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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. What spacecraft are you especially interested in? Realistic but never built, or space-fantasy Star Wars like stuff?
  2. So you are not a fan of manned space exploration, deep space probes or planetary science? Nasa has a mandate to do all that, Space Force would just develop more spy sats... that’s pretty boring to me.
  3. Turn off all other programs and processes Turning down resolution may help. Also turning down physics delta in the settings. Your rockets will be noodles but think of it as a design challenge.
  4. Thanks for the update Thomas, could you elaborate on what this does or point me towards more information?
  5. The balloon rover in that video is from a great old British tv show called The Prisoner.
  6. But how many G’s would passengers have to endure on launch and reentry? That would put a great strain on your body.
  7. What kind of weather would be a good addition to the game? Real life rockets have to delay if weather is even a little bad, that doesn’t seem like it adds much fun .
  8. Well it is not that much harder to reach orbital altitudes but Earth’s radius is 10x greater than Kerbin’s. Also, Kerbal parts are only 5/8th actual size so you will need more tanks to carry enough fuel. An easy way to get started is with the Real Scale Boosters mod.
  9. So the Omega is basically a Hydrolox upper stage sitting on 8 Solid Rocket Motors? Do they have any intention of getting man-rating? Could it lift the Orion?
  10. Its bizarre even from the perspective of a "rocket scientist employment program", since they aren't even developing new tech or innovating anything. It could be forgivable if they were trying to develop a next-generation RS-25 or achieve even partial reuseability. Let the private companies build cost effective, reliable launch systems, NASA should be trying to do new things that aren't cost effective.
  11. I'm sure he couldn't be happier to not be an astronaut today.
  12. You can see them starting to bounce just before the crew starts to feel it in the video upthread.
  13. I’m very confused about the timing of all this. Did the abort procedure go as planned? Was the LAS jettisoned early?
  14. The resemblance to Bezos is uncanny.
  15. I’ve never seen any one do that. I’m not sure what your goal is but you should check out Sarbian’s Custom Barn Kit, which allows for custom upgrades.
  16. The first flight of the BFR failed, and the project continued but also had several additional setbacks. It was a huge money sink, drawing SpaceX to the brink of bankruptcy. By that point the Falcon 9/Heavy were the primary US launch carriers and so NASA was forced to step in to help fund and manage the BFR, thereafter the project was perpetually 4 years from its next milestone and eventually faded into obscurity.
  17. Dang, I missed it, but Twitter is still lit up. Any word on fairings?
  18. Are elevations supposed to be realistic for earth? It seems like a lot of places are about 3x too high. Is that intented (perhaps for dramatic effect)? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Bob810, welcome to the forums, you should make sure all the dependencies have been installed as described in the first post of this thread.
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