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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. SpaceX seems to have removed Dragon 1 from the website.
  2. Have you tried using Kerbal Konstructs?
  3. The two suits in the alcove make me think of a couple of guys having a beer on the porch after a hard days work. You probably know, but Kerbal Konstructs has a ground color matching feature that works on any planet.
  4. Yeah, that’s an unfortunate freeze frame, if you watch the video she is actually a normal looking human.
  5. @steve_v, thanks I will try TAC out. This looks pretty obvious , I wonder if I can just add an additional resource in the mix there .
  6. Poking an old beehive here to see if anyone knows: Do any of these Life Support mods (or others not listed) allow for me to add my own custom resources into the life support mix with a config file?
  7. Does anyone know of a Life Support mod that allows required me to create my own required input/output resources with a config file? CLARIFICATION By this I mean the resources required/produced by the Kerbals themselves, not just converters.
  8. I've encountered this when messing around with rescaled or customized SSTU stuff - I think because it was calculating mass of part as zero or negative, which causes floating/broken physics. Are you using anything that modifies SSTU such as Realism Overhaul?
  9. This idea assumes that the aliens have previously evolved to fill a similar ecological niche to humans in the first place, but there is no reason they would have to have any similarity besides a carbon base and some process of gaining energy from their environment. They could be more like sponges or shrimp than any sort of human-like lifeform.
  10. Is “civilization “ synonymous with “species” in this case?
  11. There are some Tier 4 building in here, but I’m not sure if Kerbal Konstructs even allows that.
  12. You may not need to be too concerned about version number- I expect it is all done with Module Manager patches, which aren’t too concerned with KSP version.
  13. Well they certainly need a new graphic designer before they get sued by Tesla.
  14. If modeling is not up your alley, you can also do a lot with resizing existing parts to different scales by making new configs or using ModuleManager to make new parts using existing models. Check out the module manager thread for more details on how it works.
  15. Don’t worry, they have a tent to get under now.
  16. Do they actually have a rocket to launch?
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