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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. So what I believe is happening is you are downloading from the link in the OP of this thread Please go to the following thread and download camera tools from there This thread should be closed as it is old and Baha is no longer with us Stick a weapon manager on each of the craft, make one team B and then use the dogfight mode
  2. Targeting - Click "Set target w/ click" then click on a vessel or part to set it as your target - You can also just click target self to target your active vessel's command unit - The camera will point at the target you select.
  3. Camera Tools works fine in KSP v1.2.2 There will be a warning when starting up KSP that says CT is only for KSP v1.2.1 but you can ignore this as it works as is
  4. Not glow sticks ... He's cracking his knuckles which gives him a glowing personality
  5. Here you go ... The CANUKWorks Can Can 177 https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/CANUKWorks-Can-Can-177
  6. There is no 'if' as it is a flat out 'no' to using the cheat menu ... Citation below:
  7. Perhaps taking a look at the EULA for KSP is in order here ... https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=39
  8. Actually no, that is not what I said ... KSP itself will go wonky if there is a corrupted save in the saves directory which messes with the spawn vessel function
  9. Assumptions are good, however consider the age old saying that 'when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME Swap the 'G' and 'C' with each other and you will be closer to the mark (I'm sure it was just a typo ) Agreed ... This is a very complex and convoluted matter that many people have little understanding of Take for example the recent 'refactor' of KSP, which was mostly disregarded in light of the localization effort that went into the latest pre-release (flaming farts and salty tears for the most part, if you were ask me)... I seriously doubt that there are many 'round these parts' who understand exactly what is involved when it comes to refactoring software code (hell, I'm a hardware guy and I know only bits and pieces ... My involvement with Bahamuto D's Armory Continued has given much new insight into the complexity of what is involved) Yup ... These things take time AND money You are on the money here although I fail to see how 'Ghost in the Shell' has anything to do with Kerbal Space Program (GITS has been mashed into commonality with the movie 'they' have created ... I refuse to watch it as they changed the story from the original) The developer of any software is not required to provide you with more than what they say it is on the box and through advertising. The fact that you expect more out of what has been clearly depicted is on you and no one else Consider this ... I get an idea to build something. I then build that thing and someone comes along and says 'Hey, that's cool ... Can I have one?' I say yes and all is good Next dude comes by and says the same ... and it goes, and it goes, and it goes ........ At some point someone is gonna come by and say that 'It ain't good enough, I want this ....' That is where things get all squirelly ... I can give you 'this' yet you want 'that' I say go get 'that' and leave Squad be ... They gots big things in the works, please stop being so short sighted
  10. So this issue is caused by a borked save deal ... I have experienced it on a number of occasions and it's cause is currently unknown as there has been yet a concrete means of replicating the bug I personally have a tendency to run a fresh install for pretty much every challenge I partake in or video I post on my YouTube channel .... However, I have noticed this happening with the following conditions in common between all borked installs that include Vessel Mover: 1- More than one user savegame within the KSP install in question 2- Craft copied from one save to another as well as from other KSP installs 3- Multiple quick-saves and named-saves I have an inkling that this is just Krakenbait as this issue is quickly solved with a fresh KSP install and a reloading of your save file, by itself, into the game ... I have tried to replicate this issue and have had limited success .... More investigation is required In addition to this, be advised that the 'spawn vessel' function of Vessel Mover is still considered an experimental feature and as such is a USE AT YOUR OWN RISK sorta deal Feel free to consult the BDAc team at the following thread:
  11. KSP.log please This file can be found in your KSP root directory Feel free to consult the BDAc team at the following thread:
  12. Your perception of the circumstances does not mean that the reality of the situation is defunct
  13. As the saying goes ... We can always get it up, getting it back down is where you run into problems This^^^^ Talk to a bush pilot ... They can tell you what is what (we got lots up here in the Great White North)
  14. Yes, it is possible to change the load distances with MM, however this does not work as expected with BDAc ... The code that JR came up with mitigates this issue The Physics Range Extender mod was designed with BDAc in mind, however JR was kind enough to provide this code for the rest of the community who choose not to use or install BDAc ... Methinks this is a good thing as the 'Stock' system could use an improvement in regards to load distances and such Thanks @jrodriguez
  15. Not sure what you are on about here as lights do deplete EC when in use
  16. Not likely as any lawyer, or company for that matter, are in it for your money and, seeing as the lawyer in question will conduct a cost/benefit analysis, it appears that there would be no profit in even considering such a proposal since the lawyer in question would be unable to recoup their expenditures for such a fiasco Good luck with that
  17. At the moment there are no parts that provide 'armor', however this is being worked on ... please stand by This is a known issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/74 ... it is recommended that you set aero effects to the lowest setting when using BDAc, for the time being, in order to circumvent this bug
  18. So I tested this a fair bit and it appears that the reliable load distance limit is around 20Km or so between craft that are 'landed' although there has been reports of 30Km distances without a RUD between craft that are 'splashed down' ... I'm not sure, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that the distance that KSP has for loading terrain is round abouts a 20Km radius There is one caveat to this which is between the KSC and the Island Airport. It appears that the KSC runway and the Island Airport runway stay loaded in memory or load at the same time as the craft loads when switching between crafts at distances over 20Km Evidence of this can be replicated by using Vessel Mover to place a craft at the Island Airport, loading another craft on the KSC runway then switching to the other craft at the Island and watching how the ground spawns a fraction of a second slower than the craft and runway Anyways, hope this gives you some insight into the terrain loading issue
  19. There's no problem with your posts, especially since BDAc v0.2.0.0 was released today ... If you or anyone come across issues feel free to post in this thread, however we ask that you open an issue on Github if it appears that it is a bug (Issues Link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues) On another note, here's a video that shows some of what you can do with the physics extender that @jrodriguez came up with ... Competition mode between the Island Airport and the KSC anyone?
  20. If it can land and take off on water I don't see why it wouldn't work If it needs to take off from the ground you might have some problems as there ain't much land on Laythe, let alone places that are long and flat enough to take off
  21. She floats, she flies, she survives atmospheric entry, can mine and refine fuel herself as well as being able to serve a secondary role as a fuel depot ... I now present for your approval, the CANUKWorks Can Can 177 Room for 14 Kerbals (I may add a couple command lawn chairs and maybe a fishing rod or two) Full Science Package 4 Large Drills 2 Large Converters Massive Fuel Capacity 3 Goliath Turbofan Engines Red Lights Takeoff Speed: 88 meters per second
  22. So me gots to wonderin aboot how much space KSP actually takes up on my system, so I clicked on my Kerbal directory that contains everything related to Kerbal ...... 199 Gigs of data in that one directory
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