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Everything posted by LaytheDragon

  1. Gran... *boom!* Your genie falls face-forward onto the same patch of air he was floating in before. Everyone on the planet lets out an involuntary "Ha!". When you get back the genie's autopsy report, you hear that he had a cerebral hemorrhage. He had died after granting the wish I wish that we could finally ha. What a waste of a wish. I wish that I could voluntarily rapidly increase or decrease the amount of body fat on anyone's and/or everyone's body/bodies at will.
  2. Granted, @DolphinDude3 can, but isn't in the mood to, make dolphins talk English. He then dies suddenly of a heart attack in his sleep. I wish that the Moon had a breathable atmosphere (by Humans, etc.) similar to that of the Earth.
  3. I delved into modding today, so I could create some of my very own sunflares for Scatterer! The results so far: It needs a bit of work (such as that the third ghost is sticking out behind another ghost, not where it belongs, and looks bad because of it), but it isn't terrible. As a side note, I can confirm terrain shadows are working, as in the first image.
  4. If I were to download this (and Kopernicus) and enable ONLY the footprints feature, would it work in 1.1.2?
  5. Granted. You watch the sky and nothing happens. Time to wait five years, just to see the supernova. You wait five years.... It is now five years later. You scan the sky for it, but find that the Moon was blocking it. You wish you could be invincible. Granted. You wish you could now be teleported to said star. Granted. You use your last wish to teleport a now--invincible self to the inside of the star. Five seconds later, it goes supernova, and you can only see white (you won't go blind, as you are invincible) for the first few seconds, but before you know it, you are flying on an escape trajectory away from the exploded star, with no genie, and invincibility. You are left to suffer in the cold blackness of space. I wish that my dog's tongue would keep growing until the point in which it were as long as the circumference of the Earth.
  6. Granted, the Magellanic cloud is in all hemispheres, because everything within the Sun's magnetic field is teleported to be orbiting the center of the Magellanic cloud. Only the genie made a computational error, and the solar system is now on an escape trajectory at 0.98 times the speed of light.
  7. You wake up, and walk over to your window. As you open your window shades, you are greeted by the face of a man standing on a ladder. Everywhere you look, there is a crowd of lovers of you stretching as far as the eye can see, clambering over everything and everyone else to get in and on top of your house, and eager to snap photographs of you. A massive portion of them even want to eat your brain, because you have such good reputation, which goes hand and hand with popularity (at least in the mind of the genie who granted the wish, who interpreted "rep" as popularity), and due to them having such a like for you. You sneak over to your computer and boot it up, but find it has been hacked also by lovers of you, after the white-colored words "We love you!" appear on a black screen, instead of the windows start-up screen. You then rush over to your telescope, unscrew the front off with your bear hands (you turned your hands and feet into those of a bear with your first wish), and watch with a familiar awe as the HoloGenie 1.1.2 Hologram-form Genie's pixels form and attach. After it is in full-form, you ask the top-of-the-line, never-to-grant-more-than-three-wishes genie for another HoloGenie 1.1.2 as your third wish. This new HoloGenie is granted, and you use it to return your rep to normal, but afterwards, it malfunctions, and you lose access to the other two wishes. You basically got nothing from that wish, and your hands and feet are now permanently those of a bear, with no option to revert them back to standard hands (you planned to wish for your regular hands and feet after you toyed around with the bear hands and feet, and you knew that wishing for another genie would actually succeed, but you never predicted that the HoloGenie 1.1.2 would still have crashes, that are nonexistent for some users (like me), but occurring for others (like you). You also didn't know that the HoloGenie 1.1.2 couldn't be rebooted after a crash.). I wish that genies were kept within telescope lenses rather than bottles.
  8. It is not very hard if you go micro, and make a small submarine like the one in my signature picture. I have a miniature orbital jetpack design, for example, that'd be easy to refit as a submarine. All you need is a few .625 meter fuel tanks and a Juno, along with one small radial ore tank (plus electricity and a probe core/command seat, and a small elevon and or an appropriate amount of small reaction wheels), for a basic. small, less-likely to have problems with getting it to sink, submarine. I can provide submarine pictures if requested.
  9. No. Kussians (Russians) were on the Mun before U.S. Amerikans (Americans)!
  10. Speaking of eclipses, I saw one while taking beauty shots in a test save (with this spare lander already on the Mun) to make sure the visual mods I have installed were working in 1.1.2. I also discovered that kerbals no longer like to slide forever on flat Munar regolith after hitting it at 10 m/s. Here's the full-sized album on Imgur, To see it slightly larger, press f11 (or fn+f11 if f11 doesn't work) while on the album on Imgur. The album doesn't want to embed correctly with all of the images after I added more images to the album.
  11. I think Jeb just has a dangerously-high fever. He'll be fine, but that Mk1 Inline Cockpit may need quarantining until the contagious fever-causer can be obliterated.
  12. I ran out of likes for the day, so I cannot like the EVA Struts micro-mod. Incredibly useful for keeping a large, cobbled-together mass of inflatable heatshields rigid when docked to a massive station, in sandbox. I already have four small EVA strut modules getting a boost up along with the next refueler to this station, with claws, to dock and stop the problem of claws pivoting due to the overloading strength of (other) gigantic modules (not including the heatshield, which was launched with the struts), when the pivot is locked
  13. I call a tug an Interplanetary.Transfer's.Ship (IT'S) or an Interplanetary.Tug (IT).
  14. Granted, you are greeted by an Apple Watch box in your office, located in New York City, but hear a voice calling, "Open up!" When you tear apart the packaging, you find that you have an obnoxious talking Apple Watch, with eyes, a nose protruding from the screen (covering the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature displays' positions on the screen when viewing the pre-installed app that provides the data values), and a mouth, with real cells and a need to blurt out odd noises and thoughts. As the cherry on top of it all, you find that above the city streets outside lurk two shadows, which are from the incredibly massive, heavily offset, magical floating eyebrows of the Apple Watch that can tell you data. The huge chunk of the World Trade Center 1 building missing due to the appearance of the eyebrows partially in the same location won't matter, nor will the rebuilding efforts after the eyebrows move and the building collapses, now will it? I wish for every oceanic and aerial organism on the planet of Earth to become sufficiently-magnetic for attraction and repulsion purposes.
  15. That would be nice. You forgot to mention that debris (also known as vessels classified as debris that may or may not actually be debris) would not activate the timewarp prevention, so ejected stages could still be separated without issues. In addition, the timewarp buttons at the top could still work, sort of like a "manual override", and the entire feature, for disabling timewarp when in physics range of other vessels in orbit, could be toggled in the settings (if it were implemented, I'd hope the in-flight and title screen settings pages would both show this setting, and that it would be mentioned in KSPedia).
  16. This would have to be restricted to orbit (and escape trajectories, for near-Kerbin asteroids), as one wants to not have to go to the tracking station to timewarp a base that contains multiple separate, undocked modules.
  17. My most recent acronym for the name of a vessel/module in KSP is the Overly.Massive.Braking. Jool Fueled Heatshield, or O.M.B. Jool Fueled Heatshield. The acronym within the name is to reference OMB Demolition Enterprises, the in-game manufacturer for the inflatable heatshield. See for yourself the proportions of such a shield docked (at a bad angle, though that's fixed by now) to a certain proportionally massive DysonCube Station! Don't worry, the EVA Struts mod will allow me to build struts off the EVA strut bases hidden on the heatshield, to strengthen the connection so the contraption doesn't fly off as if a frisbee. And sure, attaching a lag-bait (not in in itself (an exception is the seconds per frame slideshow resulting in inflating the heatshield)) 1,000 part shield to a 1,500 part station, with visual mods in the background, will only leave KSP running at 3-5 frames per second, which of course won't be a problem during an actual aerobrake.
  18. This... I haven't tried 1.1.1 yet, but with all of the issues people are saying exist, this shoots joy through me, especially considering Steam just finished downloading 1.1.1 during the typing of this post. Edit: For those who don't have the energy or time to check @genbrien's link, should be known that 1.1.2. is planned to be released within 12 hours of 4:33 PM, Eastern Standard Time (Here be a time zone converter, just in case you need it).
  19. I did notice the existence of this bug previously, but never noticed it was fixed. I don't recall seeing it in a change-log, so Squad may have unknowingly fixed this when upgrading the UI to Unity 5, having been unaware of the issue in the first place.
  20. I completely agree with this, though I find that once Mun and the topic of this thread are breached and bring yields, one is almost completely done with the biggest "grind" (getting to Duna and Ike was fun and not grindy at all in the save I mentioned, after landing on the Mun and Minmus).
  21. Can you unhire the copies? If that fails, can you launch them all in a rocket, open the cargo bay, and dispose of them on a suborbital trajectory? It'd save you time if you could just unhire them, and it'd provide quite the entertainment to eject twenty or so of them from an SSTO cargo bay.
  22. Try 20% science. In my .90 career save, I brought a spaceplane to Laythe while still only having basic jet engines, stranded some kerbals there, and used the science to unlock the turbojet. By then, I had already got science from Minmus (though only a few biomes), two biomes on Ike, and a biome on Duna, in addition to a few of the Mun's biomes, Jool orbit transmitted science, and low solar orbit transmitted science. I like Minmus, it is quite fun to jetpack there with the EVA pack, and with larger jetpacks. I need to (and will, very soon) try out Vall, though, as that moon looks like Minmus, except larger and around a beautiful gas giant.
  23. Tried the LT-1 confg, fixes the clipping into the terrain when LT-1s are extended, but upon retracting, the landing strut bottoms appear to still temporarily lose their colliders and sink into the terrain, and then fly out of the terrain when the colliders come into existence on the retracting bottoms of the struts. Tested on both launchpad and runway, on launchpad, the pad's design makes the flying severe enough to blow up the test vehicle's landing struts. I didn't test the LT-2 config, but the LT-1 enhanced config fixes the problems with them in the extended state.
  24. There is also an FPS capping setting in the settings, too, that should be set to unlimited.
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