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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. I..only play sandbox. I go full on out so I would expend ALL funds in one launch. So I usually only play sandbox. Some things I build are passenger craft. But getting full blown kerbalnauts just to sit in a cabin. So is it possible to put tourists, and by extension other Career elements, as I want to see ALL the staff in the KSC.
  2. Of course theres soup in soup if there isn't any soup in soup than said soup wouldn't be soup due to lack of soup! Waiter, there is a full sized Delta IV Heavy in my soup and it does NOT look green! Or orange.
  3. Yup. But she got lost in a computer reboot. Might be able to recreate the big boys in various forms in this new update though!
  4. Somehow...but yes. And I'm pretty sure if I strut it up a bit it could be possible to land... I'm not joking.
  5. The Kritish Green Ocean Line needed to step up competition against Kunard Line's Kusithania and Kaurtahania, which happened to be the fastest ships to cross the Atlantic. Green Star Line ordered for 3 large ships to be built, the Kerlympic, Kertanic, and the Kigantic. These were to be the largest and most luxurious liners in the world. Unfortunately the KMS Kertanic was captained by guess captain Jebeidiah on her maiden voyage. She sank leaving many passengers trapped in a watery temporary base due to lack of lifeboats. The Kerlympic got fitted with more while the Kigantic was handed over to the Royal Kerbal Navy. With MUCH more lifeboats than the Kerlympic, she was renamed the HMHS Kibrantic. It sank due to the Gerkmens (without G its Kermans :P) leaving behind a SRB in the middle of a strait which happened to strike the Kibrantic. The Kerlympic served for a nice long time until Green Star Line merged with Kunard Line. They agreed to donate all their older liners to the KSC for them to convert them to science cruisers. (Lifeboat models coming soon :P) (still in testing :P)
  6. EPISODE V WIGGLE ROCKETS STRIKE BACK *cough* Soyuz has 4 engines in the second stage right? That caused my rocket to wiggle itself to death. So I strutted it up and when. But when I ditched the boosters BOOM wiggling again! So I did my signature move that no one knows and that is not "signature" worthy I'm just saying it. I put 4 I-beams and used it to strut the two stages together. So I guess I did get to space..?
  7. TBH I would just go full on in. I had the (dumb) courage to attempt a Mun landing AT NIGHT! I of course lost something, only my ladder and Decent stage engine.
  8. I find the normal soundtrack sufficient. Most of the music I like gets me super pumped therefore filling me with (over) confidence, hindering focus and judgement. The normal soundtrack also soothes anxiety JUST a bit and helps me focus. If it's a long (non space) flight then I usually pull up any music that I like to not get bored. Whenever I'm pulling high Gs in a anything aircraft I have fast, upbeat music, or rock. In general I like to listen to music that would fit in a Ytube video about the situation I am currently in in KSP.
  9. Nothing too epic but its a space station! That SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!
  10. ...when you are imagining the (NOT Excursion) Coast Daylight passing you by heading Northbound as you ride the Amtrak Surfliner.
  11. I built more Time Portal Machines and destroyed Kerbin sooner than expected. My space where Kerbin used to be.
  12. That's because you came to this restaurant which happens to be on Eeloo. Waiter, there's a Saturn V in my soup!
  13. Ok, after like two days I FINALLY got KSP again. I let KSP load in the background and stumbled upon some threads that said that the MacOS Sierra screws up unity. I went ehhh, maybe its just SOME people have this problem? So I wait a while (a hour) and nothing. *deep breath* So KSP doesn't work AT ALL on Sierra?!?! Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is only the case with 1.2, PLEASE! ANY workarounds? ANY AT ALL? Even if I have gotten the demo last week it STILL wouldn't of worked... *sigh*
  14. *finally gets KSP*

    *is on MacOS Sierra*

  15. Gets the third item in the machine which happens to be Rokomax certified rocketfue...SODA. Orange soda, in fact. In very a familiar looking container. Oh and you can lick the bottle and it tastes like oranges. Inserts KSP version 0.0000000001


  17. I made a lot of passenger craft so you can imagine quite a lot. One of mines could carry 50+ kerbals!
  18. Gets *REPLY NOT AVAILABLE* Inserts two Death Stars.
  19. (Reply here to remind me to like tomorrow) Man if only those doors didn't clip through the engines! Is it possible to carry crew/passengers via payload or craft itself?
  20. Nooo, spent all my likes today! I always liked ships, now that you think about it they are the some largest vehicles used, far out sizing planes, automobiles, and even rockets!
  21. I'm not that old but remember always remember that none of you have to deal with wiggle rockets. Or hours of reinforcing something with struts. Though I don't have 1.1 sooooooooooo.
  22. What about I kerbalize Overland's amazing idea and make interplanetary space locomotive that acts as a Tug, Lander, Spaceplane, and Rover? Oh and its payloads HAVE to have a docking port on two ends itself.
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