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Everything posted by LaytheDragon

  1. I thank you for fixing this before I had the time to give you my save file or more debug pictures. And those sunlight shadows look very scorching, indeed, and if they extend out to Moho, then that would add an even greater impression of the extremes in heat experienced there, even when you have radiators deployed.
  2. Here is a peek at an incomplete submission I am working on: The boat I used to get the submarines to the water, which is the mothership, needs modification, and the submarines need some small things too (mainly more intakes so they can meet 100% of the engine requirements rather than 60%, which would allow faster speeds than 12-15 m/s, and control surfaces to aid when the 4 reaction wheels within aren't enough), with the biggest problem being the submarines not being able to easily keep the nose up until some fuel is spent. The submarines still are usable, though, unlike the boat, which requires the removal of an aesthetically-pleasing engine configuration and some other more minor things. When the submarine touched the bottom, due to multiple reasons, it blew up and detached some parts, so I did revert to a quicksave after I hit the seabed. Note that this isn't my actual entry, it is just a sneak peak at what I'm working on for it.
  3. I have found a bug due to PlanetShine in KSP 1.0.5! Minor, but still an issue, nevertheless. Here's the bug: [LIST] [*]Certain parts are completely transparent in some spots and look glitched graphically when below -599 meters in Kerbin's oceans [*]It occurs every time a vessel goes below -599 meters in Kerbin's oceans [*]When PlanetShine is globally turned off in the in-game PlanetShine settings or when it is uninstalled, the bug disappears [/LIST] [Spoiler=Pictures][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/hngrSkL.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://imgur.com/oKBsV61.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://imgur.com/wKQvCKP.jpg[/IMG]PlanetShine debug info during an occurrence of this bug. [IMG]http://imgur.com/b1xaFEO.jpg[/IMG]When PlanetShine is disabled, this issue vanishes [/Spoiler]
  4. [quote name='quassarrgames'] -no more fighter jet cockpit (or is there?)[/QUOTE] The Mk.I cockpit now looks like a Learjet cockpit, but all hope isn't lost if you love fighter jet cockpit aesthetics. The Mk.I inline cockpit still has a bubble canopy and an at-least decent (depending on your tastes) fighter jet cockpit look, so use it if you like the look of a fighter jet cockpit on your crafts. In addition, if you enjoy fighter jets, the new Panther jet engine has many similar properties to that of a fighter jet engine, and it also functions as a middle ground between a low-speed subsonic turbofan engine and a high-speed turbo ramjet engine (when using the afterburner).
  5. He said he'd give me (as the waiter) 1,000,000,000,000,000 Funds if he could commit soup-o-cide due to all his stress. I guess he's invincible if he's still alive... Waiter! Why are you in my soup, in the form of a sea serpent?!
  6. [COLOR=#333333] LV-1R "Spider" 38 [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]24-77 "Twitch" 36[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]Mk-55 "Thud" 36 (-2, Eumon Kerman could have done better)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LV-1 "Ant" 40[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]48-7S "Spark" 41 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LV-909 "Terrier" 41[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LV-T30 "Reliant" 39 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LV-T45 "Swivel" 38[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]S3 KS-25 "Vector" 41[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]T-1 "Dart" Toroidal Aerospike 41[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LV-N "Nerv" 40 (+1)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]Rockomax "Poodle" 40[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]Rockomax "Skipper" 40 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]Rockomax "Mainsail" 40 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" 39 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" 38[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333333]S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" 41[/COLOR]
  7. I am having the same problem, but on a Steam Windows 7 KSP install. The previous EVE version worked fine, but after the last update, the city lights started glitching, so I uninstalled it on CKAN so I could see if the glitch would fix upon reinstalling. Now I can't find it on CKAN, and I cannot get EVE to work when I install it manually without Kerbin's land being visually gone.Could you give a download link to the hotfix?
  8. Strut the payload to the fairing by placing struts on the payload and connecting them to the fairing base. Try to place the struts on spots of the payload that normally wobble when in the fairing where they also can still attach to the base, and if the payload is very tall, you might also want to connect some struts from higher parts of the payload to the fairing base. Also, make sure the payload itself is strong enough at weak points. I have launched many a payload that otherwise would bend and explode within the fairing by using struts. Aerodynamics DO matter, it is just that with enough thrust and a relatively aerodynamic rocket, fairings aren't always necessary (if you are fine with less efficiency when launching, due to fighting some drag). It might be a bug that the person in question was referring to, which the silent update yesterday may have fixed. In addition, too much thrust means you could possibly swap out the Vectors for lighter engines, like the Mammoth, that should still be able to launch the same payload without the extra engine weight.
  9. The Dart (aka aerospike) also can now be attached radially, with the same flexibility as the KS-25 Vector. And I checked the stats for the KS-25 awhile ago, in addition to it's size in comparison to the Mammoth, and it is essentially 1/4 of the Mammoth. The Vector has exactly 1/4 the thrust and about the same sized nozzle(s) as the Mammoth, 4 Vectors is 1 ton heavier than the Mammoth, and atmospheric efficiency allows the Vector to make up for the extra mass. Not to mention the radial attachments is offset by the fact that the Vector isn't meant for stacks, with the nozzle being bigger than the attachment point, meaning that the Vector is suited for shuttles/huge vtols and very expensive boosters, for when you have the budget for that. The Mammoth is efficient in-atmosphere too, highly priced because of it, and is also suited for expensive boosters, though it leaves more elbow room to add more within a certain budget. It can also be mounted on the backs of shuttles using the Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter. All in all, the Vector isn't any more overpowered than it's larger cousin, the Mammoth. Edit: Wait, spikeyhat09, where's your fairing? No wonder that would be a nightmare to orchestrate. And if those are clusters of five or six Vectors on those boosters, no wonder it could finally make it to orbit; you just forced it! A fairing would allow that payload to be lifted much more efficiently and much less forcefully (bringing it up more forcefully and fighting drag uses more fuel and requires more engine mass), which would most-likely allow Mammoths to easily take over the lifting job for that rocket.
  10. If I remember correctly, the Goliath has a built-in intake too, which you forgot in the chart.
  11. Welcome, MachTurtle! By the way, 1.05 is supposed to fix many claw issues, so although I don't exactly know if every baby kraken has been cleanly extracted from the claw, I can say you should be relatively safe using it on your asteroid space station. And even in 1.04 the claw wasn't bad when clamping onto asteroids. I embedded that kraken bait during 1.04 into two different dres-teroids around Dres with a space station I built, the Dres-teroid Miner S.S., and there were no problems. I think latching onto kerbals and other ships was a bigger problem, as in pre-1.0, one of my saves experienced an unfixable phantom thrust glitch after I recovered a ship that had latched onto and deorbited a kerbal for a contract, and in .90, I had explosion problems upon timewarp on a ship that had a rover inside the cargo bay being clawed by the ship with the cargo bay. These problems may be fixed in 1.05, though, as stated above.
  12. Jet packs made with a Juno are not just for fooling around. In my .90 career save, I started toying around with a rocket pack. But I didn't stop there. I turned it into a 5-ton rover that, when staged, turned into a rocket pack with extra fuel. Then, after being staged again, it would become a very small rocket pack. Since .90 didn't calculate thrust levels at different atmospheric pressures, it could just barely make it to LKO on it's own. But I didn't leave there. I docked one to my Sushimi ITS, which had just returned from dropping off The Serenity of Laythe space station at Laythe, and I brought it to Dres, where it worked perfectly, giving me science from multiple biomes. I imagine the same could be done with a jet pack at Laythe, using the Juno. In fact, in my new testing sandbox save, I just made a jet pack with a Juno and a Dawn, which I will eventually try to optimize so it can make orbit.
  13. I loaded KSP 1.0.5, and I am glad to see that the KS-25 Vector is proportional to the KS-25x4 Mammoth. The Vector has exactly 1/4 the thrust of the Mammoth, which makes sense considering the Mammoth consists of 4 of them. The model of the Vector is ever-so-slightly different from each individual nozzle on the Mammoth, but it is barely noticeable. I also noticed that the Vector and the Dart (Aerospike) can both be attached radially! One more thing: What are gendered docking ports?
  14. So, why is that? Dres-teroids even show awareness just in their name! Plus, I already have two Imgur albums' worth of a documented Dres mission I sent to mine dres-teroids. I think you've been mistaken with regular asteroids, which do anything but support Dres.
  15. No, they can skip making a devnote AND a separate 1.05 update is now live article by releasing on Tuesday, which will make them only have to make a 1.05 update is now live notice. Nobody will care about the lack of devnotes; they will be too busy testing new features.
  16. Go to the 1.0.5 album on the first page of this thread and... Feast your eyes! An IVA docking mode display! B̶u̶l̶k̶y̶ ̶T̶h̶u̶d̶s̶!̶ Not-so-bulky Thuds! 2 new structural pylons! Ionic engine thrust effects!!!!!!! :0.0: Critical hype overload!
  17. By the way, you forgot Dres. Everyone who has put Jeb in their Dres space prison or their Dres-teroid miner cannot log their mission on this thread until this is fixed.
  18. Will Saru's orbit around Kerbol be compatible with the Outer Planets Mod? I enjoy the idea of two different Saturn analogues in my game, since the moons around Saru and the moons around Sarnus are both excellent, but yet different enough (but still stock-alike) that they would still fit well within the same solar system. Assuming someone will provide a configuration compatible with OPM if they aren't compatible, I cannot wait to get my (and my Kerbals') hands on Mobe, Ensol, Tel, and especially the Kerbals' inspiration for their invention of the sponge: Hypo. Another quick question: Is Tel planned to have cloud configurations made by other people for you, or is it planned to be cloudless?
  19. Experimentals are here! That means, based on past experimentals timespans and considering it has started mid-week, I estimate the rest of this week and the whole of next week will be experimentals. Then, there will be a weekend in which YouTubers/streamers with experimentals copies of 1.05 will do their 1.05 showcase videos, meaning the week in which the Sunday at the end of the weekend in question is a part of will be the same week that KSP 1.05 is released, most-likely on a Tuesday, so the Squad staff doesn't have to cram a devnote with not much to say AND a "1.05 Update is Now Live!" notice with a quick rundown of KSP 1.05 into the same two-day timespan! (If your , here's a summary: In short, it will probably be only 1 week and 6 days until the Kerbal Space Program 1.05 Update is now live! )
  20. Does this affect other OPM bodies too? And have you tried checking this on a separate clean install with only OPM and Kopernicus? I would appreciate it if I could know whether it will affect my scanner probes I am sending to Urlum (1 to Priax, 1 to Tal, two places where my larger mothership will refuel while it's lander is exploring the larger nearby body). It would be annoying if I sent a whole second mothership to Urlum just so it could bring virtually defunct stock scanner probes.
  21. I have never encountered any of those Krakens . The worst I have seen in my own KSP saves was a bug in a 0.90 career save, before a certain 0.90 career save I progressed greatly in, where my ships would receive a constant supply of thrust when timewarping (which caused me to delete that save). During the past few days, in my sandbox save I sent the Dres-teroid Miner S.S. to Dres. You can guess what it's function is, or you can feast your eyes on two Imgur albums' worth of pictures! And mission information, if you decide to look at the albums on Imgur rather than staring at the results of embedding them into the post! I would appreciate it if a kind person would update the information on the KSP forums about dres-teroids. It took over 30 minutes' worth of searching via the internet for me to discover the altitude at which the dres-teroids orbit, so I could burn into an orbit near where the dres-teroids were. What I found is they appear to appear around 17,000,000-21,000,000 meters above Dres's surface, but I could easily be off by about 500,000 meters with that range. I also completed the first set of mid-course correction burns for my vessels en-route to Urlum. Both of the ships in these two pictures have their own payload. The smaller one, the URLUM Recon Mothership, contains two ion-driven ScannerBot Mk.1 probes, which resemble humanoid robots, as a result of design specifications, and they each have a scanner, two Dawn ion drives, a docking port, and enough RTGs to power both ionic engines (I hope it doesn't fail miserably in 1.05). The bottom ship, the URLUM Lander Mothership, contains a lander that uses the Mk2 Lander Can. The URLUM Lander Mothership also has ISRU capabilities, so it can land on Priax or Tal once it gets to Urlum to refuel while the lander is busy landing on a bigger target. URLUM is the mission name for these two ships, and it stands for Urlum Reconnaissance and Landing Undertakings provided by Motherships . What visual mods exactly are you using ? What could it be that is giving you the perfect combination between small, puffy clouds and city streets? A new Astronomer's Visual Pack?
  22. My favorite stock engine has to be the Nerv. If you care about the aesthetics of your interplanetary ships, they are easy to fit in aesthetically-pleasing configurations. Here are just two examples of this: Ignore the Aerodynamic Forces Overlay message on the last screenshot. That picture was taken prior to the fixing of the issue through the downloading of mods.
  23. From your screenshots, the new moons look great! It is wonderful to have much more reasoning to go to Neidon than just to orbit for a length of time or get a flyby to eject something out of the Kerbol star system. With there being only two new moons for Neidon, will there ever be another moon for the frigid purple planet in the stock OPM? In the meantime, within my sandbox save I have two huge ships just exiting Kerbin's SOI toward Urlum, and another ship orbiting Ovok. Unfortunately, time warping already takes more time than anyone wants to spend to get to Jool, but 13 years for one vessel and 15 years for the other to get to Urlum is more than an annoyance to wait through, especially since the Better Timewarp mod started glitching my vessel immediately after loading it . I did make an album (that I didn't post yet) on the launch of the larger ship (which is pictured in my avatar), though, and I can make one for the smaller craft too. Neidon and it's freshly-added moons must take a half-hour's worth of time just to reach, not to mention leave. When I visit Neidon's moons, I might want to start a stopwatch to track how long it takes to time warp there in real-time.
  24. It is probably a unbalance of landers on each side, resulting in the center of mass being off and the craft spinning out when there is too much thrust offset to the side from the center of mass, as a decent number of reaction wheels can't fight against so much torque from the thrust. A screenshot would be helpful though, as stated above.
  25. I usually name my spaceplanes after fish. For other craft, I just find a name that suits the ship and states what it is. Like my newest ship, the LongClaw Interplanetary Tug C, which is bound for Urlum from the outer planets mod with a currently-unnamed lander, and is shaped like an elongated claw, hence the name LongClaw Interplanetary Tug .
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