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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Would you expect that it is ignited at separation or a little after?
  2. Just dropped it? Didn't bother to light it up?
  3. Also, they can claim that it is not a permanent structure when the county building permit inspectors come around.
  4. @Stephen Peterson, I am having difficulty following because you make some logical leaps that aren’t obvious to me. just to start, Without getting into blackholes and alternative dimensions, can you clarify this statement?
  5. Module Manager. You could add command abilities to fuel tanks.
  6. I'm getting some NRE's, Opened Issue #84 (log is over there).
  7. Well that's SpaceX's problem, not ULA's. But for an extended Starship voyage, they would certainly need some sort of insulation.
  8. “3D printed” is so 2018, but is it “Reusable“? https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=Reusable,3D printed
  9. @JERONIMO I live by the creed: mod smarter not harder. But I am curious, what was the final mod that sent you over the edge?
  10. @JadeOfMaar I love this concept but haven’t got around to contributing yet. I would hazard that the term “biome” came about because SQUAD built Kerbin before other bodies and it was the correct term for that purpose. Of course it is inappropriate for a lifeless world, maybe “Terrain” or “Geology”. Regarding geopolitical regions, I’m curious what you have in mind. Kerbin is as void of politics as Mun is of life. I’ve always had the feeling that Kerbin was a sort of post post post apocalypse kinda place, the dust (and fallout) long buried. Are you planning on populating it somehow?
  11. @tater & @Dragon01, I think I have this diagram as my mental image of the Atlas V. It isn't as shiny as in diagram form.
  12. Has Atlas always been this shiny rose gold color? I thought it was more of a matte foam finish.
  13. Thanks for using a legible font and welcome to the forums. Have you tried a manual install?
  14. But there is nothing to suck... That said, I guess you can compress a vacuum quite a lot, infinitely even.
  15. Just bought a 2015 Kia Soul last year. It’s basically a go cart with AC, which is what I wanted so I’m happy. Not so aero though... Besides that, 96 Toyota 4Runner, and about 6 bicycles of various types.
  16. It is incredible, but what was the supposed advantage over an AIRplane?
  17. Meh, I’d rather have the fish than cardboard chips.
  18. What are LJ chips ? This?: http://www.ljs.co.nz/
  19. Textures Unlimited fixes this, even if you don't use its other features.
  20. Open: Seems like a lot of the ship would be inaccessible when on planet, but maybe I'm not picturing this right. If you have to climb everywhere on nets you could have a nice pirate ship kind of environment, and some opportunities for swashbuckling fights. Closed: Doors and corners. Lots of places to hide and sneak around, good for spies and stowaways. Center of thrust: This plan seems mainly useful only when a ship is spending an extended period under thrust such as a Brachistochrone trajectory, not so for FTL, unless crew experience acceleration while FTLing. Vertically landed space ships look much more dramatic than horizontal ones.
  21. If math is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  22. Then you will have 3 mods with alternate solar panel modules to worry about, Kopernicus, a dependency of RSS, also changes the stock solar panel module. From what I understand, the reason SSTU uses its own module is to support complex animations that the models require. The best solution is probably to convince the Kerbalism dev to support the SSTU module.
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