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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. The town in whoch i live in os about five hours away from the provincial capital of Alberta
  2. Ike`ant be leaf that you could possibly say Eeloo while wearing that Dres! Its not half pasta Eve-ning and your wearing a bunch of Jools! Why not go straight to your rocket, cuz I say Laythe down, your feeling way to tyLO. Maybe its all the POLlen. Mun ya look at the time, this pun went way pasta my limit! I'll see myself out. Just Stay Determined . . .
  3. Stelrine must have some REAL .... to to such a thing to her rescuer! Fabien! Stay Determined . . .
  4. Pretty sure you could do better than Ven's Stock Revamp. . . Stay Determined. . .
  5. I know how to eliminate our "thompberry" problem: Determination. A maniacal flowey laugh. And moar boosters. Stay Determined. . .
  6. Good god, it's time for Kenlie to unveil Kerbulus... Kenlie! You are our last line of defense! Stay Determined . . .
  7. Aim it somewhere else... somewhere in space, far from Kerbin, like Eve, so they can't escape. And tell Jebediah. . . Stay Determined . . .
  8. This is wonderful! I'm finding Valentina isn't having problems to . . . Stay Determined. . .
  9. Undertale. Unless you want raw.... Determination. It's Stay Determined to mean something positive, and Determination. to mean something terrifyingly horrible. So... Stay Determined . . .
  10. People oddly dislike Space. We just need to... Stay Determined . . .
  11. Well then. I usually ship Jeb and Val, but Bill and Val works just fine... Stay Determined. . .
  12. As such, it would be nice if you made a Mission Report thread. Good luck on the Dres missions, and.... Stay Determined. . .
  13. I might be planning on making my report @Just Jim style ish, so I need an in story way for m Kerbals to relax. I just got Node Splitter, so I guess the lowest TWR I can go to is about 0.08. And yeah, I should probably add more fuel.... And the new version has a smaller ring. Stay Determined!
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