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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Really cool idea! I wish I could help with modeling.
  2. Look into creating Module Manager patches. It is no more difficult than editing the config file. If you have parts mods you probably already have some examples.
  3. What happens if I delete a mod but forget to delete the corresponding pluginData file? my guess is nothing bad, just curious.
  4. I had an idea to solve this back when Upgrades first came out but never did anything with it , maybe it would work for you. It’s been a while since I messed wit upgrades though so I may be foggy on the details. Make a MM clone of you part, let’s say it is called “pod” and the clone is “podAdvanced” (with the new IVA). Both parts are affected by the same Upgrade. The difference is that at Upgrade level 0, “podAdvanced” is category = hidden. When you buy the next pod Upgrade “pod” becomes category = hidden and “podAdvanced” becomes category = command (or whatever). I believe that the pods would still show up if you searched for them by name so you could also change the prices to be extremely high for the locked advanced tech, but reduce it to a reasonable price upon upgrade.
  5. Looks like they should be able to bag at least 3-4 biomes from there.
  6. Oh yeah, that is a wonderful mod. I have used it in the past but I have not tried it in 1.5. A good place to start your work would be in that mod's thread, describe the problems you are having because other people who use it might have found solutions already or help you figure out what needs to be done. Often times part mods still work even if the modder has not updated the version number on the thread, but new versions of KSP have been known to break things in weird ways.
  7. Are you trying to create your own mod or revive an old abandoned mod?
  8. Tank you very much@Ger_space! @Electrocutor does it work for both Kerbal Konstructs statics and stock buildings?
  9. I'm not sure really, I just thought it would be interesting to see. But you make a good point, the center of mass is the important thing.
  10. Oops, I guess I meant the center of the shape. Regardless of mass distribution.
  11. Is there a mod to show centroid of a design in VAB?
  12. So many satellites ! Maybe spacex is just building a blockade to prevent anyone else from launching.
  13. I think this idea is really interesting, and I am surprised at the opposition to it. Sure it would change the way the game is played, making simple missions significantly more time consuming, but the rules of games are arbitrary, especially moddable games Conceptually this mod would break down the "4th wall" between the real world and the world of the game, much like Pokemon Go did a few years ago. I remember people being late to meetings or running outside to go catch things (I never played so I thought they were ) but it was fascinating to witness a virtual world bleeding out into the real. Now obviously a mod like this wouldn't have the mass appeal of Pokemon, but it could have the power to influence a players life in a similar way, forcing you to schedule other aspects of your life around the timing of a maneuver node, or alternatively, figuring out how to plan maneuver nodes to fit with your schedule. I'm not sure it would actually be fun, but it sure would be satisfying to make a successful landing on the Mun or Moon after waiting a week for the critical moment.
  14. NY Times Link Looks like this crash was caused by an automatic correction executed by Boeing’s autopilot based on data from a bad angle of attack sensor.Could a better program have prevented the outcome? Update: I'm reviving this thread after reading 2 fascinating articles this week about how Boeing's shift over the last couple decades from a company that valued it's engineers and had a world renowned culture of innovation and safety became one that appears to be driven by greed alone. Although the victims of the 737 Max planes operated by Lion Air and Ethiopian paid the price, Boeing's focus on money over good product also has ramifications for their spaceflight projects as well. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/11/how-boeing-lost-its-bearings/602188/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/11/18/the-case-against-boeing And, not specifically related to Boeing or the 737 Max, but an interesting take on how adding complicated safety features to complex systems can have disastrous consequences. https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/cautionary-tales/
  15. Sounds more like you are running low on RAM in general. Are you using 64bit? the game ends up hanging on one internal or another just because they load at the end.
  16. That pic is fake, but check the previous page for the new plans
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