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Everything posted by pap1723

  1. The RP-0 contract is not finding the planet Earth. Did you install RSS and Kopernicus correctly?
  2. I just want to say thank you for resurrecting this mod. It makes some of the really long waits not take forever!
  3. I need help with a contract please. For some reason, I cannot get this contract to work right. The logic looks solid, but it does not complete the right way...What I need to have happen is that the player launches Gemini 7 into Orbit. Once it reaches orbit, the timer starts to tick down on the 14 days. Then, the player launches Gemini 6 and Rendezvous with Gemini 7. When I launch this to test, the first ship launched gets declared as Gemini-6 and then I cannot complete any of the rest of the parameters. DATA { type = double dayLength = @targetBody.RotationalPeriod() fourteenDays = @dayLength * 14 } PARAMETER { name = Gemini-7 type = VesselParameterGroup define = Gemini-7 title = Gemini 7 disableOnStateChange = false PARAMETER { name = IsNotGemini6 type = IsNotVessel vessel = Gemini-6 } PARAMETER { name = NewVessel type = NewVessel hidden = true } PARAMETER { name = HasCrew type = HasCrew minCrew = 2 maxCrew = 2 title = Have 2 crewmembers on board hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = Gemini7Orbit type = Orbit minAltitude = @targetBody.AtmosphereAltitude() title = Orbit @targetBody disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = Gemini7Duration type = Duration duration = @/fourteenDays preWaitText = Waiting to reach orbit waitingText = Orbiting for @duration completionText = Orbits Complete! You may fire retros when ready disableOnStateChange = true } PARAMETER { name = ReturnHome type = ReturnHome targetBody = HomeWorld() title = Return Home Safely hideChildren = true disableOnStateChange = true } } PARAMETER { name = Gemini-6 type = VesselParameterGroup define = Gemini-6 title = Gemini 6 disableOnStateChange = false PARAMETER { name = IsNotGemini7 type = IsNotVessel vessel = Gemini-7 } PARAMETER { name = NewVessel type = NewVessel hidden = true } PARAMETER { name = HasCrew type = HasCrew minCrew = 2 maxCrew = 2 title = Have 2 crewmembers on board hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = ReturnHome type = ReturnHome targetBody = HomeWorld() title = Return Home Safely hideChildren = true disableOnStateChange = true } } PARAMETER { name = Rendezvous type = Rendezvous distance = 100 title = Rendezvous Gemini 6A with Gemini 7 hideChildren = true disableOnStateChange = true } }
  4. To be honest with you, I haven't gotten very far on the Delta-v calculations. I haven't had time to figure out the math needed to calculate it. I would LOVE it if someone could create one?
  5. I agree with you about the Flag one. I would say the Grand Tour as well. If some people with really good skills like @RoverDude and @Enceos can stylize the rest to be similar, it would be MUCH better!
  6. I guess I should have asked if it is a contract that you created, or a different one that you downloaded.
  7. @Sudragon, do you have disableOnStateChange = true set for the Orbit parameter?
  8. Version Update to 1.1.1 Fixed issue because I made a mistake and uploaded the version for Contract Configurator 1.15 that is not released yet! Sorry Guys!!!
  9. Version Update to 1.1 V-2 - Removed the need to destroy the rocket at the end of the contract, was not allowing completion in some cases Sputnik 2 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik) Explorer 1 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik) Explorer 6 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik) NEW: Dawn (orbit around giant asteroid, Dres in stock or Vesta & Ceres in Half Size RSS, will not show up in regular RSS) NEW: Kepler (first telescope to look for exoplanets) NEW: Juno (first mission to enter polar orbit of Jupiter) Removed duplicate descriptions Kosmos 186 & Kosmos 188 Contract - Fixed the way the docking vessels were treated not allowing the contract to complete Luna 10 and Zond 5 Contracts - Fixed an issue where they were offered multiple of times Apollo 4 - Fixed the way the Crew Capacity was handled so players could include a Lander for their test as well Apollo Program - Fixed the wording on the contracts to better let the player know the Parking Orbit requirements Changed Antenna requirements to read Transmission Devices for clarity for player Syncom 2 and Syncom 3 Contracts - Changed orbital requirements to require closer to a circular orbit Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A Contract - Completely re-wrote to work more consistently
  10. I have both sizes of all of the flags that I posted, so I can send those to you. What is the easiest way to do that? For the survey, my idea was something like a planet with a magnifying glass over it and a waypoint in the magnifying glass on the globe? Something like this:
  11. It is definitely compatible with Realism Overhaul, but it will have many of the same style contracts as Realistic Progression Zero. If you wanted to use the contracts from this pack, I would install it with RP-0 and then use the built in Contract Configurator function to disallow the RP-0 Contracts. For example, RP-0 Contract Order: First Launch Unmanned past Karman Line Unmanned Orbit Moon Flyby Historical Progression Contract Order: Sounding Rockets (First Launch) V-2 (Unmanned past Karman Line) Sputnik 1 (Unmanned Orbit) Luna 1 (Flyby Moon)
  12. OK, here is what I came up with, I only edited some images I did not create them. Use whichever (or none of them) for the contracts. I have sent a message to forum user @Enceos to ask for permission to use his images. He created the Exploration, Part Test, Satellite, Stations and Collect Science images. The Grand Tour comes from a poster released by NASA. The plant flag comes straight from KSP and the Asteroid Redirect is from someone called Alex Akins that gave us permission to "do whatever you want with it." Collect Science (currently using R&D as a decent placeholder) Exploration Grand Tour Part Test Flag Planting Rescue and Recovery Asteroid Recovery Base Construction ISRU Satellites Stations Surveys Tourism World-Firsts Achievements (this one has a good logo already) I personally did very little work on this, so please DO NOT feel like you need to use any of these. Ideally, someone with skills like @Enceos could create a package for all of them so there is more consistency throughout.
  13. Quick Little Update to 1.01 1.01 - July 9, 2016 Fixed some text on Explorer 6 mission Modified some Duna / Mars contracts for stability Added main logo in anticipation of Contract Configurator 1.15
  14. No, you have forgotten to install Sigma dimensions
  15. Just be careful with the mod still. the new items that are added with this expansion will not be where they are supposed to be in relative inclination to the Earth.
  16. It is possible, but it is about 9400 delta-v, so you won't be going much further than that. There is a mod called SMURFF that changes some of the values that should allow you to use stock parts in your mod.
  17. Thanks! Couldn't have done it without your help and of course your great mod!
  18. I wanted to let all of you know that I just released a Contract Pack that is right in line with RSS and can serve as an alternative to RP-0 for those who use SMURFF. It is a Historical Progression Contract System that takes the player through the history of human space flight.
  19. I wanted to let all of you know that I just released a Contract Pack that is right in line with Stock Size RSS. It is a Historical Progression Contract System that takes the player through the history of human space flight.
  20. I wanted to let all of you know that I just released a Contract Pack that is right in line with Half Size RSS. It is a Historical Progression Contract System that takes the player through the history of human space flight.
  21. Contract Pack: Historical Progression This contract pack is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. I did not want to have to launch a mission that was almost the smae thing over and over again. This contract pack takes you from the first sounding rockets to New Horizons and into the future. You will be tasked with recreating some of the most ambitious missions like the Apollo Program, Voyager and the International Space Station. It is up to you to guide the Kerbals into the cosmos through a historical progression. Some of these contracts are very involved and require you to use gravity assists to accomplish the contract parameters. Others give you the option to complete certain goals in order to gain bonuses. For example, in your Space Shuttle contracts, you get bonus funds if you land your shuttle on the Runway back at KSC. One of the best examples of this is the MESSENGER contract. It requires you to enter a polar orbit of the first planet in the solar system. We will use the stock system with the Real Solar System planets as an example. MESSENGER Contract Parameters General Goal: Design an unmanned craft to Orbit Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Design an unmanned craft with an antenna (also with 3 SCANsat scanners if you have the mod installed) Launch MESSENGER Enter Orbit of the Sun OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Kerbin (Earth) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for the third time for a gravity assist Enter Orbit of Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Transmit Science Data from Space around Moho (Mercury) If you have SCANsat installed, have 80% mapping of Low Quality, Biome and High Quality Most of the missions are not that difficult or that involved, but MESSENGER was launched in 2004 after more than 50 years of spaceflight and we knew some new tricks to help us achieve an orbit. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION CONTRACTS REQUIRED MODS Contract Configurator - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604 Module Manager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MODS These are not nessecary to use the contract pack, but it makes the pack much better Historical Progression Tech Tree @Yemo Unmanned Before Manned - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106130 This lets you start with the proper probe cores instead of manned missions, the contract pack might not be possible to complete without this or something similar Outer Planets Mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/ If you are playing with stock KSP, this will give you the extra planets that simulate the outer solar system and will allow you to explore these places with contracts like New Horizons and Voyager 1 and 2 Real Solar System If you are up for it, you can recreate some of the most famous missions in different scaled Real Solar Systems Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50471-113-real-solar-system-v1140-july-3/ Half Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/142336-113-half-size-rss-v15/ Stock Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138572-wip-113-117-stock-size-real-solar-system/ DMagic Orbital Science - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/ This gives you more science experiments to use on your various missions around the solar system SCANsat - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v163-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-june-27-2016/ This provides you with parts to map the planets in the solar system. The contracts have support for Scanning missions if SCANsat is installed. Life Support Mods There are many to choose from, but I reccomend picking at least one of them. Some of these contracts are setting new duration records in space and there is no real challenge to them without having Life Support of some kind. OTHER MODS TO CONSIDER There are many part mods to consider that will give you the ability to construct realistic looking, or in some cases replicas of the spacecraft that are simulated in this contract pack. Bluedog Design Bureau (NASA / ESA) FASA (NASA) @raidernick Awesome Collection of Mods Skylab US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack Salyut Stations Soviet Spacecraft Soviet Probes US Probes Pack US Rockets Pack Antares & Cygnus Tantares NOTES The contract pack removes the World Firsts and Explore Body stock missions as we are already covering this with the pack This contract pack works with all planet packs, but you will experience some weird contracts if your Home planet is not the 3rd rock from the sun Full support for Stock, Stock x2, Stock x6.4, Outer Planets Mod Full support for Real Solar System, Half Size Real Solar System, Stock Size Real Solar System I do not know how this will play with other Contract Packs unless listed below, as it is designed to go through all major "firsts" of our space history so will duplicate similar contracts from other packs Most missions cannot be cancelled nor will they expire. There are a set of optional missions and more will be coming down the line. These optional missions can be cancelled and do not need to be completed. COMPATIBLE CONTRACT PACKS Anomoly Surveyor AntennaRange Relays Clever Sats Field Research Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) Kerbal Academy Maritime Mission Pack RemoteTech Contract Pack SPECIAL THANKS @nightingale for creating Contract Configurator as well as helping me with many questions along the way @severedsolo for answering some questions I had about some contracts @Whitecat106 for inspiring me with your Historic Missions pack @TheReadPanda is streaming a career with the Contract Pack active DOWNLOAD Github Spacedock INSTALLATION Make sure you have Contract Configurator and Module Manager Installed as they are NOT included with the download Download the Contract Pack Copy to GameData folder Enjoy! FUTURE PLANS Add Remaining Missions Falcon Flight 20 - First Powered Landing of First Stage of Rocket Moon / Mun contracts will require specific biomes to be reached (want to stop players from landing on the far side) Add a requirement to deorbit and destroy Space Stations after Add additional SCANsat mission support Add additional DMagic Orbital Science Mission Support Add OPTIONAL MISSIONS Additional Mars / Duna Missions Landers Phoenix Insight Orbiters Mars Global Surveyor MAVEN Rovers Spirit Opportunity Curiosity ISS Construction Apollo Applications Program Manned Venus Flyby (this was a proposed mission using Apollo hardware) Future Missions OSIRIS Rex Asteroid Redirect Mission Mars Sample Return Mission Europa Mission Red Dragon Mars 2020 LICENSE CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) CHANGELOG
  22. Count makes a lot of sense. Just something like 1 of 9 contracts available. Or, maybe better would be 3 columns of Available - Completed - Total
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