulled from the log: [ModuleManager] Applying node SMURFF/SMURFF/@PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Ore],~SMURFFExclude[*rue]]:FOR[zzz_SMURFF] to ProceduralParts/Parts/Tanks/TankOre/proceduralTankOre (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Cannot find key maxAmount in RESOURCE (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key resourcemass = #$RESOURCE[Ore]/maxAmount$ (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Cannot find key resourcemass in PART (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key mass = #$resourcemass$ (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Cannot find key resourcemass in PART (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64) [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key reservedmass = #$resourcemass$ Looks like it is an issue with the Procedural Ore Tank possibly?
  6. I am also having an issue with the sortKey function on the Contract Groups. They are not actually working and I am getting a Warning Error on them: And here it is in the config file, seems like they should work as they are children of the main one: CONTRACT_GROUP { name = HistoricalProgression displayName = Historical Progression agent = Historical Progression minVersion = 1.16.0 maxSimultaneous = 100 maxCompletions = 0 disabledContractType = ExploreBody disabledContractType = WorldFirstContract CONTRACT_GROUP { name = ApolloProgram displayName = Apollo Program agent = Apollo Program maxSimultaneous = 10 maxCompletions = 0 sortKey = 6 } CONTRACT_GROUP { name = Apollo-Soyuz displayName = Apollo Soyuz Test Project agent = Apollo Soyuz Test Project maxSimultaneous = 10 maxCompletions = 0 sortKey = 8 }
  7. That's a clever trick that I expect the player to figure out! In all reality, that is obviously a bug and thank you for noticing it. I am hoping for an update today, if not, this week for sure.
  8. Hey @nightingale, I am still running into problems with ships and stations properly being identified when they are the target of a docking. Here is what is happening... The player launches the core of Space Station Mir. It is set to be defined properly (as far as I know): PARAMETER { name = Mir type = VesselParameterGroup title = Mir define = Mir This contract completes fine (there are many parameters to it), but the issues arrive in the next set of contracts. The next set of contracts requires the player to bring up specific modules that made up Mir. Here is the example of the Kvant contract: PARAMETER { name = Kvant-1 type = VesselParameterGroup title = Kvant 1 define = Kvant-1 PARAMETER { name = NewVessel type = NewVessel hidden = true } PARAMETER { name = Crewmembers type = HasCrew minCrew = 0 maxCrew = 0 title = Unmanned hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = DockingPort type = PartValidation partModuleType = Dock minCount = 1 title = Have at least 1 Docking Port hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = ScienceLab type = PartValidation title = Have a Science Lab on board hideChildren = true partModule = ModuleScienceLab } PARAMETER { name = DockWithMir type = Docking vessel = Mir title = Dock with Mir hideChildren = true } } The contract system recognizes success on all of the parameters, but it never completes the DockWithMir part. I have other contracts that are written the same way that suffer the same issues. I am guessing that it is something on my end. Should I be defining them in a different way if I need them to persist from contract to contract? Thanks for your help!
  9. Hi @Sirad, There is not a version specifically for 1.0.5, but the HPTechTree.cfg file is all that is needed and it should work fine in 1.0.5. You will lose the functionality that the empty tech nodes will still need to be researched, but other than that there is no reason that it wouldn't work.
  10. VERSION 1.5 RELEASE Fixed the incorrect .version file in the download NEW MOD SUPPORT Sounding Rockets @raidernick Mods Cygnus & Antares Misc Parts Skylab US Probes US Rockets Updated Kerbal Reusability Expansion with new parts
  11. @Bandus You have done everything correctly. It appears as though an older version of the Version checking file is in the release so it is giving a false reading of an outdated release. I will have that fixed today with a new version.
  12. VERSION 1.4 UPDATE NEW MOD SUPPORT Buffalo Rover FASA KAX MOLE USI Life Support Wild Blue Tools
  13. Version 1.6 Update * Updated Kopernicus and ModuleFlightIntegrator to newest version * Changed Time Warps to be same as RSS (much faster than stock)
  14. Hello, I had a request from @aeroz2011 to add support for kOS to my Historical Progression Tech Tree. I am looking for some help from those of you that use it as to the use of the various parts that come with the mod and where they should be located on a tech tree in the scope of a timeline. Please correspond the parts to years when they would have historically been used and I will fill in the rest. KR-2042 b Scriptable Control System (5000) CompoMax Radiual Tubeless (60,000) CX-4181 Scriptable Control System (10,000) KAL9000 Scriptable Control System (255,000) For those of you that do not know, the Tech Tree starts out historically so there are Probes before manned craft. Thanks for your help!
  15. Thank you. I will absolutely provide BDB support in the future, but I want it to be a little more of a stable release before I do. You guys have a large number of parts and trying to figure out all of the new changes from release to release is difficult. Once the release schedule is more spread out, I will definitely include it as I love what you guys are doing!
  16. UPDATED TO VERSION 1.3.1 Fixed a Github issue causing a bad version of the Tech Tree file @MatoroIgnika @KraterKreator @Loskene @PolishRenegade
  17. Alright, the issue was with my Github. It brought in an older version of the config file. I am rebuilding it and will have it completed in the next couple of hours. Sorry for the confusion!
  18. Let me see what I can find out. It sounds like I may have fay fingered some code somewhere.
  19. @NecroBones Thanks for your support with this. I have implemented your ideas into the new version of my mod!
  20. VERSION 1.3 Integrated Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes mod so if the node is empty, it will not be displayed NEW MOD SUPPORT Cormorant Aeronology Kerbalism Near Future Atomic Age Vens Stock Revamp KIS KAS HabTech Surface Experiment Package @KraterKreator see Vens is included
  21. It really depends on how far into it you are. It won't ruin anything in particular, but some parts will be locked (Command Pod Mk.1) that weren't when you initially started. It is not ideal to plug it in after the fact.
  22. There are no deadlines to achieve the missions. The only issue you may run into in RSS is that the payouts might not be high enough for the cost of the rockets. I am running an RSS SMURFF campaign with my contracts and I am ok so far, but I am not making tons of money. I am working on generating rewards money based on the size of the home planet so hopefully that will be in the next release.
  23. Hey @NecroBones! I love your mods and SpaceY, SpaceY Expanded, Color Coded Canisters, Fuel Tanks Plus and Modular Rocket Systems are part of every one of my installs! I have created a Tech Tree called the Historical Progression Tech Tree that you can see here: I have provided configs for the files to organize the Fuel Tanks Plus as well as SpaceY parts, but I am running into problems with SpaceY. With the way you implemented the tech tree additions, I am having trouble overwriting them within the config file. Would you be willing to add a NEEDS:!HPTechTree exception in your file to not add the new nodes if my Tree is installed? Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
  24. I am working on my Historical Progression Tech Tree and have run into a problem that I just cannot crack. SpaceY-Lifters and SpaceY-Expanded add tech nodes to the stock tree as well as Community Tech Tree. I do not want those nodes added, but I am running into problems with the proper Module Manager syntax to delete them after SpaceY has created them. Here is the code that SpaceY uses that is causing me some issues. @PART[SY*]:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] { @SpaceYtree = True } @PART[SY*]:HAS[#SpaceYtree[*rue]]:FOR[zSpaceY] { !SpaceYtree = delete } @TechTree:FOR[SpaceY] { RDNode { id = massiveRocketry title = Massive Rocketry description = Significantly larger rockets are sometimes needed. For those times, we have these. cost = 1000 hideEmpty:NEEDS[!RSSeaDragon&!RealScaleBoosters] = True hideEmpty:NEEDS[RSSeaDragon|RealScaleBoosters] = False @hideEmpty:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = True nodeName = node8_massiveRocketry anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_rocketry-veryHeavy pos:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = -927,1604,-1 pos:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = -952,1550,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = veryHeavyRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } }
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