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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. What system did you play it on? I'm not familiar with that game, but the system could help narrow it down for others who might know it.
  2. It's over 1 AU from the object! Probably similar to the speed at Pluto. It looks kind of elongated even in that blurry picture! I'm excited to find out if it's a binary or other oddball shape!
  3. If a functional set of machines for farming, cooking, etc. is created it could be considered. But that has not been invented yet.
  4. Luckily, we can resolve this issue by making everybody stop arguing about it to think about ants instead. Honestly, I'm fine with Venus and Ryugu, etc. being considered "upside down" in reference to rotation. Something's got to be backwards in this case, so it might as well be the orientation.
  5. "The parameter space illustrated in Figure 1 represents a conservative estimate of the potential impactor parameters. Such estimates demonstrate that, in order to retain enough energy to create a ~180 km diameter crater and yet only deposit 28 ng cm-2 of iridium globally, the impactor must have been travelling at >28 km s-1 on impact." (emphasis mine) Source: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2013/pdf/2431.pdf So the Cretaceous impactor was going pretty fast.
  6. So with one test spaceship supposedly partially constructed, they are certain it is at least marginally possible to get people up there in 6 years. Interesting. What I wonder is whether the first colonists will stay there for two years or four, or even more. If everybody comes home on the first transfer, the base will be empty for several months*. *What do we use instead of "months" for Mars? It's only really a relevant time unit on Earth. Maybe they could divide the calendar year into quarters for seasons, then divide those into equal thirds cut to the nearest sol for "months". Anyways, I really like the big push to get lots and lots of people to Mars once this system is operational. That will really help get a permanent colony. We also should be able to grow fruits and vegetables in space, and insects would be good too.
  7. Learning how to calculate a Hohmann transfer by hand because I accidentally couldn't upgrade the tracking station.
  8. "Plant a flag on the Mun!" "Plant a flag on the Mun!" "Plant a flag on the Mun!" *nothing remotely related to any body I didn't literally just get back from exploring on my own because the contract system has no inclination to believe I'd ever want to explore further than where I've already been.*
  9. Would anyone in the USA/Canada like to try to get a parallax measurement of the Moon with me? If so, send me a PM.
  10. An 800 meter wide ball of rock. About 68 Hoover Dams in weight.
  11. ventricular fibrillation? "It's 2017, we should have a _________________ by now. What the hell is going on?"
  12. Tossup between the first three. Very nice!
  13. I sometimes make the "Jedi mind trick" hand wave gesture in normal conversation, for instance "No thanks, I don't want any more water" or some such response to a query.
  14. whale Excuse me, does this soup contain ____________?
  15. Hiss A dapper-looking snek is what this thread needs right now.
  16. Openedy-openius! *waves uranium glass shard mystically*
  17. I'll get back to you in 20 years on that hypothesis...
  18. Magic space wizardry. The same people carrying those lasers also make rocks float, control other minds, and turn into ghosts when they die.
  19. Since I usually take stairs two steps at a time on Earth, on Mars I would probably be most comfortable going up six steps with each stride.
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