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Everything posted by pap1723

  1. Hoover, let me know if you are having an issue with it. Despite the colors being correct on the map, and the config file being correct, there seems to be an issue with Oceanus Procellarum and Major Craters. The Oceanus Procellarum is only supposed to be part of the Lunar seas and the Major Craters are scattered throughout the Moon. From what I can see, the Major Craters are not represented at all. Please help to determine if that is the case...
  2. I have used quite a few Contract Mods with this. The most natural one is Contract Pack: Historic Missions. Make sure you choose the Real Solar System option and it works great! I also like the functionality of Strategia, but it is a little more involved than a regular contract pack.
  3. I haven't had any issues with the UI or maps on it. Once I removed the two config files, it has worked great. Is there any chance it is another mod causing the issues?
  4. Hello Group! So I have always felt limited by the number of Moon biomes in RSS. In stock KSP, there are 24 biomes spread between the Mun and Minmus. I set out to fix that problem. Attached is a new biome map for The Moon as well as the config file that goes along with it. I have added biomes to create the total number of 24. What I did was add the named "seas" that are on the near side of the Moon as well as the five largest craters over 300 km in diameter. Everything should work well and now you can get all that sweet, sweet science from the Moon that will allow you to travel everywhere else! @sDaZe @Berlin Please feel free to use this as an addition to the mod. Let me know if you find any issues. If you want more of the major craters named, it is not hard for me to do. Pap
  5. Please do! I am going to try and see if I can make it a little more accurate. It doesn't translate perfectly when it is so small comparatively to the large normal maps and texture files. Same issue as the regular biome map as well.
  6. Here is a link to the files. Just copy the stuff over from GameData to GameData and overwrite the 2 files! https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvk5k5vyxmj1h15/SSRSSBiomes.zip?dl=0
  7. OhioBob knows his stuff! I have created a new Biome map that includes all of the Earth's real biomes. There are a couple of new ones added. Would anyone be interested in the file? Biomes: Ice Caps Tundra Taiga (Boreal Forest) Forest (Temperate Forest) Grasslands Mountains Tropics Savanna Chaparral Desert Shores Water Let me know and I'll post a link.
  8. I have created a new Biome map that includes all of the Earth's real biomes. There are a couple of new ones added. Would anyone be interested in the file? Biomes: Ice Caps Tundra Taiga (Boreal Forest) Forest (Temperate Forest) Grasslands Mountains Tropics Savanna Chaparral Desert Shores Water Let me know and I'll post a link.
  9. The atmosphere ends at about 98km. High in Space starts at about 3690km
  10. The one that I noticed it on is the RemoteTech setup of the initial 4 satellite relay network. In the file, it has the duration set at 2 days, but in the game, it actually took 48 hours, or 6 days. I am curious if it is an easy fix? This is the current setup: PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = 2d preWaitText = Testing time after network up waitingText = Performing shake-out testing completionText = Shake-out testing completed } If I change the duration value to this, will it work the right way, or is there something else going on with the Scaling? PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = CelestialBody.DayLength() * 2 preWaitText = Testing time after network up waitingText = Performing shake-out testing completionText = Shake-out testing completed }
  11. If one changes, shouldn't we change both? I am asking for the way physics works, I actually don't know.
  12. I think it might have something to do with the settings from Kopernicus as well. I am just curious as it seems to be a tricky fix!
  13. The difficulty with the current size of the system is down the line. Once people start to put together Delta-v charts as well as other information, it will become difficult to do with the awkward 5 hour, 59 minute, 1 second day. Making it 6 hours exactly makes it much much better.
  14. Sigma, this mod is great and it has allowed the guys over at SSRSS to create a great experience for those of us that do not want to play RSS with that much realism. They are having an issue with the mod that I wonder if you could help with. They have used your mod to shrink the RSS down to Kerbal size. Everything is pretty much working great, but the time is a little screwy. The planets rotate properly, but the overall game time is still set on a 24-hour clock. So when trying to complete missions with time requirements, it takes 3 days to complete a one day mission. Thanks for your help!
  15. They work fine, but just use Kerbal Alarm Clock, seems to work better. FASA is pretty broken right now in 1.1.2, but all parts mods work. There was an issue with SCANSat, but it should be fixed with the next update. Very easy fix for you to do on your own as well.
  16. Maybe you could use something like this for the logo for the early missions...You can then change the Agent from pedant Germany to Peenemunde Complex or something like that.
  17. That is the RSSKopernicus config, but it is modified by the Sigma Dimensions mod. It is all scaled down from those numbers.
  18. This is a great tool, but I am trying to add some body information from the SSRSS mod. I have all the relevant information, but the visual aspect of it doesn't work right and the values I save in the editor seem to change randomly on their own. No idea if you are still working on this tool or not.
  19. I have also noticed that the time scale is off. The days still tick by like it is real RSS in 24 hour increments instead of 6 hours like Kerbin, or 5 hours, 59 minutes, 1 second in scaled down SSRSS Earth.
  20. UPDATE: That worked! The files are changing the values to amounts that should not exist. I reccomend to the Mod creators to remove both of those files as they are not necessary and make SCANSat not work at all. Thanks for your mod, I love this!
  21. So here is what is happening as best that I can tell... There is a file in SSRSS folder that sets the SCANSat data. This looks like a holdover from full scaled RSS. There is a second file that is in Sigma folder that then changes the SCANSat values based on the new scaling. I think the SCANSat values are being scaled down way too much. I am removing the files from the GameData folder and testing. Will report back soon...
  22. It is looking like there are some things that need to be modified using Sigma. There is a file called rescaleSCANsat.cfg in the Sigma folder. Now to try to figure this out...
  23. Please disregard, issue was in the mod's config files. Thanks for another GREAT mod!
  24. I assumed it was probably a scaling issue. Let me see what I can work out!
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