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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. HOLY GUACAMOLE! I ACCEPT GIMMME GIMME GIMME! If your wanting to put LF only in LF/O tanks, I'll allow Stock Fuel Switch.
  2. And, if I haven't made it clear, your modlist is fine so as long as I didn't see anything from KSP Interstellar
  3. Now it's a race for me to finish Tylo before you get there!
  4. Well, if you need more LF, fill the wings and put on some fuel lines. Also, it's best not to 45 degree early acsent any more. After takeoff, right click one engine and check the thrust level. If it is rapidly increasing, you may have a bit more room to pitch up. If the accelaration is slow, or it's slowly losin thrust, pitch down. Do this until you hit 10km, pitch level, speed up, and SPACE!
  5. Chuck Norris can fight. Scott Manley can orbital weapons.
  6. Thank you, Squad, for making sure I stay in the wanting to work at NASA. Thank you for addicting me to this . Thank you, Squad, for making sure my life is becoming Kerbalized and Science-y
  7. Awesome work, looking forward to more!
  8. If what I think is right, and KSPI Integration Patch is the infamous KSP Intersteller mod, then as long as you dont use it. EDIT: from now on, all mods not listed in the OP must be approved through PM. If there is a mod deemed awesome enpough to be in the OP, tell me, I'm all about dat fun!
  9. Don't forget the Jool-5, providing publicity for all Joolian moons since KSP!
  10. Lol, sorry I'm late. I pick, the famous, cat-anime-girl person! @HoloYolo
  11. Who? I pick our fearless circumnavigater the @Claw!
  12. Haha, I'm no moderator (would be awesome to be one...) @Porkjet
  13. R.I.P Russian space. Really, I don't think America, Canada, or Russia are doing too good, what with dropping oil prices. Pretty much the whole (REDACTED) world is doing bad.
  14. Hah, you said it, CHEATING LITTLE CHEATEROR!
  15. Sorry, I'm SpaceplaneAddict, hi! Still hoping for @Porkjet
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