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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. Could it be possible to load up a copy of your install in the 1.1 pre-release, or did you buy on the KSP Store?
  2. It's been about 7-8 patches as far as I know... But Stay Determined . . .
  3. Aww shucks, you shouldn't have *hides face* Cool station! How'd ya get it there? i just need pics showing it's journey from the Launchpad to Dres.
  4. If IT can't have landing gear, I'll just put another spaceplane under it!
  5. Supported by the Spaceplabe Freak with all of his... *Determination.
  6. Oui. Anyway, getting back to some non agonizing English, Kuzzter, how do you manage burn times after flicking Kerbodynes on and off? Stay Determined . . .
  7. Ce que je voulais dire que ce sera un moment jusqu'à 1.1 est stable, ainsi que des mods stables. Tant, en fait, je vais vraiment avoir du mal à ... (What I meant was that it'll be a while till 1.1 is stable, along with stable mods. So long, in fact, I will really find it hard to...) Restez Déterminée . . .
  8. Heh, I finally realized what Order 34 is.... Stay Determined . . .
  9. Stable 1.1 ? Peut-être, mais jusque-là, il est écraser tellement je perds... (Stable 1.1? Maybe, but until then, I'm losing my...) *Détermination.
  10. I would replike this if the forums didn't limit my replikes. Great chapter, looking forward 2 see more! Stay Determined . . .
  11. Er ma gerd. So bootiful. I r8 12/8 m8. I think it's too beautiful to be drawn by a nub. Meaning you are actually extreme pro.
  12. Wow. 88 [-] seems the Negative Empire needs to ketchup.
  13. ....... The ion spaceplane priced at 10 quintillion funds was burnt in an attempt to aerocapture at Laythe.
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