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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. But u said a while ago that Jeb is alive, Just in mechanical Jebediah form. *Determination.
  2. It's may not be that big of a deal for now. Unless you plan on undocking anything anytime soon, Anything that is docked currently, should, in theory, remain docked. In the mean time, a fix should come soon... *Determination.
  3. I still thing that with a little bit of magic, Jeb will be fully happy again. *Determination.
  5. Sad to see that. I do understand your point of view, and yeah, i have also had those bugs. Sorry to see you found the negative part of this community, we're usually better than this, right guys?! Anyway, have fun with KSP, whatever you will do in it. *Determination.
  6. I did kinda sorta pay around $53-$55CAD fr the ame, considering it well worth it if you like spaceflight.
  7. pls keep moar doing i lof this berry much.
  8. And by the way, RCS has a perfectly good use: translation. You know, the kind of movement that helps you dock? Pretty sure torque can't help you, seeing as it can only move your attitude. SAS, RCS, and torque wheels are fine as is, and of course, KSP doesn't really have rules as a sandbox... *Determination.
  9. Rover wheels and enough wings should push the thing into the air, and ion spam sould be good as well.
  10. Working on SSTOing Dres, along with a Jool-5, and lastly, a station, miner, base, Rover, and kerbals on Eve, equipped with standard lander
  11. "Breaking faster than Jeb in isolation" The jokes are too powerful. *Determination.
  12. Your wish failed miserably because I have too much of a kind heart. I wish for a wish of wishes to make a wish for more fun.
  13. Return it to Kerbin or we revole your funds forever. Dres expedition turns into Sun diving expedition when someone made a song turn.
  14. Denied. I feel your pain tho I wish for people to at least notice me IRL
  15. The three mighty mini planets revolt against you, causing each asteroid you used to pimp smack you I send ultimate SPACEplane to Jools atmosphere and attempt a landing at Laythe. Btw I survived Jool atmo
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