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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. It pays bad... I'm bad at rockets. WAYYYYY bad.
  2. Agree!111One1!!!!!won!!!one!!!! seriously though, Kerbalizer is a very nice little bit of KSP, sad to see it like this. *Determination
  3. And prevail, he said, KASA, rise from the ashes, and bestow death upon your enemy. It's hard to sound philisophical *Determination.
  4. Dres is full planet. I'm on my phone right now, but... Congratulations to DMSP for completing the Dres Awareness challenge by sending a nuclear powered orbiter then tumbling it down the Dres Canyon. And congratulations to Nightingale for modding in the name of Dres! Yessiree
  5. Thanks! This is going into my Jool save!
  6. What I want is what the titles says. Anyway I can turn the big-S wings into LFO tanks?
  7. Granted, the new "Dres" of the game becomes little Bop, and you die of eternal suffering. I wish for nuu spaceplane jet.
  8. Leaf me alone, i need space for my vacuum rated engine.
  9. The power of KSP is creativity, my friend, and that usually affects the spacecraft we fly. *Determination. i voted interstellar quest
  10. If like a side of moar, along with a full course of extra Ussari. *Determination.
  11. Still curious as to why we aren't allowed a refueling mission while ISRU is in effect. Even mining missions can get stranded, ya know?
  12. Aloha! @Red Iron Crown? Our supreme leader?
  13. Psychological torture is the worst torture. I wish you well, Harfield... Stay Determined . . .
  14. Wouldn't that make it so hard to go to that no one ever goes there?
  15. Banned fo hating kraken. Hail kraken.
  16. Banned for aquatic mammal. Though I do agree with the above ban. Crap ninja. Ban for andem
  17. I really would like the rover trakc and the runways changes... *Determination.
  18. So Lisa knows about the Kenliestar Awesum, and is actively covering up the fact hat Kenlie launched the transmitter away... this should mean thatlisa also agrees witxh Kenlies motives.... which.... means.... *gasp* LISA UNDERSTANDS MURDER AND INTENTIONAL KILLING?! This is all theory though... *Determination.
  19. I corrupt that wish by not corrupting it. I wish for donald trump to disappear.
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