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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. Thanks!, It is a custom land config, but it is not in RSS (yet), but I am building this on Kerbin for ease of development. It is actual size and placed at its actual latitude along a coast line where it fits in pretty well. Once I'm happy with with the launch complex statics I want to port it into RSS. Although it looks pretty good from high above, I'd like to find some higher quality mapping, the one pictured is from This website which is easy to use, but doesn't have high detail elevation data outside of the US. New Zealand must an elevation data repository though, I just have to find it.
  2. Preview of Mahia Launch Complex and Mahia Peninsula with Kerbal Konstructs with a stock Electron rocket. It is still a work in progress, but looking better every day.
  3. Preview of Mahia Launch Complex and Mahia Peninsula with Kerbal Konstructs. Using statics from @damonvv and @Omega482.
  4. Thanks for this @taniwha, your work is always appreciated! Why mixed feeling though?
  5. With the possible exception of the Raptor engines, I bet it cost less than some movie props.
  6. @1straycat, Module Manager is extremely powerful. Take a look in some mod folders for other examples of what is possible, then go back and try to read through the documentation on the Wiki and sort of hidden in the OP of the MM thread. Also don't be afraid to ask questions in the MM thread, there are some very smart people lurking around in there.
  7. I’m with @theonegalen, but why are people asking for x runways? Why not just place 2 static (at the angle of choice)
  8. Cannot view Addon Releases/ Kerbal Konstructs on iOS other threads work fine. What’s going on in there?
  9. Well it obviously should have been. i don’t see a good reason to even launch Starship with crew at all. For big missions they will have to refuel in LEO anyway. No need to crew up until after that. The crew could be sent up on 1-2 dragons.
  10. Or they could send Allen off in a coffin/rocket- either demonstrate a successful launch or have the best ever Viking funeral.
  11. I see another reason that the crew might be sent up separately- the in orbit refueling needed for interplanetary (and lunar?) trips. Assuming that the plan for the refueling is similar to previous versions, it might be too risky to load fuel on a crewed ship.
  12. Which mod? You will get more help if you ask in the mod’s thread. welcome to the forums!
  13. Interesting, can you link it? I don’t really know my way around reddit.
  14. It’s also a picture from a bad angle with bad (washed out) lighting. A good photographer could easily make an epic looking image of these starmen. However I think the meme maker is also commenting that the astronauts are older and more heavy-set than figure in the promo.
  15. Omelek only appears because you selected it as a launch site with KSCSwitcher, if you traveled there from another launch site you would see nothing but open ocean. I don't understand your second an third images, what are you trying to show? If you want to build your own island you will need to use custom height maps. It is possible to do so with Kopernicus, but the method is very awkward and documentation is poor. My main problem is that it uses x,y,z coordinates rather than Lat/Lon/Elevation and KittopiaTech seems to crash a lot (at least when working on Earth). I've had more success modifying terrain using Kerbal Konstructs (see the ??? link in my sig for a couple examples of real places I've brought into the game). Get or create a heightmap then you can edit it's appearance in game. If you want to use a real place you can get decent heightmaps from a website unfortunately titled terrain.party , otherwise you may need to use a GIS for higher resolution heightmaps.
  16. Well you might take another route and save RAM by removing the STOCK files that SSTU replaces, pods, dozens of fuel tanks, SRBs, etc
  17. Are you just not interested in the other parts or are you trying stave RAM? If you have RAM to spare it would just take a few module manager patches to stop most of the part configure from loading.
  18. Probably was what Bridenstine wanted anyway...
  19. SXT had an airliner window some time back.
  20. Just use a new sandbox save. And thanks for reporting your results.
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